
WTTC calls for public and private sector collaboration to speed up implementation of biometrics

Implementation of biometric technology to facilitate secure borders is the single biggest opportunity for the Travel & Tourism sector in 2018, according to Gloria Guevara Manzo, President and CEO of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC).

Ms Guevara also highlighted the importance of developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning, virtual and augmented reality and changing demographics, particularly the ‘coming of age’ of millennials and growth of Generation Z, for Travel & Tourism.

Speaking at the 9th Exceltur Tourism Leadership Forum in Madrid, Spain, Ms Guevara said, “Biometric technology has been evolving over many years and we have seen gradual implementation across the sector for some time. However, in order for the step change which needs to happen to improve security and create jobs through increased tourism flows, there is an urgent need to speed up implementation.”

“The resolution of the UN Security Council at the end of 2017 which mandates all governments to employ biometric security for counter terrorism activity provides an excellent opportunity for all stakeholders to come together. In line with the work ICAO has been doing over many years, the Travel & Tourism sector needs to work with governments and security agencies to agree a standard approach which can be deployed across the Travel & Tourism system.”

“This will take a huge effort of collaboration with considerable challenges to be overcome, particularly around the security and sharing of data, and privacy issues. However, I believe that now is the time to come together so that, while ensuring our world is secure, people around the world can continue to enjoy the personal, social and economic benefits of travelling.”

Biometrics and travel security will addressed during the upcoming WTTC Global Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-19 April 2018.

Ministers & CEO

Jamaica and Mexico Sign MOU on Multi-Destination Tourism

KINGSTON, Jamaica; January 16, 2018: Jamaica and Mexico have today (January 16, 2018) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU), to concretize a multi-destination marketing arrangement which will create ease of travelling between destinations and increase arrivals.

The signing, between Jamaica’s Minister of Tourism, Hon Edmund Bartlett and Mexican Secretary of Tourism, His Excellency Enrique de la Madrid Cordero, took place at the Westin Palace Hotel in Madrid, Spain.

In a statement made following the event, Minister Bartlett said that the MOU was historic, as multi-destination agreements have now been signed with the four major partners in the region – Jamaica, Cuba, Dominican Republic and Mexico.

“We anticipate that this agreement will have a major economic impact on the region. Not only is it the first of its kind in the Caribbean but it is a symbiotic arrangement that will allow us to provide a market for close to 33 million people. It will also allow us to develop and exchange partnerships with large airlines and major tour operators,” said the Minister.

His Excellency Enrique de la Madrid Cordero shared in his excitement about the new agreement, stating that the move to market the countries together is strategic as it will also aid both countries efforts to get a bigger share of markets such as South East Asia.

A joint summit is scheduled to take place by March 2018 with high-level representatives from Jamaica, Cuba, Dominican Republic and Mexico to discuss the marketing arrangement in greater detail.

The tourism ministries will also appoint someone at a later date to propel the details outlined in the MOU and provide measurable objectives.

Minister Bartlett is currently in Madrid, Spain on official duties and is scheduled to return the island on January 17, 2018.


New UNWTO Secretary General endorses first Global Tourism Resilience Center in Jamaica

Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett says, newly-appointed Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Zurab Pololikashvili, has pledged his full support for the establishment of the first Global Tourism Resilience Center in Jamaica.

The center, which was first announced during the recently concluded UNWTO Global Conference at the Montego Bay Convention Center, St. James, will be tasked with creating, producing and generating toolkits, guidelines and policies to handle the recovery process.

It will also include a Sustainable Tourism Observatory, which will assist preparedness, management and recovery of crises which impact tourism and threaten economies and livelihoods.

The Minister, who met with the Secretary General on January 15 at the UNWTO Headquarters in Madrid, shared that “The UNWTO will spearhead with us the building out of the facility. They will also assist in the solicitation of resources from a number of multilateral partners and other countries that have an interest in resilience building.

They will also help us to target countries that have similar vulnerabilities as us in the Caribbean and have some experience in building capacity to deal with disruptive events such as as hurricanes like the ones we had recently, earthquakes, cybercrimes and cyber-attacks, terrorism and health issues that are pandemic or epidemic.”

The Minister also disclosed that the UNWTO will be using Jamaica as a model — particularly the five key networks of the Tourism Linkages initiative which includes: Gastronomy; Shopping; Entertainment and Sports; Health and Wellness; and Knowledge.

“Jamaica has set a pace and the UNWTO has bought into our concept. We are very pleased that they will be looking at expanding and developing the Jamaican tourism model as a prototype for the rest of the world,” said the Minister.

