Zurab-Walter-Taleb: A new brotherhood in pictures: Words not necessary!
Thursday was a day in UNWTO and World Tourism that will be remembered. It was the day Ambassador Zurab Pololikashvili from Georgia was confirmed by the UNWTO General Assembly as the new Secretary General for the term 2018-2021.
It was a day the World Community came together as one, as one global tourism community.
It was the day the Hon. Minister Walter Mzembi from Zimbabwe shook hands with the newly confirmed Zurab Pololikashvili and pledged his support when everyone thought he was his biggest opponent.
It was also the day the current SG Taleb Rifai shined, finishing the confirmation hearing in his own style, avoiding a vote. He got emotional when he was honored for his tireless work and leadership of the organization bringing world tourism to a new level.
It was an amazing day.
Enjoy the photos by Christian del Rosario of Attreo Studio and long time partner photographer for eTurboNews.

World Travel & Tourism Council congratulates new UNWTO Secretary General
Gloria Guevara, President & CEO, World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) today congratulated HE Zurab Pololikashvili on his election to the role of Secretary General of the UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO).
Speaking from Chengdu, China, at the UNWTO General Assembly, Ms Guevara said: “On behalf of WTTC and its Members I congratulate Mr Pololikashvili on his election to the role of Secretary General of UNWTO. It is a position of enormous importance to our sector and I look forward to working with him as he will take the organization to the next phase.
The close collaboration between WTTC and UNWTO over the past eight years has resulted in a more unified and cohesive international Travel & Tourism sector, where understanding and cooperation between the public and private sectors has increased considerably. I look forward to continuing this path into the future, where together we highlight the importance of Travel & Tourism for the social and economic development of the world community.
Ms Guevara added: “We are at a critical moment in the development of our sector, where ambitious growth targets need to satisfy not only economic but also environmental and social objectives. It is the responsibility of all stakeholders in the sector to work together to ensure that Travel & Tourism, which accounts for 10% of the world’s GDP and 1 in 10 jobs, continues to be a force for good in our world.”

David Scowsill had this to say after being honored at UNWTO General Assembly
David Scowsill was the CEO of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) for some years. He recently resigned, but attended the ongoing UNWTO General Assembly in Chengdu, China.
He was honored by UNWTO Secretary General Taleb Rifai on Wednesday and had this to say:
“I am deeply honored to accept this accolade on behalf of the team and the members of the World Travel & Tourism Council, delivered here in Chengdu in front of some many ministerial friends.
The partnership between UNWTO and WTTC has been a truly global public/private partnership, where together we have visited 91 heads of state as part of the Global Leaders for Tourism Campaign. The Secretary General and I have always put our arms around the Tourism Ministers, and held very direct conversations with their Presidents and Prime Ministers about the key issues for the industry – visas, taxation, infrastructure, sustainable development and employment. For a diplomatic man, Taleb Rifai talks very directly just like a private sector person to educate these heads of state about the importance of travel and tourism.
UNWTO and WTTC did not always work closely together. Our predecessors sometimes fought publicly about differences on the approach to research. Taleb and I used each other’s numbers, because we understood the power of speaking with One Voice and one set of data. Our teams worked together. As my half-brother, we could read each other’s minds. He would start a sentence and I would finish it. It has been an extraordinary relationship.
I would like to take this opportunity to commend my successor Gloria Guevara Manzo to all the Ministers at the General Assembly. Apart from being a friend, she has the perfect public/private background to take WTTC forward. She has worked in the private sector with Sabre, before becoming Minister of Tourism in Mexico under President Calderon. An academic background with Harvard and various private board appointments have prepared her well to continue the relationship with UNWTO, working with the new Secretary General from 2018 onwards. Gloria this award presented today is for your team at WTTC, who have worked so hard to elevate the profile of WTTC.
