Looking back: 2009 Election for UNWTO Secretary General

On May 7, 2009 Nelson Alcantara, the editor in chief for eTurboNews (eTN) wrote that the  UNWTO  executive council elected theright person

This appears to be very different in 2017, eTurboNews was the one most active source of reporting the election of Dr. Taleb Rifai as UNWTO Secretary General in 2009, eTN followed the process and wrote about Dr. Rifai’s half way through report card.

eTurboNews 8 years ago started a series of articles on the 2009 election for the United Nations World Tourism Organizations secretary general following an April 28, 2009 article from AllAfrica.com proclaiming South Koreas candidate, Oh JeeChul, as the frontrunner for the job.

eTN however claimed that the right person for the job was Jordans Taleb Rifai based on experience. On May 3, 2009, he wrote an article criticizing Oh JeeChuls elusive behavior to be interviewed and for picking and choosing which questions to answer. The following day, May 4, 2009, Nelson Alcantara wrote an article identifying all the candidates vying for the job.

Who is the right person for the job in 2017? eTurboNews doesn’t know this time, but eTN editors are convinced it’s not the current nominee elected by the 2017 executive council.  Let’s look back to 2009 and 2011.