Zurab Pololikashvili was elected by consensus at the 22nd UNWTO General Assembly being held in Chengdu, China, following the recommendation of the 105th UNWTO Executive Council. He is the current Ambassador of Georgia to Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Andorra and will serve as Secretary General for the period 2018-2021.

Minister Bartlett is currently in Madrid, Spain with his junior advisor Gis’elle Jones. They are scheduled to return to the island on January 17, 2018.


Andorra to host 62nd Skål International Spain National Congress

Skål Andorra, member of Skål International, will host the forthcoming Congress of Skål Spain, which will take place from May 10-17, 2018.

Founded in 1934, Skål International is the leading organization of tourism professionals with over 15,000 members around the world. It is the only that unites travel executives from all sectors of the tourism industry, who meet to discuss topics of common interest and do business.

The Skål Spain Congress in Andorra will bring together a large group of entrepreneurs from the Spanish tourism sector but at the same time will receive visits from delegations from the rest of the world.

This Congress will brand Andorra with another fantastic opportunity to show that the country is an ideal venue for international congresses, an activity encompassed in the growing MICE segment.

The Capital City, Andorra la Vella, and Andorra Turisme are the main sponsors and the company My World of Experiences is the DMC in charge of execution, together with the Congress Committee of the Andorran Skål Club, supervised by the Board.

The Congress will include B2B networking sessions and knowledge sharing, and will also offer the participants the possibility to enjoy post congress activities to discover the best of Andorra and become recommenders of Andorra as business and leisure destination.

The official presentation will take place at FITUR on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 13.00 hours in the Press Room, Pavillion 10, followed by a cocktail at the Skål stand 10B61.


UNWTO: 2017 international tourism results highest in seven years

International tourist arrivals grew by a remarkable 7% in 2017 to reach a total of 1,322 million, according to the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer. This strong momentum is expected to continue in 2018 at a rate of 4%-5%.

Based on data reported by destinations around the world, it is estimated that international tourist arrivals (overnight visitors) worldwide increased 7% in 2017. This is well above the sustained and consistent trend of 4% or higher growth since 2010 and represents the strongest results in seven years.

Led by Mediterranean destinations, Europe recorded extraordinary results for such a large and rather mature region, with 8% more international arrivals than in 2016. Africa consolidated its 2016 rebound with an 8% increase. Asia and the Pacific recorded 6% growth, the Middle East 5% and the Americas 3%.

2017 was characterised by sustained growth in many destinations and a firm recovery in those that suffered decreases in previous years. Results were partly shaped by the global economic upswing and the robust outbound demand from many traditional and emerging source markets, particularly a rebound in tourism spending from Brazil and the Russian Federation after a few years of declines.

“International travel continues to grow strongly, consolidating the tourism sector as a key driver in economic development. As the third export sector in the world, tourism is essential for job creation and the prosperity of communities around the world.” said UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili. “Yet as we continue to grow we must work closer together to ensure this growth benefits every member of every host community, and is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals”.

Growth expected to continue in 2018

The current strong momentum is expected to continue in 2018, though at a more sustainable pace after eight years of steady expansion following the 2009 economic and financial crisis. Based on current trends, economic prospects and the outlook by the UNWTO Panel of Experts, UNWTO projects international tourist arrivals worldwide to grow at a rate of 4%-5% in 2018. This is somewhat above the 3.8% average increase projected for the period 2010-2020 by UNWTO in its Tourism Towards 2030 long-term forecast. Europe and the Americas are both expected to grow by 3.5%-4.5%, Asia and the Pacific by 5%-6%, Africa by 5%-7% and the Middle East by 4%-6%.

2017 results by UNWTO region

International tourist arrivals in Europe reached 671 million in 2017, a remarkable 8% increase following a comparatively weaker 2016. Growth was driven by the extraordinary results in Southern and Mediterranean Europe (+13%). Western Europe (+7%), Northern Europe and Central and Eastern Europe (both +5%) also recorded robust growth.

Asia and the Pacific (+6%) recorded 324 million international tourist arrivals in 2017. Arrivals in South Asia grew 10%, in South-East Asia 8% and in Oceania 7%. Arrivals to North-East Asia increased by 3%.

The Americas (+3%) welcomed 207 million international tourist arrivals in 2017, with most destinations enjoying positive results. South America (+7%) led growth, followed by Central America and the Caribbean (both +4%), with the latter showing clear signs of recovery in the aftermath of hurricanes Irma and Maria. In North America (+2%), robust results in Mexico and Canada contrasted with a decrease in the United States, the region’s largest destination.

