
UNWTO Holiday Staff Party: Zurab Pololikashvili showed up and left everyone in suspense

Zurab Pololikashvili showed up at the traditional holiday party on Friday – and the rest is worth a story leaving 100+ staffers in suspense.
On Friday the 100+ UNWTO employees and politically appointed directors gathered for their traditional and annual holiday party lunch in Madrid. All directors, the outgoing Secretary General and the rest of the 100+ staff many with their spouses attended and were anxious to hear about what’s next for the UN special agency and how changes would affect their jobs.

The lunch was also a farewell to Taleb Rifai from Jordan, who had steered the organization with a heart, talent and success like never seen before over the last eight years.

In less than two weeks on January 1, 2018,  the new UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili from Georgia will be in the driver seat for world tourism, and this is becoming an uncomfortable reality for many these days.

Friday was a last chance for Zurab Pololikashvili to put his future staff at ease and to say a word of thanks to Taleb Rifai, his future predecessor. After all, without Rifai’s support for Zurab the outcome at the recent election for SG could have been very different. Without a doubt, Zurab Pololikashvili has a lot to be thankful for when it comes to Taleb Rifai.

Zurab Pololikashvili has not been attending many meetings or events after his confirmation in September, so hopes were high on Friday when the new boss showed up for the party. There are so many questions, about Zurab’s plans are for the new UNWTO. Many of the staff were anxious to learn about any changes in leadership or wanted to be put at ease about their own future role.
“You can see the sign of relieve on many faces when Zurab was spotted”, someone attending the lunch told eTN.

Everyone was ready to hear Secretary General-Elect Zurab Pololikashvili speak, but instead, he got up early and left quietly without saying a word. No thank you to Taleb Rifai, no happy holidays to the staff, and no word on what his plans are for 2018.


UNWTO Revenge? Zurab Pololikashvil will not keep Executive Director Carlos Vogeler

At the UNWTO  Conference on Jobs and Inclusive Growth in Montego Bay Jamaica, November 29 was all about honoring Carlos Vogeler, executive director UNWTO during the final session. Vogeler was honored by the Jamaica Minister Bartlett for 9 years hard work for UNWTO. The Hon. Ed Bartlett, Minister of Tourism for Jamaica told 1400 attending delegates it’s about honoring Carlos Vogeler today; November 28 was about honoring Taleb Rifai.” What the audience didn’t know, Carlos’ contract will expire December 31, 2017, and was not renewed by the new incoming UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab as of January 1, 2018.

eTN Publisher Juergen Steinmetz added to his Facebook on November 29 ” Zurab should be ashamed of himself.” Kojo Bentum-Williams added to the Facebook post: “Really? Carlos just like Rifai comes with depth and knowledge in the world of Tourism.”

In an obvious act of revenge by a usually quiet UNWTO Secretary-Elect Zurab Pololikashvil, this decision was made as a first relevant move by the new boss, giving a taste of the future UNWTO under his upcoming leadership.

It didn’t make any difference for Zurab to know Vogeler just needed another 9 months for his UNWTO pension and to keep his lifetime health insurance.

Vogeler was ready to take a no influence position but this humiliation was still not enough for the upcoming Georgian Secretary-General to show a change of heart. In order for Carlos Vogeler and his spouse to be on a lifetime health insurance, he needed to work. In another embarrassment for Vogeler,  Zurab apparently indicated he would keep the other executive directors on board.

Pololikashvil did not attend the Jamaica conference.

Mr. Vogeler has always been devoted to his job. Most world leaders consider him the second man in UNWTO. Travel and tourism was a 24/7 job for Carlos, and it showed. At the Sustainable Tourism Conference in Jamaica, he again gave his best and was leading the UNWTO delegation with Taleb Rifai.

It speaks well for his character. Carlos did not mention his pain at the recent UNWTO Jamaica conference and acted as always: Professional and with integrity and respect. In reality, he must have felt betrayed and he should have been bitter and angry.

