WTTC statement of support to destinations impacted by Hurricane Irma
Today, the Chairman and the President & CEO of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) issued a joint statement in response to the devastation caused by Hurricane Irma, extending the Council’s full support to all impacted destinations.
Chairman Gerald Lawless and President & CEO Gloria Guevara offered the services of WTTC and called upon WTTC Members to come forward and understand the ways in which assistance can be provided to the devastated destinations in the Caribbean and southern United States to ensure a rapid recovery for their essential tourism industries.
WTTC also offered to send a High Level delegation and advisors, when it is appropriate to do so, to evaluate and provide recommendations for solutions to assist with the recovery process.
Ms Guevara said: “Tourism is a significant driver of the Caribbean countries’ economies and local livelihoods, and the Caribbean has been a popular and high profile destination for many years. WTTC therefore commits to play a part in the region’s recovery, standing by to assist with the restoration of tourism markets and infrastructure as the Hurricane passes, impacts are measured, and the rebuilding can commence.”
“The Caribbean is a beautiful tourist destination. Travel & Tourism generated 15% of the Caribbean’s GDP and 13% of the region’s employment in 2016. I strongly believe that both the travellers and the destinations will show their resilience and that once damage is assessed and the businesses re-open, travellers will return. WTTC offers to help in all stages of recovery,” added Mr Lawless.

What If The Secretary-General Elect Is Not Confirmed Tomorrow?
“In accordance with Articles 12 (c) and 22 of the Statutes, the General Assembly appoints the Secretary-General based on a recommendation of the Executive Council. Thus, if the General Assembly fails to appoint a selected nominee by the Executive Council to the post of Secretary-General, the General Assembly will have to request the Executive Council for a new recommendation for appointment. It is therefore, the responsibility of the Executive Council to select and propose a new nominee to the General Assembly for appointment. In this case and, in accordance with the existing legal framework of the Organization, a new election procedure would need to be initiated. The Executive Council, in accordance with Rule 2 (f) of its Rules of Procedure and the well-established practice of the Organization would be responsible to set the procedure and timetable for the appointment of the new Secretary-General, including if necessary, convening an extraordinary session of the Executive Council and of the General Assembly as a matter of urgency and in order to finalize this process in the shortest possible period of time.”
Meet and greet old friends, make new friends, enjoy the wonderful Chinese hospitality and then go home happy.
Now, because of circumstances not related to tourism, but rather to favoritism, and skilled diplomatic moves, the UNWTO General Assembly will vote tomorrow for or against a man who is the polar opposite of the outgoing Secretary-General. It is hoped delegates will see beyond the slick wheeling and dealing, the posturing and lip service to our industry and see the much larger picture: global tourism is in a world of uncertainty, in a very uncertain world.
We suspect most nations are not asleep at the wheel in Chengdu, they will refuse to be herded like sheep to ratify a less than stellar candidate for tourism’s top post.
The Secretary-General position is not a diplomatic post or mission to be handed off to an entitled individual from a privileged family with a power base within a country with little regard for our actual global tourism agenda. We hope that thought alone keeps voting delegates awake tonight when considering how they will vote tomorrow.

World Tourism Alliance launched : A UNWTO / WTTC Chinese style?
Last night UNWTO Delegates attending the Gala Dinner at the New Chengdu Convention Center sponsored by World Tourism Alliance were treated to a special fun filled evening and Gala Dinner with delicious spicy Sichuan food.
The World Tourism Alliance is a new initiative launched last night by China with top name brand leadership organizations as founding members and executives including Taleb Rifai, UNWTO WTTC, USTOA – Chinese Style. The founder is Li Jinzao, Chairman of the China National Tourism Administration.
