
A proud Korean Dho Young-shim presentation in Africa on ST-EP

At the just-concluded 59th meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Africa by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), Africa tourism was shining. Ministers from 49 countries attended the event at the legendary Addis Ababa Sheraton Hotel in the Ethiopian capital.

Among the participants was Ambassador Madam Dho Young-shim. Madam Dho has devoted 11 years of her life to Africa. She is, however, from South Korea and is the chairperson in charge of the UNWTO- ST-EP Program. ST-EP stands for Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty Initiative which has projects around the globe. Madam Dho’s latest initiative was the opening of 180 libraries in poor areas in Africa. This has been seen as a dynamic tool for community development and empowerment. This contribution to education is done through the support of children at schools, and through the promotion of reading, music, sports, and health, etc. The libraries are also equipped with Braille reading for blind children.

How it started

At its Millennium Summit in 2000, the United Nations identified poverty as one of the biggest global challenges and set forth as one of its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to eradicate extreme poverty by 2015. The World Tourism Organization has responded to this challenge and opportunity by launching the ST-EP Initiative, which was announced at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002.


Despite the special position of tourism in poverty alleviation, often poor segments of the population in developing countries and least-developed countries do not benefit from the economic impact of tourism. The UNWTO Sustainable Tourism – Eliminating Poverty Initiative promotes poverty alleviation through the provision of assistance to sustainable development projects. The initiative focuses on enhancing the organization’s long-standing work to encourage sustainable tourism – social, economic, and ecological – with activities that specifically alleviate poverty, deliver development, and create jobs for people living on less than a dollar a day. UNWTO views the ST-EP Initiative as an effective tool to make a tangible contribution to the MDGs. Tourism can play a significant role, particularly for goals 1, 3, 7, and 8, addressing extreme poverty and hunger, gender equality, environmental sustainability, and global partnership, respectively.

At the 2005 UN World Summit in New York, UNWTO convened meetings with governments, industry, UN agencies, and civil society leaders on how to harness tourism most effectively for the MDGs. These discussions culminated in the adoption of the Declaration on “Harnessing Tourism for the Millennium Development Goals,” an important declaration that put on record the recognition of tourism as a major force for socio-economic development and an effective contributor to the MDGs. The declaration calls on governments, international and bilateral development agencies, corporations, and civil society, to further their efforts in support of the tourism sector through mobilizing additional resources, affording tourism greater priority in development assistance programs and poverty alleviation strategies, and promoting public-private partnerships and good governance.


To alleviate poverty elimination and community empowerment through education, 180 libraries opened in poor areas as tools for community development and empowerment, as well as other activities based on the Korean development experience and know-how.

The Myusung Christian Medical Centre in Ethiopia started 10 years ago and has grown to the point of handing and giving relief to thousands of people in need every year. Conducted by Mr. Henry Moon, the property includes the Medical college annex.

Participants at the Africa conference had a chance to watch a proud Ambassador Dho showing videos demonstrating the success of ST-EP.

The ST-EP Initiative and projects worldwide have generated employment for locals in tourism enterprises. As of January 2017, some 120 ST-EP projects have been approved for implementation in 45 countries and 3 regions. Additionally, 100 projects have been successfully completed, including the Millennium Villages as a tourism destination.

Madam Dho’s eyes light up when she talks about Africa and ST-EP. But Africa has its challenges. “Africa receives only 3 percent of the global tourism flow per year,” said Najib Balala, Kenya Tourism Cabinet Secretary. “Africans need to walk together to re-brand the continent. The country is endowed with the greatest tourism potential, and today, its economy is the fastest growing by an average of 8 percent – a tremulous push with major power in the sector.” Mr. Balala took over the chair of the UNWTO Commission of Africa.

Ambassador Dho is also  a candidate for the upcoming UNWTO election for a new Secretary General.


UNWTO Election: African Union Commission Urges Africa to Vote as One Bloc

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 20 April 2017- The African Union Commission Deputy Chairperson H.E Mr Kwesi Quartey has urged Africa to practically demonstrate its unity by putting its support behind the candidates endorsed for positions within the international system. He called on Africa to vote as one united bloc to increase its chances of winning.

Mr. Quartey was speaking in Addis Ababa on the 19th of April at a dinner hosted by the Embassy of the Republic of Zimbabwe in honour of the AU endorsed candidate for the post of Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation, Dr Walter Mzembi. He added “we must win this for the first time”.