What obviously broke Mr. Vogeler’s neck was the recent roller coaster style election for Secretary-General when he was a co-runner with Ambassador Dho Young-Shim from South Korea against Ambassador Zurab Pololikashvil from Georgia. Zurab very well may have won the election with the unconditional support by the current secretary general Taleb Rifai who put his own reputation on the line when he strongly urged the UNWTO General Assembly not to proceed with a secret election for the Secretary-General confirmation and pushed to confirm Zurab by acclamation.

In April Mr. Vogeler said: “At this point in my professional career, I am not going to gamble with the future of the organization, or the sector. I understand the enormity of the responsibility of Executive Council voting for the next SG. Now is not a time for experimenting, taking risks or bringing revolutions. And this is not the time for ego.”

What else will happen after January 1, 2018, remains a well-kept secret and is creating an atmosphere of uncertainty.

Mr. Vogeler had a hard time hiding his pain when presented with an achievement award by the Jamaican minister in Montego Bay.

Before Mr. Carlos Vogeler joined UNWTO in 2005 he was a tenured professor at University “Rey Juan Carlos”, Madrid, at the Dpt. of Business Economics, a regular lecturer at Spanish and International Universities and author of various university textbooks, as well as numerous articles on international tourism structure.

Mr. Vogeler started his career in the private sector at Pullmantur, one of the largest Spanish Tour Operators. During his sixteen years of service from 1974 to 1990, he became Deputy Managing Director and introduced many innovations, namely expanding the number of destinations and products and opening new offices and new markets. He also played an active role in the board of directors of the Spanish Travel Agencies Association of Travel Agencies and in UFTAA (United Federation of Travel Agent’s Associations), where he chaired the committee on road transportation.

From 1991 to 2008 he served in various senior management positions at Group RCI, part of Wyndham Worldwide, one of the world’s largest hospitality groups, quoted in the New York Stock Exchange, where he was Managing Director for South-Western Europe, covering Spain, France, Portugal and Benelux and later Vice president of Global Account Strategy & Industry Relations.

He was elected Chairman of the Affiliate Members of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) from 2005 to 2008, representing Group RCI. Since 1997 he had been serving as Vice President of the board of the Affiliate Members and Chairman of the Business Council and member of the UNWTO Strategic Group.

He is also a founding member of the Spanish Association of Experts in Tourism (AECIT) and was a member of the International Association of Experts in Tourism (AIEST).

Carried out his studies in Canada and in Spain, graduating in Tourism Business Administration by “Escuela Oficial de Turismo de Madrid” (now University Rey Juan Carlos) and post-graduate by the IESE Business School, of the University of Navarra – Spain.

Mr. Vogeler was born in Venezuela of Spanish mother and Venezuelan-German father and is a national of Spain and Venezuela.

Jamaica’s Minister of Tourism Ed Bartlett told eTN, Carlos Vogeler deserves better.


UNWTO Tonight: What all happened at the Jamaica Gala Dinner?

Jamaica again is the center of world tourism tonight when Jamaica’s Tourism Minister Edward Bartlett invited to the official Gala Dinner for delegates attending the  UNWTO Global Conference on Jobs and Inclusive Growth: Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

Attended by the heads of state from Jamaica, St. Lucia and the Dominican Republic and by ministers of tourism, senior members of the tourism leadership from throughout the Caribbean, and a special guest among others was Miss Universe Jamaica

Bartlett said: “I am proud to welcome tourism leaders and participants from around the world, as we celebrate the achievement of stalwarts in global tourism. We welcome His Excellency Danillo Media from the Dominican Republic, the keynote speaker, Allen Chastanet, Prime Minister of St. Lucia and the Most Hon. Andrew Holness, Prime Minister of Jamaica, and the Hon. Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization.

I commend UNWTO, the World Bank Group, Inter American Development Bank, Chemonics International, George Washington University, the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Organization (CHTA), the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) as well as, our sponsors and stakeholders, for their contributions to this conference.

We are therefore using this unique context, here in Montego Bay, to honor the achievements of several distinctive players in our industry. These persons have paved the way for advancement in tourism, on land, air and sea. And through their distinctive brands, have generated employment, increased income, stimulated global trade, as well as created linkages which protect and sustain our cultural environments. ”

Awarded was David Scowsill, former president and CEO of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). He led an impressive global outreach drive which helped to attract companies from Asia as well as a mix of online and technology business. The award was accepted on his behalf by his partner Rick Ferree.

