Alain St. Ange appointed as Deputy Secretary General
The former minister of tourism for the Seychelles Alain St. Ange was one of the candidates for Secretary General of the UNWTO until his name was withdrawn by the Seychelles Government.
After all Mr. St. Ange was now appointed Deputy Secretary General of ‘Forum of Small Medium Economic AFRICA ASEAN’ (FORSEAA). FORSEAA is an intergovernmental forum founded by Seychelles and Indonesia with members from Africa and ASEAN countries, with its permanent secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia.
FORSEAA will assist the SME of AFRICA and ASEAN to attain a new economy, by introduction of new markets, new partners, new technology, new innovation, new design and new approach of delivering the businesses directly to the consumer or in cooperation with FORSEAA affiliation partners.
FORSEAA will play an exciting role in harnessing the SME of AFRICA and ASEAN to wide range market from various parts of the world and to build alliances outside the region by expanding the market, enhancing design and branding, improving competitiveness, access to capital and advocacy of sovereign policy.
FORSEAA offers a one door networking of government, academic, business, finance, design, research and community all integrated thru an interactive database which become the power of social economy to create new market and its requirements.
One of the FORSEAA programs is to achieve small medium enterprises (SME) in Culture & Tourism by playing an active role in encouraging the host community to develop a compassionate destination based on the diversity of cultures within Indonesia. Specifically for small islands’ eco-tourism, FORSEAA will accelerate the cooperation between Africa and ASEAN countries, especially Seychelles and Indonesia, by pairing the brand image of Seychelles in the eco-marine tourism. I am working to see how we can assist the many small pristine islands in Indonesia to contribute economically to Seychelles.
St.Ange explained: “Specifically for small islands’ eco-tourism, FORSEAA will accelerate the cooperation between Africa and ASEAN countries, especially Seychelles and Indonesia, by pairing the brand image of Seychelles in the eco-marine tourism. I am working to see how we can assist the many small pristine islands in Indonesia to contribute economically to Seychelles.”