Based on available data for Africa, growth in 2017 is estimated at 8%. The region consolidated its 2016 rebound and reached a record 62 million international arrivals. North Africa enjoyed a strong recovery with arrivals growing by 13%, while in Sub-Saharan Africa arrivals increased by 5%.

The Middle East (+5%) received 58 million international tourist arrivals in 2017 with sustained growth in some destinations and a strong recovery in others.

Geoffrey Lipman & Juergen Steinmetz

Shithole Country remark by Donald Trump: Tourism leader has a message to share

Whether travelers are visiting the United States from a “shithole country” or from Norway, the US is welcoming tourists and immigrants with open arms. Juergen Steinmetz, the chairman of the Hawaii (USA), Brussels (Belgium), Seychelles, and Bali (Indonesia)-based International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP), a leading global travel and tourism organization, responded to US President’s Donald Trump’s “shithole country” remark when referring to an immigration issue in the United States.

Steinmetz said: “As a proud American who came here from Germany, as someone who has been dedicated to our wonderful global community of travel and tourism professionals, as the chairman of ICTP with destination members from around the globe, and as the publisher of eTN (eTurboNews), a leading global travel industry publication, I’m embarrassed, and I’m sure the majority of our great American people are simply speechless, hearing our nation’s president referring to some immigrants in the US as coming from a shithole country.

“This country, the United States of America, will remain to be a great country, a welcoming country, and a beautifully diverse melting pot of a country, even after this president has done his damage.

“Make no mistake. It’s not him who makes America great – it’s every single one of us, no matter where you came from, what your religious believes are, and no matter who you love and what the color of your skin is. I do mean ALL of us.

“Many of these great Americans that came here from these “shithole countries” contribute to our society, some in a very big way, some in a smaller way, some serve our armed forces – the same as those that were born here or came from non-shithole countries like Norway. “All of us are part of our unique culture, the culture of the American dream.

“Unfortunately not everyone in this country is a billionaire, but ideally, we want to give everyone a fair chance to become one, and they don’t all have to be only from Norway, Mr. President. (I have nothing against anyone from Norway, by the way).

“To our friends around the world, I like to say: Americans love to travel, Americans are respectful people with an open heart. Please don’t measure our tourists and travelers visiting your great country based on these offensive and mentally-questionable behaviors of our angry president, Donald Trump.

“Please continue to visit our country where you will be welcomed with open arms no matter where you are coming from. Don’t judge our country and our people on one man who obviously has a problem articulating “his version of love for America.”

More information or join the International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP)

PHOTO Caption: Prof. Geoffrey Lipman, President of International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP) and Chairman Juergen T. Steinmetz attending the UNWTO General Assembly in Chengdu, China.


2017: Record-Breaking Year for Arrivals into the Cayman Islands

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands (11 Jan 2018) Record-breaking arrivals for 2017 in both air and cruise visitation represent the best year of recorded statistical data for the Cayman Islands. A total of 418,403 stayover visitors, an increase of 8.55 percent over 2016 and 1,728,444 cruisers visited the islands.

For the seventh consecutive month (June through December), air arrivals surpassed all previously recorded statistics. A total of 49,003 stayover visitors arrived in December, an increase of 21.61 percent over December 2016; and an increase of 20.8 percent over December 2014, which was standing as the best ranked December in recorded history.

December increases were fuelled by growth predominantly in North America. Key markets such as the United States and Canada, which saw increases of 27.43 percent and 22.71 percent respectively over 2016; represented the highest standout growth. The USA Northeast region delivered an additional 2,997 visitors, or 28.89 percent increase year over year, making it the top performing region of 2017. The Midwest region anchored solid volume levels with 2,325 additional visitors, or a 37.81 percent increase over 2016.

Commenting on this achievement, Deputy Premier and Minister of Tourism, the Hon. Moses Kirkconnell said, “The performance of the country’s tourism sector and all who played a role in attracting more visitors to the destination should be extraordinarily proud of their efforts. It is the mandate of the Ministry of Tourism to facilitate annual growth in visitation; however, it is a collective effort that makes it a success. I encourage all of us in the tourism industry and its auxiliary partners to use this accomplishment as a springboard for even greater success in 2018.”

