Ministers & CEO

Jamaica Tourism Minister Bartlett to Attend UNWTO Forum on Gastronomy Tourism

Jamaica’s Minister of Tourism, Hon Edmund Bartlett will be holding discussions with leading experts in gastronomy at the United Nations World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO) World Forum on Gastronomy Tourism, taking place in Donostia, San Sebastian, Spain, from May 8-9, 2017.  He says these discussions will be vital to the further development of the gastronomy product locally.

“Gastronomy is one of the fastest growing reasons for people to travel. In fact, the international gastronomy market is approximately US$150 billion.  Therefore, as we continue to position Jamaica as an ideal destination for food tourism, through the Tourism Linkages Network, I believe we still have room to grow the market and ensure that every Jamaican can reap the benefits – which is why this forum is important,” said Minister Bartlett.

According to the UNWTO, the Forum on Gastronomy Tourism will provide an opportunity for leading experts in gastronomy tourism to discuss the current situation and challenges in Gastronomy Tourism worldwide, inclusive of areas of management and innovation in the sector.

The forum will be held in a new format, with different events being held in various gastronomy hubs across the Basque Country, showcasing the variation of products offered.

“While the discussions at the forum are of particular interest to me, I am equally pleased that the event will be hosted at the world-renowned Basque Culinary Centre. This is an institution which has a very similar teaching style to what I hope to establish in Jamaica through the Jamaica Centre for Tourism Innovation (JCTI), which we will be establishing in the island next year,” shared Minister Bartlett.

The JCTI will serve to accelerate the transformation of tourism enterprises by engaging institutions and persons to stimulate and initiate new ideas as well as harnessing science and technology to transfer knowledge into practice within the sector.

Much like Basque, the institution will operate like a laboratory where students will get hands-on experience in a modern institution that also offers training to acquire internationally recognized academic credentials and certification.

While in Spain, the Minister will also be attending the the 105th Session of the UNWTO Executive Council, where in his capacity as chairman of the UNWTO’s executive council for affiliates, he will lobby for one of the fiveseats allocated to the Regional Commission of the Americas for the period 2018-2021.

He will also use his trip to conduct a series of promotional activities for the ‘UNWTO, Government of Jamaica and World Bank Group Conference on Jobs & Inclusive Growth: Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism’, which will be held in November at the Montego Bay Convention Centre

The Minister departed the island yesterday (May 06) to attend the gastronomy forum in San Sebastian and was joined by the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary Jennifer Griffith. He will to return to the island on May 13, 2017.


UNWTO 4th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue concluded in Baku, Azerbaijani

Tourism ministers from around the globe this week went to Baku, Azerbaijan to attend the 4th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue.

This meeting was not only important to listen to the Azerbaijan president, but it brought many candidates competing for the job of the Secretary General together one last time before the Executive Council meets in Madrid on May 12 to vote for the person able to lead World Tourism from 2018.

Azerbaijan is the chair of the upcoming Executive Council meeting.

Among candidates attending was Madam Dho Young-shim from Korea, Hon. Walter Mzembi from Zimbabwe (in photo)  and Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili from Georgia who hadn’t been seen very often at other UNWTO events recently.

Current UNWTO Secretary General, Mr. Taleb Rifai had this to say when he addressed the audience in Baku:

We today heard important messages from Azerbaijani president”, Secretary-General, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Taleb Rifai said at the opening ceremony of the 4th World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue.

He noted that what happened in the past are repeated in the future: “As global leaders, we must head to tright direction in a single ship. We must provide freely traveling of the people. Today, the world faces hardships in several places. People must respect one another”.

He said that one out of 10 jobs is related to tourism: “Share of tourism will increase in the coming years. However, if we have authority, we also should bear responsibility. Movement of 1,800,000,000 people creates an opportunity for development of national economies”.