Dr Mzembi was in the Ethiopian capital to attend the 59th meeting of the UNWTO’s Commission for Africa, of which he was chair.

Speaking on behalf of the AU Commission Chairperson H.E Moussa Faki Mahamat, Mr Quartey congratulated Dr Mzembi for the unanimous endorsement he received from the heads of state and government of the then 54 member states of the AU. He also stated that the African Union acknowledged tourism as an effective vehicle for sustainable development, key in the building of deeper understanding between peoples and cultures and for the reinforcement of the quest for greater global harmony and peace.

The outgoing Secretary General of the UNWTO Mr Taleb Rifai also spoke at the dinner. “You have already won”, he said, with reference to the work Dr Mzembi has done to uplift the image of his own country and for putting African tourism at the fore. He added that Dr Mzembi had successfully co-organized “one of the best attended” general assemblies of the UNWTO in 2013, when Zimbabwe co-hosted the organisation’s 20th session with Zambia.

Meanwhile, Ethiopian Minister of Tourism and Culture Honourable Hirut Woldemariam wished the candidate all the best in the elections to be held from 11 to 12 May this year in Madrid, Spain. If Dr Mzembi wins, he will become the first African to lead the UN body. Previous secretaries general have been from France, Australia, and Mexico. The outgoing Secretary General, Mr. Rifai is from Jordan.

In his own address, Dr Mzembi reiterated the call for unity among African countries in the vote, noting that Africa’s concept of candidature committees at sub regional and cross continental levels, through which he was endorsed, had “secured an African, Dr Gilbert Fassoun Houngbo, former prime minister of Togo, the key post of Director General of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).”

Africa has two other candidates who have been endorsed by the Assembly of the AU for different posts, i.e. Dr. Mousshira Khatab of Egypt and Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of Ethiopia who are contesting for the top posts at the UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) respectively.

The Secretary General of the UNWTO is voted for by an electoral college of 33 member states. It is the council that comes up with a single candidate to recommend to the body’s general assembly.

The Addis Ababa dinner was attended by African Ministers in charge of tourism, who were attending the 59th meeting of the UNWTO’s Commission for Africa. African and other ambassadors based in Addis Ababa and other members of the diplomatic corps also attended the event.


Poland hosts UNWTO Congress on Ethics and Tourism

The 3rd International Congress on Ethics and Tourism, to take place in Krakow, Poland on 27-28 April 2017, will discuss ways to advance the commitment of tourism towards sustainable and responsible practices. The event is one of the major components of the ‘Enhancing the Understanding of European Tourism’ Project, conducted by UNWTO in cooperation with the European Commission.

Social responsibility champions, academics, private sector and representatives from national tourism administrations will meet in Krakow with civil society and international organizations to discuss how advance in the shared responsibilities of tourism development. The Congress acquires particular relevance as it takes place during the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, which is being celebrated worldwide throughout 2017.
The event, with the presence of Rajan Datar host of Fast Track – BBC World News’ flagship travel programme, will feature the views of policy makers and companies such as NH Hotel Group, TripAdvisor, ClubMed, TUI, and Amadeus IT Group. National, regional and international organizations like the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT), European Destinations of Excellence Network (EDEN), UNESCO World Heritage Centre and VisitScotland will also share their best practices.

Topics under discussion include strategic policy frameworks and models of governance as well as innovative and multi-stakeholder management models for the development of a more responsible and inclusive tourism sector.
Special attention will be devoted to the Tourism for All, the preservation of natural and cultural resources and best practices that contribute to socio-economic empowerment of local communities, women and youth.
The 3rd International Congress on Ethics and Tourism is organized by UNWTO in partnership with the Government of Poland and the European Commission.

Additional information:

The ‘Enhancing the Understanding of European Tourism’ Project is a joint project by UNWTO and the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs of the European Commission (DG GROW). The project aims to improve the socio-economic knowledge of the tourism sector, enhance the understanding of European tourism and contribute towards economic growth and job creation, thus improving the competitiveness of the sector in Europe. The project includes three components: 1) increased cooperation and capacity building in tourism statistics; 2) assessment of tourism market trends; 3) promotion of cultural tourism through the Western Silk Road; and 4) promoting sustainable, responsible, accessible and ethical tourism. The project is co-financed with COSME funds and will run until February 2018.