Overall annual performance in 2017, marked visitation from the United States and Canada with growth rates of 13.44 percent and 6.37 percent respectively. The Northeast region of the United States saw the largest increase in visitation for the year with 15, 042 more visitors, or 15.71 percent increase over 2016. The Midwest grew by 16.91 percent in 2017, presenting the second largest increase in 2017 by any region; while the Southeast region increased by 13,036 visitors, or 26.94 percent increase over 2016, surpassing the Southwest as the region producing the third highest number of stayover visitors. Growth in this region was driven by Miami-Ft. Lauderdale which saw 4,057 additional visitors, as well as Tampa-St. Pete, Orlando, Daytona Beach and Melbourne areas. The Southwest region grew by 12.75 percent in 2017 with Dallas-Ft. Worth posting 2,060 additional visitors and Austin and Denver posting 1,181 and 1,179 additional visitors respectively.

The statistics for 2017 reflect incremental growth in not just key markets, but also burgeoning markets such as Latin America, which saw a total increase of 22.61 percent. Specifically, South America increased by 8.92 percent, whilst Central America increased by 5.64 percent

Reflecting on a successful year in 2017, the Department of Tourism (DOT) executed a visually arresting and diversified marketing plan to increase brand awareness globally. The year saw the implementation of key initiatives such as the “Worry Free Hurricane Guarantee.” Launched on 1 June, the guarantee gave travelers peace of mind during one of the most active hurricane seasons for the Caribbean region to date. In addition, on 4 June the DOT proudly celebrated the start of Southwest Airlines’ daily nonstop service from Fort Lauderdale to Grand Cayman.

Through a partnership with Chef’d, the only non-subscription, fresh ingredient meal kit delivery service based in the United States, the DOT in June launched the first-ever destination inspired meal kits, curated by some of the most talented Cayman Islands’ chefs. Foodies had the opportunity to bring a taste of the Culinary Capital of the Caribbean into their homes with the touch of a button.

In July, the DOT launched Cayman Vows magazine – the first-ever definitive resource for couples and wedding planners looking for inspiration and guidance on world-class destination weddings in the Cayman Islands. Available online and across newsstands in the United States and Canada, the publication featured Grace and Trai Byers on the cover, who later became the face of the Cayman Islands’ destination ad campaign launched in October.

“Through strategic marketing initiatives from the Department of Tourism and strong, cohesive relationships with our tourism partners, together we have been able to achieve unprecedented growth in arrivals to the Cayman Islands in 2017,” said Director of Tourism, Mrs. Rosa Harris. “I am pleased to see that our efforts to diversify the Cayman Islands source markets such as Latin America coupled with our global teams’ drive to be fearless innovators in destination marketing have taken visitation volume to its highest levels the destination has experienced. I look forward to working with my team and our tourism community to continue to attract quality visitors and offer an enriched experience with the goal of providing value through annual growth in 2018.”

Looking ahead to 2018, the Cayman Islands will also be celebrating a major aviation milestone as the national flag carrier, Cayman Airways celebrates its 50th anniversary. In addition to the recent announcement of Southwest Airlines service from Houston, Texas, the destination will see further air service commence this fall with the launch of Jetblue service from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Grand Cayman.

“Aviation is the catalyst to driving visitation. With increased seats available, travellers have more opportunities to select their preferred airline itinerary. The Cayman Islands will offer over 10 non-stop flight options, this is an excellent opening to 2018 for all stakeholders in the Cayman Islands tourism industry.”


PATA launches food waste campaign ‘Building an Understanding For Food Excess in Tourism’

BANGKOK, January 11, 2018 – Building on the success of the UN’s International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development (IY2017) initiative and in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), PATA, along with our project partner, Scholars of Sustenance (Thai-SOS) and knowledge partner Futouris, is launching the BUFFET Campaign to raise awareness of food waste in our industry to drive positive change.

The BUFFET (Building an Understanding For Food Excess in Tourism) Initiative is about bringing together a coalition of industry partners and PATA members to create and implement a campaign that challenges our industry, particularly the hospitality sector, to reduce food waste to landfill.

PATA CEO Dr. Mario Hardy said, “With significant growth expected in the industry and especially the Asia Pacific region in the near future, greater waste can be expected. Our aim is to curb that waste by bringing the tourism and hospitality sectors together to reduce our impact on the planet by reducing our industry’s food waste to landfill. Reducing food waste will reduce the cost for operators in the industry while benefiting the environment at the same time.”