UNWTO Secretary General said that skills of the youths may improve by traveling to different places: “People get rich spiritually and know one another by traveling. Today, there is a lack of tolerance and understanding. People must unite and struggle against stereotypes. This year will be declared as a year of tourism. This allows us to unite our efforts. Global challenges may be eliminated through partnership. We must respect people, environment and we express self-respect by this. We’ll always travel to Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan is a nice place, Land of Fire. You have good people”.

Local children performed during the event.


UNWTO and LGBT Tourism: Second Global report released at IGLTA Summit

Delegates and members of the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Associations are currently at the Rennaissance Hotel in St. Petersburg, Florida for their 2017 conference.

This morning the United Nations World Tourism Organization(UNWTO)  and the International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association announced the release of the Second UNWTO Global Report on LGBT Tourism at IGLTA’s 34th Annual Global Convention in St. Petersburg, Florida. Five years after the publication of their inaugural collaboration, this edition takes a deeper look at current trends within this dynamic market segment.

Conference delegates received a copy of the report and were greeted with a video message of support from UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai. “LGBT tourism is a powerful vehicle for economic development. It also provides recognition to LGBT communities and gives destinations a reputation of acceptance, inclusion, and diversity that they deserve,” Rifai said. “Engaging with LGBT tourism is an important opportunity to raise awareness, and to raise our voice and stand against any form of discrimination in our sector, in our society and in our world.”

The Second UNWTO Global Report on LGBT Tourism discusses the relationship between rights for LGBT people around the world and the increasing visibility of LGBT consumers. It also looks at the trends that will be crucial to the development of the LGBT travel market in the future, such as the attitudes of millennials, increased global support for marriage equality and the willingness of new destinations to welcome LGBT visitors. It features case studies from UNWTO Affiliate Members, IGLTA members and other specialists in the field of tourism marketing and development.

Since the publication of the first edition of this report in 2012, significant progress has been made in countries around the world toward securing equal rights for LGBT people, and where the rights of local LGBT people are respected, LGBT travelers will feel safe and welcome. The Second Global Report on LGBT Tourism explores future opportunities for growth among emerging outbound markets and offers practical guidance for both established LGBT businesses that want to remain competitive and those just entering the market.

“Today, authenticity and consistency matter to consumers more than ever before, so LGBT marketing must be much deeper, more authentic and consistent,” said IGLTA President/CEO John Tanzella. “We are proud to collaborate with the UNWTO to help the global marketplace better understand LGBT tourism, and with the support of our IGLTA Foundation, will continue to fund research that furthers this conversation worldwide.”

This report was made possible with funding from the IGLTA Foundation and the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau. To download a copy of the report, please visit

The International Gay & Lesbian Travel Association is the leading member-based global organization dedicated to LGBTQ tourism and a proud Affiliate Member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization. IGLTA’s mission is to provide information and resources for LGBTQ travelers and expand LGBTQ tourism globally by demonstrating its significant social and economic impact. The association’s membership includes LGBTQ and LGBTQ-friendly accommodations, destinations, service providers, travel agents, tour operators, events and travel media in 70 countries In 2012, the philanthropic IGLTA Foundation was launched to support the mission of the association and its membership through education, research and leadership development. For more information, please visit or and follow us on social media @IGLTA or the IGLTA Foundation Facebook page.

eTurboNews is a proud member of IGLTA and attending the event.


UNWTO Secretary-General thanks outgoing WTTC President for strong partnership

UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, has expressed his sincere appreciation to David Scowsill, President and CEO of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) for the strong partnership between both organizations as he announced his departure after six years at the helm of WTTC.

Over the last six years, UNWTO and WTTC have created a strong partnership, bringing public and private sector together to advance the tourism sector and addressing its most pressing priorities.

UNWTO and WTTC Open Letter on Travel and Tourism Initiative launched in 2011 garnered the support of over 80 Heads of State and Government from around the world. With this initiative, UNWTO and WTTC aim to promote the importance of the tourism sector in socio-economic inclusive development at the highest level.

