
A Christmas Present From SUN

The 2015 Paris Accords set in train, a 3-decade, low carbon transformation, based on widespread recognition that Climate Change is existential”. This is the reason for the creation of SUN the Strong Universal Network – as an essential movement of increasingly engaged industry, government and civil society partners – focussed on climate resilience as a priority. We are creating a platform for tracking, focussing and sharing climate response innovation as it intersects with travel.

To introduce SUN to the Travel & Tourism sector, we are proud to present “Green Santa” – a Climate Change primer in the form of a comic book. Co-authored by Felix Dodds, one of the founders of SUN and issued under the auspices of the UN Secretary General this 24-page fun document is designed to appeal to adults as well as kids. It explains the reasons why Climate Change is existential and the steps we need to take now in response.

Copies can be downloaded from www.thesunprogram.com where you can also find more background on SUN, our goals and how to engage.

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