Li Jinzao said:
Good evening, first of all on behalf of China National Tourism Administration, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you for your presence here in China. Today will surely be a historic landmark of world tourism development, as representatives from more than 100 countries met in Chengdu, Sichuan to witness the birth of a significant international tourism organization. I hereby declare: World Tourism Alliance (WTA), a comprehensive, non-governmental and non- profitable international tourism organization, is formally established. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang sent a congratulatory message to this ceremony, for which I will now read:
The message from Premier Li fully shows the sincere expectation from the Chinese government for tourism cooperation on the international stage. The creation of the WTA shall be attributed to the international tourism community which have made concerted endeavor, to the UNWTO and its Secretary General Mr. Rifai who have devoted special attention, to the ministers, leaders from transnational tourism corporations and industry elites who have provided full support and to the Chinese government and its leadership which have delivered strong commitment.
Now let’s give warm congratulations to Mr. Duanquiang on his election as the Chairman of WTA for the first term, and also congratulate the Vice Chairman and 89 founding members.
Tourism is a sun-rise industry of happiness and peace, green in nature and important to drive the global economy, employment and poverty reduction and elimination. In the year of 2016, international tourist arrivals exceeded 1.2 billion, bringing about USD 1.2 trillion tourism revenue, and contributing to over 10.2% of the world economy., 9.6% plus of job creation and more than 4.4% of the investment. Yet on the other side, unbalanced development in world tourism is intensified, trade protection on the rise, tourism security under increasing threats from geographical conflicts and terrorism. All these have posed heavier pressure on sustainable tourism growth. To promote cooperation between governments on tourism affairs, the UNWTO has made undoubtedly big contribution and scored remarkable achievements, while it is still hard, as already proved, to merely rely on inter-governmental coordination for an orderly and robust resolution to all the rising challenges.
Hence the world is eagerly looking for a comprehensive, non-governmental and non-profitable international tourism organization, which will better the global tourism cooperation mechanism and governance system for the promotion of tourism sustainable development around the world.
Facing the complexity of international politics and economy, riding the magnificent tide of global tourism development, WTA broke through all the barriers and came into being to meet the high expectations from countries and tourism communities in the world. Its emergence follows the trend and echoes the call of the times. Upholding “Better Tourism, Better World” it is committed to promoting tourism for peace, development and poverty alleviation based on mutual trust, mutual respect, mutual support and win-win outcomes. it will go hand in hand with the UNWTO and stand complementary to each other, serving as double engines to drive tourism exchanges and cooperation at the non-governmental and inter-governmental levels. This is just like the song sung by these lovely children: The same feeling concludes to our same yearning, and the same glee gives us the same song.
As an English idiom goes: There is nothing new under the sun. But today something new is unveiled under the sun right before us. It is the World Tourism Alliance!
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Romain Rollan, a famous French writer once said: All the joys of life are the joys of creation. And Professor John Stuart Mill, an English economist also believed that all good things which exist are the fruit of originality. In China, we have Master Tsent saying in the Analects of Confucius that true gentlemen should be ambitious and resolute, for he has far to go with heavy burdens on his shoulders. The newly-born WTA is created by the whole international tourism community. It is born with great mission and needs constant and utmost care and support from all parties related in the world.
The 22nd session of UNWTO General Assembly is about to come, which will have far-reaching significance. On behalf of CNTA, I wish to again express sincere greeting to all candidates. We will learn from you and make joint efforts together on the way ahead, deepening our exchange and cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiatives and embracing the spring of world tourism.
Ladies and Gentlemen<
Suchuan got its name due to its marvelous mountains and rivers. It features picturesque landscape, time honored history, distinctive culture and lovely peple. It is the hometown of pandas. It is a popular destination of tourism. it is the origin of the ancient culture of the Shu Kingdom and now it is the birthplace of WTA. Welcome to Chengdu. Your experience in Sichuan will bring you one step closer to the essence of China.

Mr. Taleb Rifai addressed the audience saying: “For many years UNWTO has been partnering closely with many national governments including the Chinese government to enhance the importance of the tourism sector. However, to make the sector more competitive, to better satisfy traveler’s needs, we need to unite force with the whole sector. all these reasons are behind the creation of World Tourism Alliance.
We warmly welcome this initiative, and we stand ready to work side by side with WTA to build a better future for mankind through tourism.