“I could not have asked for a better partner. It has been a privilege to work alongside David to mainstream our sector in the global agenda and ensure public and private sector do work together for a better future” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai.

“During his time at WTTC, David has showed unparalleled leadership and vision, championing public/private sector collaboration and promoting the sustainable growth of our sector. As founder and Chairman of the Global Travel Association Coalition (GTAC), an initiative to ensure the sector can speak with “One Voice” on the key issues such as safe and seamless travel or sustainability, David has united the sector like never before” he added.

Mr Scowsill future plans include joining boards of companies around the world and providing strategic advice to governments.


14th UNWTO Awards for Excellence and Innovation in Tourism : Call for applications

Applications for the 14th edition of the UNWTO Awards for Excellence and Innovation in Tourism by the World Tourism Organization are now being accepted. Winners will be announced in January 2018 on the occasion of the UNWTO Awards Ceremony, to be held at the International Tourism Fair in Spain (FITUR).

Applications for the UNWTO Awards span four categories: Public Policy and Governance; Enterprises; Non-Governmental Organizations, and Research and Technology.

Since their creation in 2003, the UNWTO Awards for Excellence and Innovation in Tourism recognize the work of organizations and individuals around the world that contribute to foster innovation in tourism and build a more sustainable and responsible sector.

Interested parties are encouraged to apply before 30 September 2017. Additional information and application documents can be found at:

Relevant dates:

3 May 2017 Call for applications
30 September 2017 Deadline for reception of applications
First week of November Announcement of Awardees
15 January 2018 14th UNWTO Awards Forum
17 January 2018 14th UNWTO Awards Ceremony & Gala Dinner


The 3th UNWTO International Congress on Ethics presents the Recommendations on the Responsible Use of Ratings and Reviews

Tourism stakeholders have convened in Krakow, Poland, in the 3th World Tourism Organization International Congress on Ethics to underline the need to continue advancing the ethical framework of the sector. The event, which was conducted on 26-28 April, is one of the pillars of the ‘Enhancing the Understanding of European Tourism’ Project, implemented by UNWTO in cooperation with the European Commission.

The Krakow Conference has served to present the UNWTO Recommendations on the Responsible Use of Ratings and Reviews on digital platforms. The guidelines were developed by the World Committee on Tourism Ethics (WCTE) with the collaboration of TripAdvisor, Minube and Yelp.

“Online ratings and reviews are now playing a major role in tourism. The purpose of these new recommendations by the World Committee on Tourism Ethics is to ensure that all actors are playing fair and transparent.” Said Pascal Lamy, Chair of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics.

“The UNWTO Recommendations on the responsible use of ratings and reviews on digital platforms are a groundbreaking work resulting from a strong partnership and engagement of TripAdvisor, Minube and Yelp. We know that ratings and reviews are today critical for consumer decisions and UNWTO and the World Committee on Tourism Ethics could not have advanced this important work without them,” said UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai.

On the same occasion TripAdvisor has signed the Private Sector Commitment to the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. In the last years, TripAdvisor has become the largest site of travel-related content with more than 500 million of traveler reviews. The incorporation of TripAdvisor to the signatories of the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism enhances the potential of this non-binding document which is the major guidance global text on responsible tourism.

The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism (GCET) is a comprehensive set of principles designed to guide key-players in tourism development. Addressed to governments, the travel industry, communities and tourists alike, it aims to help maximize the sector’s benefits while minimizing its potentially negative impact on the environment, cultural heritage and societies across the globe.

Adopted in 1999 by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization, its acknowledgement by the United Nations two years later expressly encouraged UNWTO to promote the effective follow-up of its provisions. Although not legally binding at this stage, the Code features a voluntary implementation mechanism through its recognition of the role of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics (WCTE), to which stakeholders may refer matters concerning the application and interpretation of the document.

Since 2011 a total of 513 companies and associations from 69 countries have adhered to the Private Sector Commitment to the Code, pledging to promote and implement its principles and report the actions taken in that respect to UNWTO on a regular basis.