Taleb Rifai received his award and also received a standing applause. He has been leading the UNWTO with distinction and a vision unknown before. Taleb will leave his position on December 31.  Taleb said: Mission accomplished  – and without doubt, he did manage to get travel and tourism on the global map and make the importance of this industry what it is today. His legacy will be remembered.

Him running the industry from his speeches starting with “Dear Friends…” will most certainly be missed soon.

The future of UNWTO under the new Secretary General-Elect Zurab has many question marks also in the close UNWTO family. Jobs may be replaced, eliminated – suspense and silence remain just one month before this uncertain change of leadership. Zurab certainly will need a lot of help and goodwill. There is plenty of this in the travel industry, but will Zurab accept it? Tonight this was not the question. Zurab was not among the audience, and a lot of thank you, a big party with Jamaican performance, and the great achievements by Jamaica and the Caribbean world was on the agenda.

The Santo Domingo Prime minister in his speech mentioned the MOU signed with Jamaica today to create an even closer brand for the Caribbean as a single travel destination.

A reward went to Micky Arison, Chairman, and CEO of Carnival Corporation, to Frank Rainieri, president& CEO of Puntacana Group. Among his merits was the creation of Punta Cana, as a tourist destination.

Gorden “Butch” Stewart from Jamaica received the award He is the owner and founder of Sandals Resort and had a remarkable story to tell, eTN will publish at a later time.


Miss Universe Jamaica was a guest of honor.
Jamaican Music,  great Jamaican Food, and a country that lives tourism and hospitality had a chance to represent to the world tonight – and it was a great success.



Should laws be on the books that harm tourism and are not enforced?

Homosexual acts are illegal in Barbados, with a life sentence. The Society of American Travel Writers selected Barbados to host their next annual convention in 2018. Some members voiced their concern to promote Barbados as a destination due to anti-gay sodomy laws on the books.
The SATW Board of directors defended their decision to accept Barbados and issued this statement to members:

SATW’s Board of Directors decided to accept Barbados’ bid to host our 2018 convention has raised some concerns among the membership, specifically that there is law in Barbados that makes the island appear unwelcoming to the gay and lesbian community.
That law prohibits sodomy and has been in place for many years. The board heard those concerns when they were first aired last week and wanted to do more research and seek additional insight. We apologize for the delay in responding. We used the time to get a complete picture that we could share with our members.

The law against sodomy has not been enforced for years. More than 70 other countries have similar laws, and the same laws remain on the books in 12 states in the US. There is even a sodomy law in Canada that has not been officially removed from the books.

Visitors – straight and LGBT – do not face any danger or prejudicial treatment in Barbados beyond what one might encounter from individuals in any country who harbor prejudicial tendencies. Barbados, like many places in the region, is moving forward on human rights issues, and the Board believes Barbados is a friendly, welcoming and story-rich island. 
“In the Eastern Caribbean, relationships and acceptance of gay persons has come a very long way. There are more conversations happening, organizations on the ground have done a lot, and we are in a place where a lot of tolerance exists. In Barbados, the LGBT community has been very expressive, and today transgender women are able to dress freely – the freedom to express yourself has come a long way. Yes, we still have ignorant people and challenges, but Barbados is learning to respect people as people.”
-Kenita Placide, Director of the Eastern Caribbean Alliance for Diversity and Equality (ECADE) and Caribbean Advisor for OutRight Action International

The island’s LGBT community, while small, is not invisible. This month, Barbados will hold its second-ever Pride weekend. The launch reception on November 24 will be held by the High Commission of Canada, and events through the weekend include a beach day, movie night, business and services expo, talent show, and more. The island is home to two LGBT rights organizations, B-GLAD and Equals, Inc.
“I’m an open member of the LGBT community in Barbados. When I moved back to Barbados in 2004 I did so with my male partner and we felt very welcomed as we set up our home and life together. The jobs and the opportunities I have had here over the years after returning have been mainly because I was in the LGBT community. I am happy to be in Barbados at this time, in a progressive setting and being a part of the continued development of my community and country. I can only hope to welcome you here to be a part of the Barbados experience.” 
-René Holder-McClean-Ramirez, Co-Director, Equals, Inc.