Confirmation Elections to be Held for Zurab: Efforts to Save UNWTO
The outcome of yesterdays hot debate on Zimbabwe’s intervention to question the UNWTO Secretary General Election as a flawed process has been corrected. Countries showed deep respect and admiration for Zimbabwe boldness reform, and at the same time praised Taleb Rifai for his integrity and leadership protecting the system, UNWTO and the process. Countries should be assured by now. A non- confirmation of the current nominee from Georgia after an agreed secret ballot would be orderly, it would follow set rules and speedy under Taleb Rifais watchful leadership.
Members agreed on reform and confirmed a secret ballot will be taking place in Chengdu to confirm or not confirm Zurab as the next Secretary General.
Yesterday, the Executive Council of the United World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) met during the General Assembly at the Intercontinental Hotel Convention Center. This was no ordinary get together. The most anticipated discussion point was the opportunity for the Executive Council to address concerns related to the Secretary-General election raised by the Zimbabwe Minister of Tourism, Dr. Walter Mzembi.
Earlier in the day at the African nations regional meeting, this was also a hot topic. The discussion was passionate, if not heated, resulting in the outgoing Secretary-General, Dr. Taleb Rifai, showing a rare display of temper during the contentious meeting. Which resulted in an immediate apology from Dr. Rifai. Clearly, a very passionate regard for our UNWTO runs deep, from many, very different perspectives.
All of which is abundantly apparent with the debates, disagreements and general concern, if not alarm, felt within many levels of the global UNWTO membership related to the upcoming Secretary-General vote to take place tomorrow, Thursday, September 14 in Chengdu.
The proposed Secretary-General Elect, Zurab Pololikashvili from Georgia appears to be a lightning rod for concern. Combine the candidate’s opaque background with his lack of authentic tourism experience, and this has resulted in his nomination not being widely applauded, accepted or indeed, appreciated, by many leaders within the industry.
No one has been a more vocal critic of the election process that resulted in the nomination of Pololikashvili than Zimbabwe’s Minister of Tourism, Walter Mzembi.
At yesterday’s Executive Council meeting, Mzembi’s election concerns were discussed in depth, with Dr. Rifai rebutting and discussing numerous items. An outcome was reached related to Mzembi’s election agenda items proposal for the GA, by the Executive Council and, after much discussion, also by Dr. Walter Mzembi.
It demonstrates to our industry that given the opportunity to thrash out issues – truly skilled, genuine leaders can come to the table, have a productive exchange and settle matters amicably.
Moving forward, Dr. Walter Mzembi has agreed to spearhead a new initiative and chair the new committee that will review UNWTO election systems.
Here’s a quick run-down on the status of the upcoming Secretary-General election and the agreement between Zimbabwe and UNWTO:
1. The General Assembly tomorrow, Thursday, September 14, will hold a secret ballot to confirm or not confirm, to accept or reject, Zurab Pololikashvili as the new Secretary-General of our UNWTO.
2. The Executive Council and the Secretariat will create a special committee to work on overhaul and reforms of future elections. This committee will be chaired by Zimbabwe.
3. Zimbabwe has withdrawn current elective complaints.
Secretary-General, Dr. Taleb Rifai commended Minister Mzembi as an honorable, fair minister and also a friend. Rifai expressed his concerns, not with the possibility of the Georgian Secretary-General Elect being rejected or elected by the General Assembly, the voting chips will fall where they will in relation to Pololikashvili. As Rifai has noted, nations will vote as they see fit.
Rifai’s primary concern was, and always has been, for the overall well-being of our UNWTO, which lately has been swamped with swirling election allegations related to the Georgia candidate.
With the proposed new election oversight committee being put into place, and Mzembi withdrawing Zimbabwe’s proposed GA agenda items, all parties were able to reach an amicable, reasonable and productive conclusion. All of which truly, very genuinely, benefits the greater good of our UNWTO.
What hasn’t changed is the looming question for the voting General Assembly: is the Georgian candidate suitable, appropriate or qualified for global tourism’s top post? That is a very serious issue each voting nation must step up and answer tomorrow.