Statement by Hon. Dr. Walter Mzembi at Pretoria dinner hosted by South Africa Tourism Minister

At an event held in Pretoria, South Africa, toasting the new South African Tourism Minister Thoko Xasa on her birthday, Ms. Xasa announced her government’s endorsement of the Hon. Walter Mzembi, Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry for the Republic of Zimbabwe and current Chairperson of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Regional Commission for Africa, as the next Secretary General for the UNWTO.

Hon. Mzembi and Minister Xasa

African ambassadors on the UNWTO Executive Council turned out for the event, and in full force reinforced the position of the South African Development Community (SADC) and African Union (AU) to support Dr. Mzembi for the UNWTO Secretary General post, along with ambassadors from North African countries and the Middle East, Egypt, India, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.

Following is a transcript of Dr. Mzembi’s speech:

Honorable Minister of Tourism of the Republic of South Africa,

My Dear Sister, Cde Thoko Xasa,

Members of Team Tourism South Africa,

Excellencies Ambassadors and Members of the Diplomatic Corps – including His Excellency Cde Isaac Moyo, Ambassador of Zimbabwe to the Republic of South Africa,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, allow me to express my profound gratitude to Her Excellency, Honorable Thoko Xasa, for the honor she has bestowed upon myself and my delegation, in arranging this dinner event tonight.

Yesterday, we were in far distant Thailand, participating in the World Travel and Tourism Council. The day after tomorrow, we will be in Lucerne, Switzerland, attending the World Tourism Forum. Then to Azerbaijan – current Chair of the UNWTO Executive Council – and, finally, on to Spain for the election of the new UNWTO Secretary General on 12 May.

Our campaign has taken us literally across the entire world over the past 12 months.

The core of my campaign strategy has been to visit each and every single one of the 33 member countries of the Executive Council – to explain, in person, my vision for the future development of global tourism under the umbrella of the UNWTO if I am fortunate enough to be elected to head that Organization come 12 May.

That world-wide engagement has helped me to shape my vision in a manner which I believe accurately reflects the concerns, hopes and aspirations of the vast majority of UNWTO member states as they look to UNWTO to deliver greater and more effective value in terms of the leadership it provides in this increasingly important economic sector.

I am the only candidate who has approached this election in such a comprehensive, face-to-face manner. The vision of leadership and direction I offer, therefore, goes way beyond the desk-top, cut-and-paste proposals of several of my competitors: it is a vision derived from a personal, pretty near exhaustive engagement with all regional groupings of the UNWTO, and with every single member of the Executive Council.

If I have concentrated on the Executive Council, it is because it is this body, these 33 member states who, on May 12, will cast their secret ballots to produce a Secretary General-elect.

The Executive Council will then propose the name of that Secretary General-elect to the next meeting of the UNWTO General Assembly, where he or she will have to garner a two-thirds majority endorsement of the 157 members of the Organization.

I am an African. I carry the unanimous endorsement of all 15 SADC member states as well as that of all 54 (at the time) member states of the African Union. So, in seeking the leadership of the UNWTO, I bear first and foremost the hopes and aspirations of the entire African Continent: a burden I am proud and very honored to bear.

But, way beyond that, as a global candidate for a global Organization, my vision speaks to all corners of the globe, to all players within our multi-faceted industry and to all communities whose lives can be and indeed are being improved by way of the growth and development of tourism in all those facets.

Unlike all other candidates, I unashamedly represent Change. I present myself as an Agent of Change. And I do so on the basis that our industry – Tourism – and the international context in which it operates is beset, today, by a matrix of complex, highly intricate challenges quite unlike those which it has had to confront at any stage in the past decades.

As Tourism leaders in our respective countries, we too have to change – to adapt to those challenges. And, change too is required at the very apex of global tourism – at the UNWTO.