SATW has been a safe and inclusive organization for all walks of life – regardless of gender, ethnicity, race, LGBT, etc. – and will continue to be so. We also understand and respect the objections raised by some members. But we are an association of travel professionals who journey around the world and write the truth about what we see. SATW members can be agents of change, able to go to troubled places, and tell our audience what we find there.

“IGLTA advocates respect and dignity for all. We do not support destination boycotts and make every effort to build bridges, not walls. We believe that tourism is a force for good that transcends oppression and promotes understanding.” 
-John Tanzella, President/CEO, International Gay Lesbian Travel Alliance (IGLTA)

Embargoing an entire island or country hurts everyone, not just the purveyors of prejudice. While the Board is listening, respecting and responding to the concerns of our members, there is much that we can do, as a society, to encourage gender rights and freedoms on the island: a forum of local LGBT journalists? a presentation on the positive impact of LGBT travel? We are open to the conversation and to suggestions of how we can use our considerable influence on the ground. 

Finally, one of the reasons Barbados is hosting SATW is the belief that our members will bring positive attention to the Caribbean as a whole, a tourism-dependent region that has been hard-hit by this year’s storms. Barbados was not impacted by the storms – the island lies outside the traditional hurricane belt. But while some islands will recover in time for this year’s “high season,” others will need many months to rebuild. Our presence will help tell the story of rebuilt communities that have suffered so much.

We can achieve so much more with our presence than we can with our absence.

Barbara Ramsay Orr
SATW President

David Swanson
SATW President-Elect

Catharine Hamm
SATW Immediate Past Presiden
Petra Roach speaking for the Barbados Tourism Board also responded:
Barbados could not be  more thrilled to be hosting the 2018 SATW Annual Conference.
Barbados welcomes visitors from all backgrounds and cultures, including the LGBT community, and does not discriminate against anyone based on sexual orientation or gender identification. Bajans are known for their openness, hospitality and welcoming nature, and their interactions with visitors are a top reason for repeat visitation.
Homosexuality is not illegal in barbados. The matter in question is in reference to an antiquated law against sodomy which to my knowledge has has never been enforced.  Many countries around the world, including Canada and some states in the U.S., have similar laws that have not been officially abolished. In partnership with two LGBT rights organizations, B-GLAD and Equals, Inc., we as a nation, continue to make strides on these important human rights affairs.  The second annual Pride Week on barbados will take place November 24.
I personally have several friends in the LGBT community who visit Barbados regularly, several times each year and see it as their second home – I am also copying in Karyl Leigh Barnes  who is a member of SATW and also a partner at our public relations agency of record, Development Counsellors International.

SATW Member Bea Broda came to an interesting conclusion:

I personally feel that this is still half-way measures, and more could be done to actually strike the law from the books. I think the power of certain religions could prevent this, and people think that keeping the status quo is the best option.”
The solution for Barbados legislators: Don’t continue your don’t ask don’t tell policy and take these laws off the books, so they cannot be enforeced- ever!
Ministers & CEO

Jamaica Tourism Minister launches 2017 Tourism Service Excellence Awards

To recognize individuals and organizations that consistently make significant contributions to Jamaica’s thriving tourism sector, Minister of Tourism Hon. Edmund Bartlett officially launched the Tourism Service Excellence Awards (TSEA) on Tuesday, November 14, 2017, at the Liguanea Club in New Kingston.

TSEA, which was conceptualized by Minister Bartlett in 2008, is geared at recognizing and rewarding both individuals and organizations that exemplify service excellence in the local tourism sector. The Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCO), an agency of the Tourism Ministry, leads the programme.

Minister Bartlett said the awards programme came about as a way to give back to those who play an integral role in Jamaica’s successful tourism sector. “We had to create an arena to showcase, to reward, in a less tangible but a more meaningful way and to respond to the need for you (tourism workers) to feel respected and honoured. Because it is the crew that has enabled this ship of tourism, and it is the crew we want to celebrate, to extol in all its values and virtues and exemplify as the symbol of excellence in our space,” he noted.