My plans are to go ‘back to the future’ into the world of technology, from whence I came. As Chief Executive now of EON Reality Inc., the leading global business for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality with offices all over the world, I am already talking with a number of ministers at this General Assembly about investing in their countries to create a training academy and software development business. Over the next 10 years, millions of jobs will disappear in this industry due to automation, robotics and artificial intelligence. We want to drive employment in this next wave of technology, to create jobs to combat this trend. The latest iPhone launched yesterday in the US will have an augmented virtual reality app for the first time, which will change the world for consumers and developers alike. If Apple take this seriously, we need to do the same. The opportunities with VR and AR for travel and tourism in your countries are limitless.
I want to commend the Secretary General, Taleb Rifai, for his extraordinary leadership and his tireless work to serve all his members. He has flown across the world constantly, with no regard for his health nor the wear and tear on his body. Behind every great man lies a great woman, and I would like to acknowledge the dedication of his wife Nisrine, who has been such a support to the UNWTO organization. Taleb Rifai has taken the World Tourism Organization to a new level within the UN system, and driven the importance of travel & tourism dramatically higher on the world agenda. He leads a magnificent team of people at the UNWTO, who have contributed to the dramatic success of his two terms of office. It has been an honour to work with you and to learn from you. When you leave your office, there is no doubt that you will have made the world a better place.”
David Scowsill is currently the CEO of EON Reality.

To the new UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili: Congratulations by eTN Publisher!
Ambassador Zurab Pololikashvili from Georgia was confirmed as UNWTO Secretary General at the General Assembly today.
The confirmation was not elected by secret vote. Dr. Walter Mzembi from Zimbabwe was the first to congratulate him and committed his support. Mr.Pololikashvil said this was a vote of friendship, and thanked Taleb Rifai for his work and China for being a gracious host.
A very active campaign erupted today at the UNWTO General Assembly Chengdu. The elected nominee Zurab could have been accepted or not accepted by open or secret ballot.
Lithuania asked for an open ballot, saying a secret ballot will bring doubts to the organization, hindering the ability to move forward in unity. Many other countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo, Sri Lanka, France, followed by many EU countries: UAE, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Sri Lanka, Andorra, Peru, Mexico, and Algeria included, didn’t wanted to go against the outgoing Secretary-General Rifai, and the feeling was a secret vote would mean disrespecting Rifai.
Regardless Mr. Zurab was confirmed, but not by secret vote. This was the decision of the General Assembly.
As an industry, let’s help the new Secretary-General find his way within our industry and encourage openness, communication, and cooperation, not only within the diplomatic circle but within the industry, the media and all of those that are friends of tourism.

Addressing the UNWTO General Assembly: African style with a sharp global view
Yesterday, the outspoken Minister of Tourism for Zimbabwe, Hon. Walter Mzembi, addressed the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization in Chengdu, China.
This is a transcript of his moving presentation:
Excellencies, Colleague Ministers, Ladies and Gentlemen:
Let me congratulate the People’s Republic of China on its grand hostess-ship of the 22nd GA of the UNWTO and excellent service and hospitality rendered to our delegations, and of course it’s assumption of the Presidency of the 22nd session.
I know the painstaking and elaborate work and resources invested in such projects, having been host myself for the 20th Session for which I thank you for your support then.
Let me proceed to note the inauguration of the World Tourism Alliance last night, an inevitable happening given your scale and projected leadership as an international source market and unparalleled network of alliances. It’s only natural that you would enter this space of non-governmental and business organization of global tourism, perhaps overdue. We pray the long-term objectives are to complement gaps identified especially in global funding and tourism development clearly missing in our current UNWTO. I hope this will strengthen UNWTO going forward and not duplicate what it is already doing or what other organizations are ceased with already as some of your founding articles may seem to suggest.
And still on this subject I would also plead for inclusivity, especially of the emerging economies, there is nothing global of course without Africa, if you miss Africa you have missed the world, or at least it’s 1.2-billion-people market, and I hope you can hastily include those missing at the very beginning in your structures to inspire confidence and improve the global appeal of the organization.