Our message for those voting:
Plan A: Fresh Elections at Fitur, January 2018.
Plan B: Reject Zurab in order to get Plan A.
It doesn’t hurt to wait for four months under Taleb Rifai, to get the RIGHT person in to contnue his legacy!
Vote wisely and responsibly on the 14th of September!
We will continue to report and provide breaking news and updates as they occur. As always, we welcome your comments.

STEP: Madam Dho, Geoffrey Lipman and Samsung – a lunch in Chengdu yesterday
2017, the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, is the tourism sector’s year to inform and inspire the world around how our sector is working to further global ambitions to ensure no one is left behind, directly supporting the SDGs.
The quest to eliminate poverty through the power of tourism does not, however, start now. It actually began in 2002 at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, when the UNWTO launched STEP, which stands for Sustainable Tourism– Eliminating Poverty.
STEP has built up a portfolio of about 120 tourism development projects in 45 countries in Africa, Asia, the Americas, the Middle East and Europe.
Having reached this milestone, a Foundation Lunch was organized during the General Assembly.
Under the leadership of Ambassador Dho Young-shim and founded by Professor Geoffrey Lipman, Ms. Dho called Lipman the STEP-FATHER when thanking him at the lunch for starting STEP.
Dho has been working tirelessly on this project for 15 years and did what she does best, finding sponsors to expand on this important eliminating-poverty initiative. She brought in Samsung to the lunch yesterday, and the director pledged the company’s support and sponsorship to bring this initiative to the next level.
Madam Dho apologized for getting emotional when she got tears in her eyes when talking about how tourism can help countries and initiatives in need.
A good example was laid out to participants by Uganda, where the minister of tourism from Uganda said: “Thank You, thank you, thank you.”
An MOU between Samsung and UNWTO STEP was to be signed during the General Assembly.

Six Regional and the Technical Committees convene ahead of the 22nd UNWTO General Assembly
Six UNWTO Regional Commissions (Africa, Americas, Europa, Middle East, East Asia and South Asia, Pacific met before the official opening of the assembly
“The 17 SDGs, a roadmap to 2030, the Paris Agreement and the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development provide the perfect context to advance together towards a more sustainable sector,” said UNWTO Secretary General Taleb Rifai in the 10th Meeting of the Committee on Tourism and Sustainability, chaired by Colombia and held in Chengdu in the days prior to the 22nd session of the UNWTO General Assembly.”
Taleb Rifai also shared news on the advances of the UNWTO International Network of Sustainable Tourism Observatories (INSTO). Since its creation in 2004, 18 observatories worldwide have joined the Network: eight in China, one in Greece, one in Mexico, one in Brazil, three in Indonesia, one in Croatia, two in the United States and one in New Zealand.
The work of the Sustainable Tourism Framework Programs for this 10 year project on Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns led by UNWT and co-led by Morocco and the Republic of Korea, was also underlined at the committee meeting.
Measuring the full impact of the sector and making informed decisions based on better, reliable and comparable evidence were objectives raised at the 10th Meeting of the Committee on Statistics and the Tourism Satellite Account, chaired by Austria. The Measuring Sustainable Tourism (MST) initiative recently launched in the Philippines was underlined.
Chaired by Peru, the 6th Meeting of the Committee on Tourism and Competitiveness debated the operational aspects of the tourism value chain and the list of factors for destination competitiveness, elaborated by the Committee. “
“Assessing the state of knowledge on the basic concept of ‘destination competitiveness’ helps develop sustainable growth policies, ethics, quality, governance, investment policies, image and local community benefits”, Taleb Rifai explained.

2017 set to become eighth year of solid growth in tourism
Tourism figures for the first 6 months of 2017 confirm that the sector is set for its eighth year of consecutive solid growth since the economic crisis of 2009. In the first half of 2017, international tourist arrivals worldwide grew by 6% compared to the same period last year.