Gone are the days when the UNWTO required a skilled marketer and communications guru to speak for global tourism: what is required now are the skills and competences of a global diplomat: a leader who can gain access to high offices across the world: who can effectively raise the profile, the voice and the relevance of an Organization which, hitherto, has been somewhat peripheral in terms of visibility and impact within the broad UN system.

The current Secretary General’s term of office expires at the end of this year. And so there will be a new Secretary General as from January 2018. With your support, I very much hope it will be me.

It is vitally important – if the UNWTO is to grow and to fulfil the essence of its mandate – and to respond effectively to these fast-changing circumstances – that the right individual be elected to succeed Dr. Rifai, the current Secretary General.

I believe I am that individual: and I am honored indeed humbled by the faith and confidence reposed in me by the entirety of Africa’s political leadership in endorsing me as Africa’s candidate for the top UNWTO job.

Being in this elective race, for me, is an idea whose time has come! The world is indeed transforming, and CHANGE is confirmed as the only constant; we should never fear change but glean from it ideas. Nor should we fear renewal but see in it an opportunity for regeneration: and, together, we should embrace ” growth with equity ” as a business philosophy. For if we do not, the “bottom three billion” will remain tethered to poverty, a sure threat to globalization and an inevitable gain for nationalism.

Indeed, increasingly at the international tourism conferences I attend, key-note speakers and world leaders openly characterize the future environment as one “besieged by the growing winds of far-right nationalism and unilateralism; the impact of migration, the growing ” fear” leading to closed borders and the application of travel advisories or travel bans as political tools.

How, in such circumstances, do we sustain the enormous gains already made in promoting and facilitating seamless travel, and how do we further enhance the impressive performance of our industry – which, in percentage terms, continues to outperform global average economic growth?

The answer, as I have indicated, lies in transformative leadership!

As Tourism leaders, we have long agreed that enhanced connectivity or connectography is the solution to our challenges.

It starts first with a connected leadership. Are we connected to political and corporate boardrooms, and to communities?

One of my key objectives is to reassert shareholder interest in the UNWTO. To reposition and repackage our sector for better understanding and greater brand visibility.

They are:

Firstly – Administrative and Governance Reforms

UNWTO is primarily state-membership driven, I intend to sign-up the more than 40 countries which still remain outside the UNWTO, including a number of countries which used to be members but withdrew because they simply failed to see the value of such membership. I intend to re-generate that value and to make membership a MUST for all. A universal organization is one which has clout.

I intend to broaden and diversify categories of membership: to create space for the 4 ‘C’s – Cities, Commonwealth, Communities and Companies.

I intend to devolve activity away from Madrid to the Regional Commissions. They have to be more active, more visible and more connected to the Regions and the Communities they represent.

I intend to ensure that the many Resolutions we take as UNWTO are actually implemented and followed-up upon.

I intend to ensure role clarity, to re-assert the intergovernmental agency leadership of the UNWTO, and to reinforce the role of the Private Sector as driver of the tourism industry; with UNWTO facilitating growth of the industry in close alignment with the agreed SDG framework.

I intend to reform the Secretariat. It must be more reflective of the broad membership of the Organization; and it must be more gender sensitive.

The attendant benefit from the above thrust shall be Inclusivity – Tourism for All.

Secondly – Sustainable and Responsible Tourism

Without peace, there can be no sustainable development: indeed, no development at all.

My candidature pledges an irrevocable commitment to the designation of Tourism as a Peace Sector; to be prioritized and facilitated by National Governments. No cause, or ideology should take precedence over or be used to undermine the facilitation of legitimate tourism travel.

I shall seek to broaden the definition of “Security” beyond just Terrorism, to include Climate Change, Natural Disasters, Pandemics, Child Sexual Abuse and even what I term Bio-Diversity Terrorism – Poaching.

I will conclude the Global Convention on Ethics and Responsible Tourism. And I will work against the politicization of travel advisories and travel bans: these are simply No-No’s from a Tourism perspective.