Zimbabwe is captured in the New York Times of the January 2015 edition as “a once avoided now a must visit destination ”
Rated at no 13, together with Rwanda at no 14 as Africa ‘s top attractions in the Condé Naste Magazine, top 17 destinations for 2017, this country which hosts and shares the majestic Victoria Falls with Zambia, is one of the Natural Wonders of the World. Our chief hospitality product is peace, safety and security.
Zimbabwe makes the claim to a 33-year tourist safety record, with not a single tourist life lost to conflict or war nor insecurity since 1983!
Today Zimbabwe is a $1 billion tourist economy set to grow to a $3 billion economy by year 2020, employs over 300,000 people directly and indirectly.
The Country shares seven trans-frontier conservation boundary areas developed to the scale of the ecosystem, with neighbors, South Africa, Mozambique, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, and Angola, and has sound biodiversity policies which host a flourishing wildlife population and a diverse flora in its ecosystems.
Beyond its traditional markets in Europe Zimbabwe has developed strong bilateral relations with other parts of the world and has a BRICS growth strategy anchored by China whom it has granted a visa on arrival dispensation. Zimbabwe is largely an open destination with most countries in the world enjoying this visa on arrival preference.
How does one access Zimbabwe from China? You can be connected from OR Tambo, Johannesburg or Cape Town to any destination in Zimbabwe, Harare and VF included in just over an hour, 15 flights a day, or via Dubai, a direct flight of 8hours to Harare or VF.
The World Climate Agency at some stage rated Zimbabwe as host of the best climate on the globe. No natural Disasters except incessant droughts now mitigated by irrigation development. Google Zimbabwe at your own leisure to understand why Zimbabwe has been such a resilient product notwithstanding the adversity it suffered at some stage. We are the most endowed country in mineral wealth. As a colonial state, we were founded by the Rudd Concession because of the attraction of our rich natural resources and fertile soils. Ask the Chinese here they will confirm how they turned our adversity into an opportunity for themselves. Don’t be left out in this modern-day Eldorado to my country.
1) We reaffirm our thrust on finding a sustainable solution to securing peace for Tourism and its facilitation by the Security Cluster, and urge the Secretariat to facilitate more relevant engagements and interfaces for this sector to make its case. Continuing to meet alone and reciting our challenges will not resolve this challenge
2) We urge practical operationalization of the SDGs. As an example, Africa will need 660 billion euro a year to operationalize the SDGs, for the next coming years until 2030, in order to create 20million jobs a year to deal with illegal migration into Europe and other parts of the world, yet our ODA support is just 60billion Euro a year. How do we cover this gap? We have the biodiversity product, people, poor people, who are your greatest prospect and asset to a future source market if we develop a middle class out of them, turn them into tourists not migrants. A generation ago there was no tourist from China, no one wanted to receive you, today we outdo each other to receive you, with some countries giving you up to 10-year multiple entry visas, totally inconceivable a few years ago, WHY, because out of your poor, emerged a middle class of 400million people, out of which 128m today constitute the world ‘s largest source market. 4 billion trips are done internally, serious economic kinetics at play. To keep our people engaged at home we therefore need to discuss serious investment in the tourism sector in Africa and other developing economies to help in the elimination of joblessness, in itself a threat to security, because idle minds concoct terrorism, we have to give youthful lives a meaning to mitigate this major challenge.
So. lip service to resolutions on SDGs that does not translate into practical solutions will make us irrelevant in Cabinet tables where we seek accommodation. Let’s demonstrate Tourism’s greater relevance going forward.