The main activities in this initiative include the raising awareness of food waste in our industry and the creation of Asia-Pacific focused resources for hoteliers and other hospitality and tourism professionals to drive positive change and ultimately reduce their food waste to landfill. While this initiative aims to impact our industry at large, will be focusing additional efforts on hotels and food and beverage providers in Asia, and specific hotel properties in Bangkok in our Bangkok Hotels Project, with the expertise of Thai-SOS.

PATA is seeking to engage further with hotels who would like to reduce their food waste to landfill, hotels already implementing food waste solutions, potential partners and sponsors, as well as those who would like to help us in raising awareness and building a better understanding for food excess in tourism.

With increasing concern of the world for climate change, food waste has come increasingly under attention in recent years and for good reason:

Food waste is the third biggest contributor to climate change
One third of all foods produced in the world is wasted
Additional pressures arise from GHG emissions caused by food production and transportation
Right now 842 million people do not have enough to eat and with an estimated world population of 9.8 billion people in 2050 resources will be limited and more people will be hungry
Together, we can make a difference.

For more information visit: https://www.pata.org/food-waste/


UNWTO activities at FITUR 2018

The UNWTO Awards on Innovation and Excellence in Tourism, African and Middle East tourism development and the Chinese Market among the activities of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) during the 38th edition of the Madrid International Tourism Fair (FITUR, January 17-21), the yearly kick-off for the world’s leading tourism meeting points.

A workshop on Chinese outbound tourism (17 January) will be among the first activities of UNWTO at FITUR, together with the 14th Edition of the UNWTO Awards on Innovation and Excellence in Tourism organized with FITUR. The Awards Ceremony will recognize some of the best examples of sustainable tourism around the world. Ahead of the Ceremony, the Awards Forum (January 15), will present all shortlisted projects chosen among a total of 128 initiatives from 55 countries.

The Tourism Investment and Business Forum for Africa (INVESTOUR), an annual event jointly organised by UNWTO, FITUR and Casa África, will gather nearly 30 ministers of tourism from the region to debate the opportunities that the sector can offer to the continent. This year’s sessions (18 January) will be structured around two main themes: ‘Brand Africa: Fostering Tourism Development and Investment Opportunities’, and ‘Biodiversity as a Driver for Sustainable Tourism: the Importance of Effective Community Involvement’.

The potential of tourism in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region will also be addressed during at a ministerial discussion forum jointly organized by UNWTO and Casa Árabe (January 18). The event will review policies and strategies to consolidate recovery and to step up Tourism’s contribution to an inclusive and sustainable socioeconomic development.


Najib Balala is no longer a former Kenyan Tourism Minister

Kenya’s Tourism Minister, The Honorable Najib Balala was brought back. After a brief time drifting to mining, Kenya’s president Kenyatta last week moved him back to where he was before. Najib again is now the minister of tourism for the Republic of Kenya.

Mining, by broad consensus, was the wrong portfolio given his vast experience in the sector and after serving already as Tourism Minister during the Kibaki presidency.

Balala took over at a time when sectoral competence was key to reviving the Kenyan tourism industry after a string of poor performers in this, for Kenya, crucial portfolio.

President Kenyatta only nominated nine Cabinet Secretaries at the time and notably dropped Balala’s predecessor Phyllis Kandie from the cabinet, as he did also with Prof. Judi Wakhungu who held the Environment and Natural Resources portfolio.

More cabinet positions will be announced over the coming days it is understood but for now it is a moment for the country’s tourism industry to look into the next years with renewed confidence now that their main ally in government has made a comeback.

Former Seychelles tourism minister Alain St. Ange, who now operates a tourism consulting company and together with this publication is a member of the TravelMarketingNetwork in New York, was one of the first to congratulate Najib Bala on his re-appointment.

The announcement of Principal Secretaries of Tourism for Kenya is expected in due course and like with Balala himself is the tourism sector rooting for Mrs. Fatuma Hirsi to serve a second term in the tourism ministry too

Najib Balala has retained his tourism portfolio in the new Cabinet announced by President Kenyatta.

Balala is also the Chair of the Regional Commission for Africa the UNWTO. He is the Tourism Minister who has the responsibility to oversee the rewriting of the Brand Africa narrative as Africa moves forward to claim a greater share of the tourism market.

Kenya also has a seat at the UNWTO Executive Council until 2019.

Alain St. Ange said: “I know Najib Balala and have always appreciated his professionalism and dedication to tourism. He has always been one to raise the Kenya flag and, in so doing, raise that of Africa as a whole. Congratulations Najib Balala, indeed a great choice by President Kenyatta.”