My candidature represents a strong commitment to the SDG’s: a commitment which, during my tenure, will go beyond mere theory and rhetoric to practical implementation by way of innovative resource mobilization and creative fund-raising.

Thirdly – Resource Mobilization and Tourism Funding
The UNWTO Mandate and Charter empowers the Organization to explore this area. Up until now, we have been content to take the easy path, relying on membership subscription payments and occasional benevolence from the richer member states, to fund the Organization’s activities and programs.

I would like to do more and, without departing from that mandate – indeed actually enriching it – I would want for the Organization to be able to better and more effectively respond to the developmental aspirations of member states. They, quite rightly, expect more from their membership, and would welcome some ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking with regard to resource-mobilization and fund-raising for sustainable tourism development.

Global financial flows must extend themselves to tourism infrastructure. The business-development focus of a future UNWTO is to eliminate frictions and to allow smooth flows of capital and, ultimately, connectivity.

Leveraging the very chief indicators of our sector – namely the number of tourism ARRIVALS, TOURISM EXPENDITURE and SUSTAINABILITY – should enable us to make a credible case for the creation of a Global Tourism Fund, similar to Global Funds established for other sectors.

Think-tanking around this and engaging in extensive consultations with developmental agencies and other financial systems within the UN suggest that we are already late in terms of developing and pushing this concept for consideration by our global leadership during the forthcoming UNGA as it celebrates the IYSTD.

Whatever the outcome of the forthcoming UNWTO election, I believe we must initiate a creative work program around this idea.

Connectivity, be it infrastructural, electronic, digital or virtual, is the revolutionary agenda of our times and, with it, comes the growth of tourism.

Fourthly and Finally – Repositioning and Rebranding of the UNWTO

This is an essential component of my vision.

It is clear to me and indeed to many others with whom I have engaged during my year-long campaign, that, in terms of value-addition and relevance, the UNWTO has probably reached its zenith.

Fewer and fewer Ministers are attending Regional Commission meetings, or the Executive Council meetings. They simply do not see the value of such high-level participation. Even as Tourism Ministers, they have other, more important things to do. And so, inevitably, it is the Secretariat – functionaries – who have ‘captured’ our Organization.

And, as a consequence, it has plateaued as a technical agency, number-crunching, analyzing statistics and work-shopping its way through life – having little if any real policy or political relevance or impact within the broader UN system.

I am committed to changing this: to repositioning and rebranding the Organization within the UN system, and at national Government, Private Sector and general community levels as well.

This is why my candidature was the first to challenge internal succession: to reassert shareholder interest in the Organization. And I think we can be pleased with the result – namely a floodgate of candidates from outside the Organization, inspired, I would like to think, by my own call for “renewal”.

A solid foundation has been laid by previous Secretary Generals, most of all by the incumbent, Dr. Taleb Rifai – who leaves a remarkable and lasting legacy in his wake. But the next stage requires us to accept that the environment we are stepping into has changed, and that it requires a different caliber of leadership to successfully navigate those changed and changing tides.

As we enter this final stage of the electoral race, we are six candidates. Let fair and decent competition allow the best of us to emerge as the next leader.

Honorable Minister, Excellencies, Distinguished Guests,

Once again, I submit that my candidature more than responds to the requirements of such leadership and that my professional and academic qualifications, the experience and expertise I have gained, and the passion, energy and drive I bring to the table more than equip me to serve global tourism to the benefit of all: and, in so doing, to justify the confidence shown in me by our collective African leadership as they put me forward to lead the UN World Tourism Organization.

My current mandate as Tourism Minister of Zimbabwe bears testimony to the tough training and preparation I have had to go through to reposition Zimbabwe after a decade of disagreement with some sections of the International Community. Whereas Zimbabwe was once a ‘to-be-avoided’ destination, it is now very much a ‘must-see’ destination: as confirmed by the 2015 New York Times in its 52 Must Visit Report. Earlier this year, the prestigious Conte Naste Traveller Magazine placed only two African countries in its global top 17 destinations – Zimbabwe at No 13 and Rwanda at No 14.