Turning Global:
Finally, I want to thank you for the honor to champion reform and modernization with regards to elective issues around the Secretary General post. It is this post that gathers us every two years in this manner, to listen principally to this person who administers the organization between elective congresses and keeps us relevant to the world, even the best of white papers executed by an inappropriate choice, our collective choice can become for lack of a better expression a black paper. So, this is going to be the best decision of the 106th EC, notwithstanding the acrimony that gave birth to it yesterday, and a lasting legacy of the outgoing SG, I wish it had come sooner though. I pushed it not out of self-interest, NO, but because it was the best thing to do for our organization, someone had to carry the Cross and burden, because that is what leadership is all about. I opted to champion and magnify the cause because I admire the good work Taleb has done in the last decade. I know it, because I have been around long enough, almost a decade nearly matching your service as SG. Genuine friendship is built on honest feedback, no matter how nasty it may appear to those who may be unable to comprehend issues at the time. Equally, China can claim some credit, too, being a world case study and Champion of Reform itself, so we have no choice in this regard than to embrace change. In conclusion, no one appreciates Taleb more than Zimbabwe for standing by my country at its worst and bringing the GA to Zimbabwe, the rest is history. His name is indelibly captured in the memories of our people. I thank you, and God bless you all.
All photos © attreo studio 2017 CDR Photography

Interview: Director of Chengdu Municipal Tourism Bureau
Chengdu, host of the 22nd session of the UNWTO General Assembly, and capital of the Sichuan province, has been described as the ‘Best Tourist City of China’. The Director of the Municipal Tourism Bureau, Duoyang Nemu, explains for the GA Daily the meaning of this title.
Q – Chengdu has been named “Best Tourist City of China” jointly by the World Tourism Organization and the China National Tourism Administration, what are the goals and priorities of its future tourism development?
A – Chengdu has identified the long-term goal of becoming the World’s Tourist Destination City. It is focusing on the following areas: all-around tourism development, optimization of tourism products’ structure, public support service for tourism, “smart tourism” joint development, “Tourism +” industry integration, green/lowcarbon development, opening up and cooperation with foreign entities, international marketing and so on, and is expecting so see results. We hope to comprehensively promote the internationalization of Chengdu’s tourism industry.
Q – Chengdu is the “leisure capital”. It has recently won the title of “China’s Exemplar City for Leisure Tourism “, what do you make of that?
A – This title reflects the sense of happiness of tourists and residents in Chengdu and the quality of life in the city. The people of Chengdu love life, and enjoy life. The beautiful scenery, mild climate, abundant agricultural produce, thriving businesses and rich history gave Chengdu its strong “leisure characteristic”. Chengdu is the birthplace of Taoism, has a rich history of health and sports activities. Colorful recreational activities gave Chengdu the reputation of “Leisure Capital”. In addition to the teahouses that dot its streets and alleys, many wonderful bars, cafés, Sichuan Opera theaters, spa, sports centers and leisure farms make Chengdu a top choice for visitors to relax their bodies and minds. Day and night, Chengdu provides tourists with comfortable and enjoyable leisure options.
Q – Green development is an innovation on the basis of traditional development models. How does tourism in Chengdu implement green development?
A – Chengdu will give full play to the important role of tourism in the areas of stabilizing growth, structure adjustment, promoting reform, benefitting livelihoods, etc. It will utilize the ideas of “all around tourism,” “tourification” of entire industry chains and “tourification” of all factors of production and pursue the goal of making Chengdu tourism bigger and better. Further, it will seize upon the opportunity of being recognized and included in the first batch of the National Ecological Civilization Demonstration Areas, combined with the city’s development plan of “Advance along the East and South, Halt on the West, Re-construct the North, and Improve the Middle”, form a ecological living space that combines “Mountain, City, Lake and Garden” through integrated, green, low-carbon and “cycle economy” development. In this way, it will strengthen the eco-tourism project, establish Chengdu’s international ecotourism brand. It will develop the tourism industry into one that promotes private sector development, urban-rural integration and ecological landscaping. It will develop tourism into a strategic pillar industry and a people-oriented industry that improves the wellbeing of the people.