Minister Bartlett said once excellent service is provided and efforts are made to reward the major players in the industry, they will continue to perform at a high standard and Jamaica will maintain a remarkable tourism product. “Visitors will then view Jamaica as the place of promise and hope, which will inspire more people to visit the country,” the Tourism Minister said.

“It is about giving our workers a stronger sense of themselves, to make them understand that material response is not enough, but by giving them relevance, meaning and fulfilment to what they are doing this will inspire them to go the extra mile, which will make us an extraordinary people and destination,” he added.

The launch of TSEA comes at a time when the tourism sector is experiencing record-breaking arrivals. According to Minister Bartlett, between January and October 2017, the country has seen a 9.5% growth in total visitor arrivals and 10.8% increase in revenues, which has earned the country US$2.343 billion in revenues, over the corresponding period last year.

Child Protection

INTERPOL honors NGO for fighting child sexual exploitation

ECPAT, a network of organizations working to tackle the sexual exploitation of children, has been presented with a prestigious award by the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) at a ceremony held in Lyon, France today.

The “Crimes Against Children” Award from INTERPOL’s Crimes Against Children team recognizes the more than two decades that ECPAT has worked to prevent child sexual exploitation and advocate for its victims – particularly through programs to confront trafficking for sexual purposes; the exploitation of children through prostitution and pornography; online child sexual exploitation; and the sexual exploitation of children in the travel and tourism sector.

Accepting the award, Dorothy Rozga, ECPAT’s Executive Director, paid tribute to the organization’s 103 members working in 93 countries. “Through research, advocacy, the provision of direct services to children, awareness raising and campaigning – members of the ECPAT network are making a positive difference to the lives of children.”

“Due to the clandestine nature of child sexual exploitation, reliable data is difficult to come by,” she said. “Nevertheless, we know that the number of victims is huge and that very often these children suffer in silence.”

Rozga emphasized that over the years ECPAT has learned the importance of involving all stakeholders in addressing the crime of child sexual exploitation. “It is absolutely essential to adopt a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder approach,” she said. “We work with a wide range of actors, from the private sector – including hotels, Internet and tech companies, travel agents, airlines – to governments, the UN, and other NGOs. This is why we place such a high value on our collaboration with INTERPOL and other law enforcement agencies.”

“This award is a recognition of the excellent work done by ECPAT to end the sexual exploitation of children around the world,” said Bjorn Sellstrom, head of INTERPOL’s Crimes Against Children team. “We look forward to continuing our joint efforts with ECPAT to protect the most vulnerable members of society from abuse and further develop awareness of this global issue.”

Previous recipients of the award have included Mads Nielsen, a world leader in victim identification helped to safeguard hundreds of children, and Anders Persson, the father of the INTERPOL International Child Sexual Exploitation (ICSE) image database.

Ministers & CEO

“I am climbing Mt Kenya”: President Kenyatta cheers Najib Balala, minister of tourism

Reaching for visitors to travel to Kenya for adventure tourism, even the country’s president Kenyatta of Kenya joined many wishing CS Najib Balala, Kenya’s Minister for Tourism well as he tackles his climb of Mt Kenya.

“I’m ready and all kitted up to climb Mt Kenya in a bid to raise awareness of Kenya’s adventure tourism offering while profiling Mount Kenya as a favorable tourist destination,” said Minister Balala.

Tourism Minister, Cabinet Secretary Najib Balala last Monday embarked on climbing Mount Kenya in his bid to raise awareness of Kenya’s adventure tourism opportunities.

President Uhuru Kenyatta was among the people who wished CS Balala success as he started the challenge.

Wishing Tourism CS Balala success as he starts his ascent of Mount Kenya today to raise awareness of Kenya’s Adventure Tourism offering; while profiling the region as a favourable tourist destination – Uhuru Kenyatta November 13, 2017″

Tourism Minister, CS Balala will be accompanied by the 7 Summits Africa team of mountaineers who are on a quest to climb seven African mountain summits with a combined altitude gain of 16,000 metres, back to back in seven weeks.