Arguably the highlight of that repositioning process and indeed of my career as Tourism Minister, and the most celebrated endorsement of brand Zimbabwe, was the hosting, in 2013, of the 20th UNWTO General Assembly at the Victoria Falls: an opportunity extracted from the midst of adversity by way of careful and sensitively managed diplomacy.

Honorable Minister, Excellencies, Distinguished Guests,

I am ready to lead global tourism.

Thank you again for this great honor. Thank you for your kind attention.

May God Bless you All.

I Thank You


Tourism stakeholders gather to support the development of the Western Silk Road

The city of Alexandroupoli, in Greece, has hosted the 1st International UNWTO Western Silk Road Workshop held on 26-27 April 2017. The event was jointly organized by UNWTO, the Ministry of Tourism of Greece and the region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. The workshop is the first practical step of an initiative, developed by UNWTO in cooperation with the European Commission as part of the ‘Enhancing the Understanding of European Tourism’ Project.

The Western Silk Road Tourism Development Initiative aims to revive and redefine Silk Road heritage located throughout the European or Western section of the historic Silk Road routes. By involving many different partners throughout Europe, this novel initiative aims to strengthen and diversify the tourism offer of Western Silk Road destinations as well as enhance regional cooperation and cross-border partnerships.

Three panels integrated the Workshop that focused on the challenges and opportunities to develop the Western Silk Road as a trans-national tourism route, on the marketing potential of the Route, and on the practical steps needed to be taken in order to ensure the project’s long-term success and viability. As part of the discussions, a Western Silk Road Work Group has been established in charge of guaranteeing a coordinated approach.

As expressed by UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai, “in present times, and building upon a natural and cultural wealth spanning thousands of years, we are in a position to reject harmful global tendencies and revive a route capable of transforming the way we think about and relate to travel. I can think of no better place to host an event focused on European Silk Road heritage than Greece – rightly considered one of the cradles of Humanity”.

Tourism unites people and nations. It promotes stability, peace and growth. It builds bridges of cooperation and opens-up roads to prosperity. Thus, we are pleased to support the organization of the first international workshop, as part of this excellent Western Silk Road initiative,” mentioned the Minister of Tourism of Greece, Elena Kountoura, at the Opening of the Workshop. “.”

Attended by the Governor of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, the Mayor of Alexandroupoli and the Secretary-General of the Greek National Tourism Organization, the Workshop counted upon excellent feedback from a wide range of international stakeholders from the tourism sector and beyond, including tour operators, universities, cultural route representatives and stakeholders from the creative arts, such as the Silk Road Folklore Dance Festival and the Silk Road Film Festival.

Important input was also contributed by UNWTO Affiliate Members, TripAdvisor, Destination Makers, the Fundación Turismo Valencia, the World Federation of Tourist Guides Association (WFTGA), the Greek Guiding Association and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Iraq, that addressed the potential of cultural and religious tourism.

Aegean Airlines, who shared its actions in promoting route development and connectivity across the Silk Road, the Chamber of Evros and the Tsiakiris Silkhouse supported the event.

The conclusions of the Workshop will be further concretized at the 2nd International Western Silk Road Workshop, which will take place in Bulgaria at the end of June 2017.


UNWTO Commission for Africa analyses the potential of Chinese tourism in the continent

The capital city of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, has recently hosted the 59th Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Africa. Held between 18-21 April, the Commission included a High-level Meeting on Chinese Outbound Tourism to Africa, where regional representatives debated the potential that the sector brings to the continent.

Attended by 21 tourism Ministers from the African continent, the UNWTO Regional Commission for Africa has become the best platform to discuss tourism trends in the continent and the potential that Chinese tourism can induce at regional level. The attendees also included Edmund Bartlett, Minister of Tourism, Entertainment of Jamaica and Hongtao Wei, Vice Chairman of the China National Tourism Administration

The 59th edition of the Commission was complemented by a key interactive session on the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development which is being celebrated worldwide through 2017.