Q – Can you elaborate on the Green Tourism Standards Certification?
A – With regard to the Green Tourism Standards Certification the process is to follow the strategic path of “ecology first, characteristic development” and insist on the combination of resource development and ecological protection, strengthening and promoting the Green Product System of “National Park, Green Hotels, Green scenic spots, Green Tourism Products”. This way, we will implement the Green Certification scheme for tourism products and enterprises.
Q – In that framework you talk about the champions of ecotourism.
A – Yes, the strategy of developing champions of eco-tourism includes examples such as the Pingle Ancient Town-Tiantai Mountain National 5A-level Tourism Site, Qingcheng Mountain National-level Tourism Resort, Snow-capped Xiling Mountain-Huashui Bay Hot Spring National Tourism Resort and Three-Lakes-One-Mountain National Tourism Resort. We will actively promote the construction of an eco-recreational zone around the city, an international RV camp, and an international RV network. We will also consider developing a number of holiday villages, private accommodations, a start-up town and theme inns, in this way we can promote and upgrade rural tourism. Thirdly, we will implement energy efficiency programs for tourism. We will actively promote green tourism development and Low-carbon operations, develop eco-friendly tourism environment and ecointensive tourism economic system. Fourthly, we will implement the Green Tourism Initiative. With the theme of greenness, we will advocate low-carbon tourism, green consumption, so as to make tourism an advantage industry in a “two-type society”. Fifthly, we will implement Green Tourism Development Incentive Scheme. By implementing “Chengdu City policy measures on the promotion of tourism reform and development” and “Chengdu Tourism Promotion Regulations”, we should be able to ensure the healthy development of green tourism in our city from an institutional level.
Q – Chengdu is the world’s “food capital”, what are the characteristics of its food?
A – The characteristics of Chengdu Sichuan Cuisine are “Spicy, Hot, Tasty and Aromatic”. With more than 6,000 different dishes, each Chengdu/Sichuan dish has its distinct flavor. Moreover, there are authentic French, Japanese, Thai and other cuisines that can be found in Chengdu, providing visitors with more personalized choices.

Ministerial tree planting at UNWTO General Assembly
The first day of the General Assembly has served to welcome all delegates coming from more than 130 countries, but also to celebrate the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. One of the events in that framework has been planting trees in the Guixi Park East, in Chengdu.
The Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization was accompanied in the ceremony by ministers participating in the General Assembly who kindly supported this action.
Welcome new UNWTO Members
Somalis and the Union of Comoros are now new full UNWTO members.
The membership application for Palestine is postponed for a decision at the next UNWTO General Assembly in 2018

High level debate on Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals
The opening of the 22nd session of the UNWTO General Assembly was followed by a high level session on tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals and Building Partnerships for Development: The Example of the Belt and Road Initiative, conducted by Richard Quest of CNN International.
Among the participants were: Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of UNWTO; Li Jinzao, Chairman of the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA); His Majesty King Simeon II, Special Ambassador of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development; Sandra Howard, Vice-Minister of Tourism of Colombia; Abulfas Garayev, Minister of Tourism of Azerbaijan; Pascal Lamy, the World Committee on Tourism Ethics; Mohammed Yehia Rashed, Minister of Tourism of Egypt; Lamia Boutaleb, Secretary of State for Tourism of Morocco; Ephraim Kamuntu, Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities of Uganda; Benito Bengzon Jr., Undersecretary for Tourism Development Planning of the Philippines; George Chogovadze, Head of the National Tourism Administration of Georgia; Gloria Guevara Manzo, President and CEO of WTTC; and Ambassador Eric Jakob, Head of the Promotion Activities Directorate, State Secretariat from Switzerland.
“Growth and sustainability should go hand-in-hand. Recent protests in cities are the evidence that growth should be sustainable. But growth is not the enemy, as it is the story of humankind. We need to take local communities into account,” said Rifai.