Minister Najib Balala of Kenya is also the Head of CAF at the UNWTO. As the Head of the African Bock of Tourism Ministers (CAF) at the UNWTO it is important for the Continent to see the drive by Minister Balala for Adventure Tourism in Africa as part of rewriting the Brand Africa narrative for the continent. Key USPs of the continent can only get the needed visibility through actions such as being undertaken by the Kenyan Minister. Congratulations to you CS Balala, you are an example for the Continent. This climb on Mt Kenya comes but days ahead of the PMAESA Conference in Zambia where those from the continent wanting to see Cruise Tourism developed will gather and this inclusive of land-locked countries promoting their waterways and lakes. Again this is all part and parcel of rewriting the Narrative for Brand Africa with positives and not let others lumber the continent with only negatives and disasters.


Tourism industry leaders honored as IIPT Ambassadors of Peace

The International Institute for Peace through Tourism honored 7 outstanding people from the world of travel & tourism as “Global Ambassadors of Peace through Tourism” at World Travel Market (WTM), London this past week. Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of UNWTO, was conferred with the IIPT lifetime achievement award as a “Global Man of Peace.” Theme of the awards event was “Tourism – A Catalyst for Peace”, featuring Dr. Rifai as the Keynote Speaker and Anita Mendiata the Master of Ceremony.

Supported by “Incredible India” and the UNWTO, this first edition of the Awards was sponsored by Cox & Kings and TravelBiz Monitor the Media partner for the awards.

In his Keynote address, Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of UNWTO said that for the 7th consecutive year, the growth in tourism had exceeded growth in other sectors. However, he said, tourism is far more than numbers and statistics; to travel is a basic human right. Quoting Mark Twain he said “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow mindedness…” The 1.8 billion tourists expected to travel the world by 2030 could be 1.8 billion opportunities, or 1.8 billion disasters – the choice, he said, is ours. There is no conflict between growth and sustainability, he said, because sustainability is beyond “Going Green” it’s about sustaining life on Earth. “As I come to the end of my journey as Secretary General,” he said “the thought I would like to leave with is ‘Whatever you do, do it to make the world a better place.’”

D’Amore, Founder President, IIPT, said, “IIPT is privileged and grateful to pay tribute to Dr. Taleb Rifai for his global leadership these past eight years. We have been most honored to have Dr. Rifai grace the stage at IIPT WTM events as our featured keynote speaker over the past several years – and to have his unwavering support for IIPT initiatives in our mission to make the travel and tourism industry – the world’s first global peace industry. We look forward to a continuing relationship with him in the years ahead as we join hands in efforts to promote the transformative role of tourism in “making the world a better place.’”

Ajay Prakash President, IIPT India, said, “As the UN International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development draws to a close, it’s important to accept that the work is far from complete and that we need to carry the impetus forward into the years ahead. While it’s axiomatic that peace is vital to the promotion of tourism, it is important to reiterate that tourism can be a vital force for the propagation of peace and this can happen only if the concept of Peace through Tourism forms part of the core business philosophy of the tourism industry.” Commenting on the rationale of the Awards, Prakash continued, “Because tourism is so people centric it is important to recognize and honor exceptional persons in the field who can serve as role models and inspire others to carry the baton.”

Commenting on the awards, Peter Kerkar, Group CEO, Cox & Kings, says, “Cox & Kings is extremely proud to be sponsoring the ‘Global Ambassadors of Peace Through Tourism’ Awards and honoring those individuals who have devoted time and energy to promoting goodwill through travel. It is vital that we encourage peaceful cultural exchange and recognise those who have used tourism to facilitate philanthropic activities. These ideals are no better represented than by the IIPT and our ‘Global Man of Peace,’ Dr. Taleb Rifai, Secretary General of the UNWTO.”