“We all come out of Africa, and went on to inhabit the world, making Africa the first source market in history. Africa is the future and Ethiopia is the soul and heart of Africa” said UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai, opening the event. UNWTO Secretary-General received a Recognition Award from H.E. Mr. Muktar Kedir, Minister of Good Governance of Ethiopia to highlight his legacy to promote tourism as a driver of economic growth, inclusive development and environmental sustainability.

During his intervention, Mr. Muktar Kedir, described his country ´as a unique land where the earliest ancestors of human beings first walks upright, we honestly expect Ethiopia to be one of the prime choices of tourists in the near future that makes them feel safe and enjoy their stay in this yet un explored land´, he said. The Commission served to motivate African Member States to undersign the African Charter on Sustainable and Responsible Tourism as well supporting the African Caravan on Sustainable and Responsible Tourism led by Morocco through activities to be organized and celebrated during the campaign of the International Year.

China has become a major investor in the African continent, contributing to infrastructure development and reshaping the economic landscape, and is the world´s largest outbound market since 2012 after recording double digit growth in expenditure every year since 2004. The meeting witnessed a high level of participation not only from African governments but also private sector stakeholders who discussed the dynamics of the Chinese outbound market together with ways to provide guidance for policies and strategies to African Member States, Chinese stakeholders and African businesses.

The event was a combination of keynote presentations from UNWTO, IVY Alliance Tourism Consulting, AVIAREPS and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), interactive panels and roundtable discussions.

The Commission was informed that the 60th CAF will be hosted in Chengdu China within the framework of the 22nd Session of the General Assembly, to be held in September 2017. In addition, members of the Commission unanimously welcomed Nigeria´s expression of interest to host the 61st CAF to be held in 2018.


David Scowsill to leave WTTC in June 2017

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) announces the departure of David Scowsill, President & CEO, after six years at the helm of the organisation.

During his tenure as the third President in the 26 year history of WTTC, he has taken the organisation to new heights, championing the private sector views in high level governmental discussions and promoting the sustainable growth of Travel & Tourism.

“It has been a privilege to lead WTTC, representing the global interests of the private sector of Travel & Tourism, through advocacy with governments around the world. The membership of the organisation has doubled in the last period, but more significant has been the work with governments at all levels on the key strategic issues for the sector,” said Scowsill. “By making this announcement now, the Executive Committee has time to identify a successor and to work through a smooth transition in leadership. Working with a very talented team, we have consolidated the position of WTTC as the authority in the sector, whether through research, advocacy, or the impact of the Global Summits. I now look forward to focussing on new opportunities, knowing that I am leaving WTTC in great shape.”

David Scowsill has been President & CEO of WTTC since October 2010. Amongst the highlights of his time, the public/private partnership with UNWTO has produced 84 meetings with Presidents and Prime Ministers, where messages about the importance of the sector have been directed to these key leaders. As founder and Chairman of The Global Travel Association Coalition, he ensured that the travel industry spoke to governments with One Voice on the key issues – from travel facilitation and terrorism, to infrastructure development and environmental sustainability.

Prior to WTTC, he served as Chairman or Director with various companies, working for six years in Private Equity and Venture Capital to execute a number of deals across the industry. He was Chief Executive of Opodo and the Minit Group, after holding executive and board positions at Hilton Hotels, American Airlines and British Airways.

“The Executive Committee thanks David for his service and is very appreciative of the many contributions he has made to the mission, growth and success of the sector over the past 6 years,” said Gerald Lawless, Chairman, WTTC. “Under his leadership and vision, WTTC is clearly positioned as the private sector authority on Travel & Tourism, reflected in the calibre and geographic diversity of the membership group. During this transition period it will be business as usual, as the Executive Committee works to identify a successor.”