The debate on the SDGs was followed by a session dedicated to the Belt and Road Initiative where the discussion focused on the characteristics of this initiative. Among the speakers were: UNWTO Secretary General Taleb Rifai, CNTA Chairman Li Jinzao, Oleg Safonov, Head, Federal Agency for Tourism of the Russian Federation, Roland Ratsiraka, Minister of Tourism of Madagascar, Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism of Cambodia, Nikolina Angelkova, Minister of Tourism of Bulgaria, John A. E. Amaratunga, Minister of Tourism Development, Christian Religions Affairs and Lands of Sri Lanka Askar Batalov, Deputy Minister of Culture and Sport of Kazakhstan and István Ujhelyi, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Transport and Tourism/Chair Tourism Task Force at the European Parliament.

More than 1300 delegates attend 22nd UNWTO General Assembly in Chengdu
More than 1300 delegates from over 130 countries attended the opening of the 22nd session of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) General Assembly in Chengdu, China this morning. During the next four days, the priorities of the Organization for 2018-2019, the transformation of the UNWTO Code of Ethics for Tourism into an International Convention and the impact of technology on tourism will centre the discussions. On the agenda of the Assembly is also the election of the Secretary General for the next four years.
“China is an inspiration to others in terms of its supportive tourism policies and in placing tourism at the centre of its poverty alleviation and national development strategies,” said UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai at the opening of the 22nd session of the General Assembly. “Besides being the fourth most-visited country in the world, with 59 million international arrivals in 2016, China is also the largest domestic tourism market, with 4.4 billion trips made within its borders,” he added.
The Secretary-General also recalled the relevance of having this General Assembly, the last of his mandate, under the framework of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017. “I feel very proud to have contributed to expanding the capacity of travel and tourism to the progress of the SDGs that guide our common action to 2030. This General Assembly is a unique opportunity to continue advancing together,” he said.
Wang Yang, Vice-Premier of the People’s Republic of China, recalled that, since the inclusion of China in UNWTO in 1983, the tourism sector has grown to represent 10% of the country’s economy. Vice-Premier confirmed that “smart tourism” will guide the development of the sector and highlighted the need to enforce policies to enhance sustainable tourism.
The Vice-Premier also mentioned that the inherently sustainable approach to tourism in China resulted from the traditional harmony between man and nature widely present in Chinese culture. In addition, he underlined the relevance of increasing cooperation among countries in the field of tourism, especially in crisis situations such as natural disasters. He further noted that 6 million jobs related to tourism have been created in 2016 in China, particularly for women, people with disabilities and rural communities.
UNWTO is irreplaceable for its role of supporting the multiple dimensions of the tourism sector as well as its wide potential,” he added.
The UNWTO General Assembly will discuss the Chengdu Declaration on ‘Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals’. The document, in which the potential of the tourism sector is underlined in economic, social and political terms, includes 19 articles that, among others, recommend to governments “to develop an integrated and holistic approach to tourism policy in order to leverage the sector’s positive impact and multiplying effect on people, planet and prosperity (Article 1).” In addition, it proposes “to undertake national assessments on tourism’s contribution and commitment to the SDGs and ensure the inclusion of tourism in interministerial SDG commissions and/or working groups as well as to enhance the contribution of tourism in SDGs national strategies through the set-up of institutional frameworks and mechanisms that allow participation of all stakeholders.”
“To advance, the tourism sector should decouple growth from environmental harm; fight climate change throughout the entire tourism value chain; measure the impacts of travellers every day accurately and regularly, and promote accessibility for all,” stated Rifai. “Furthermore we need to ensure the benefits of the sector reach communities, and prevent negative impacts on their social fabrics by tackling issues such as overcrowding, protect the weak from being exploited in our sector, prevent leakages and address global and tourism-sector security challenges without compromising people’s rights, particularly to freedom of travel and movement,” he added.