Each one of the chosen Ambassadors has had an illustrious and successful career in tourism and each, through their lives and work, embodies the founding principles of IIPT. Louis D’Amore, Founder President of IIPT recounted the long association that each one of the Award winners had had with IIPT. Each of the Ambassadors was an exceptional person, he affirmed, and IIPT was proud to honour them. Going forward, he said, the IIPT Global Peace Parks project, the association with Flanders to mark the Centenary of the end of the 1st World War under the banner “No More War” and the “Travel for Peace” campaign would be the focus of IIPT in its 30th Anniversary year leading up to the UNWTO – IIPT Global Summit in Montreal, August 2018.

Helen Marano, Director Government & Industry Affairs WTTC referred to the recent seminal study by WTTC on Tourism as A Driver of Peace which, based on data collected over 8 years, established the first empirical relationship between tourism and peace correlating the parameters of the Global Peace Index and the Tourism Index.

Mr. Jay Kumar Rawal, Tourism Minister of Maharashtra commended IIPT on the work it was doing to recognize global icons of Tourism for Peace and Sustainability. He went on to explain the Indian concept of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” which essentially means “The World is One Family” and referred to the recent Government of India initiative to hold a “Paryatan Parv,” a celebration of tourism for 20 days in October to bring people together.

Founded in 1986 by Louis D’Amore, IIPT is built on two very simple but powerful premises: That tourism, one of the world’s largest industries, can become the world’s first global Peace Industry and support the belief that every traveler is potentially an Ambassador for Peace. Through global summits, conferences, the global Peace Parks initiative, Travel for Peace Campaign consultations with governments and the UNWTO and a regular monthly newsletter, IIPT has worked conscientiously over the last 30 years to make peace an integral part of the tourism ecosphere.

IIPT plans to make the “Ambassadors of Peace Through Tourism” awards an annual feature at WTM London.


Madagascar welcomes tourists with open arms after plague

The message after a UNWTO crisis meeting in London today was: Travel and Tourism to Madagascar is open again. Plague is history. Madagascar is ready to welcome tourists with open arms again. It was a day of relief today for Madagascar tourism and Roland Ratsiraka at the ongoing World Travel Market in London.

The Hon. Roland Ratsiraka, minister of tourism for the Indian Ocean island nation, had maneuvered through a tremendous problem after a plague outbreak. Today, fellow ministers and health officials, as well as the UNWTO, gave him a green light.

His island has a wealth to offer. The country is home to thousands of animal species, such as lemurs, found nowhere else, plus rainforests, stunning beaches, and reefs.

As of today, Madagascar is ready to welcome international tourists again. According to Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization, there is no more danger for a visitor to experience this beautiful Indan Ocean island country.

At 7:00 pm, ministers from the neighboring countries including Mauritius, Seychelles, Mauritius, and Kenya debated for 2 hours, and told eTN a joint statement would be issued shortly.

Madagascar is a member of the Vanilla Islands Tourism Organization and UNWTO.
The Hon. Minister Roland Ratsiraka told eTN that his nation is safe to be visited.

UNWTO Secretary General Taleb Rifai had visited Madagascar recently together with a high-level UNWTO delegation to express the organization’s full support to the tourism sector. Madagascar’s tourism was facing a challenging situation following a plague outbreak which has prompted some countries to implement travel restrictions with Madagascar. Mr. Rifai recalled the World Health Organization (WHO) advises no restriction on travel or trade to Madagascar.

Rifai explained today that modern health security procedures are in place in Madagascar. The body temperature for every arriving or departing airline passenger is taken (high body temperature is a clue the person may be infected).

Mr. Ratsiraka told eTN the crisis is over. He said: “What they need now are tourists.”

Maurice Loustau-Lalanne, Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine for the Seychelles, announced Air Seychelles is expected to resume services to Madagascar shortly.

The Hon. Anil Kumarsingh Gayan, 
Minister of Tourism for Mauritius, voiced his support and said there are no longer any restrictions in place to travel from or to Mauritius to Madagascar.

Fatuma Hirsi Mohamed, Principal Secretary, Ministry of Tourism for Kenya, also had no objection to giving an all-clear for Madagascar.

Madagascar is open for tourism business.

Madagascar has been experiencing a large outbreak of plague affecting major cities and other non-endemic areas since August 2017