598 million international tourists, 36 million more than in the same period of 2016, traveled to other countries in the first 6 months of 2017. The figure supposes an increase of 6% compared to the same months of the previous year, according to the latest UNWTO World Tourism Barometer.
International arrivals reported by destinations around the world were positive overall, with very few exceptions. Most of 2016’s strong performers maintained momentum, while destinations that struggled in previous years continued to rebound in the first part of 2017. This is especially reflected in the better results of the Middle East (+10%), Africa (+8%) and Europe (+8%). Asia and the Pacific (6%) and the Americas (+3%) continued to enjoy robust growth.
“Destinations that were affected by negative events during 2016 are showing clear signs of recovery over a very short period of time. This is very welcoming news for all, but particularly for those whose livelihoods depend on tourism in these destinations,” said UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai.
Regional Results
International arrivals in Europe (+8%) rebounded in January-June after mixed results last year. Confidence returned to some destinations that were impacted by security incidents, while others continued to grow strongly. Results improved particularly in Southern Mediterranean Europe (+12% as compared to +1% in 2016) and Western Europe (+6% as opposed to +0% in 2016). Northern Europe (+8%) continued to record strong growth, while Central and Eastern Europe recorded 2% more international arrivals, in line with results of last year.
In Asia and the Pacific, international arrivals were up 6% through June with sound results across all four subregions. South Asia (+12%) led growth, followed by Oceania (+8%), South-East Asia (+7%) and North-East Asia (+4%). International arrivals in the Americas were up 3% with strong results in South America and Central America (both +7%), while arrivals in North America grew by 2% and in the Caribbean by 2%.
Limited data available for Africa points to an 8% increase in international arrivals, with North Africa (+17%) recovering strongly. International arrivals in the Middle East rebounded by an estimated 10% following a 3% decline in 2016.

Interview: Chairman of the Chinese National Tourism Administration
The UNWTO General Assembly Daily spoke with the Chairman of the Chinese National Tourism Administration, Li Jinzao, shared here.
Q. China has become one of the leading tourism destinations in the world in recent years. What are the prospects for the future of the sector in China and the main objectives set for tourism?
A. China’s tourism sector had a relatively late start and a weak foundation. Yet due to over 30 years of hard work since the reform of its tourism sector, China has become the world’s biggest outbound tourism consumer and the fourth-largest international destination, with the biggest domestic tourism market. According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in 2016 tourism made a contribution of 11% to China’s national economy and of some 10.3% to social employment. Tourism plays a big role in, and greatly impacts upon, China’s socioeconomic development and enables China to exert more influence on the international stage. China has now entered the era of mass tourism; its tourism sector is unleashing larger potential and has much room for further development. As China continuously promotes all-for-one tourism – integrated tourism products and services – its tourism sector will keep being enhanced. China vows to turn itself into a world tourism power by 2040 through the implementation of a three-step strategy: step one, change from an extensive tourism country to a relatively intensive tourism country (2015-2020); step two, become an intensive tourism country (2021-2030); and step three, become a highly intensive world tourism power (2031-2040).
Q. We always highlight that tourism is much more than economic development. In your opinion, what are the fields in which tourism has a strong influence?
A. Tourism not only drives economic development, but also highly impacts upon people’s happiness, livelihoods and quality of life. It is highly inclusive and has many socioeconomic benefits – not only enhancing people’s knowledge, experience, personal development and empowerment, but also alleviating poverty, promoting employment, and increasing income and living standards.
Q. Can you further elaborate the connection of Tourism with Happiness?
A. Tourism is a sector of happiness. Travel can enable us to get close to history, culture and nature, ensure good health, relax and meet spiritual needs. Tourism can also be fully integrated with the worlds of culture, education, sports and health to create new business models, and bring happiness to the public in more and better ways. Tourism is a sector of beauty. Through travelling, people can discover and enjoy beauty, care for beauty, and enjoy and spread beauty. It is also a sector of peace, inspiring communication and friendship between people from different countries, regions and ethnic groups. Well-managed, ethical travel can promote harmonious coexistence between man and nature, along with low resource consumption and sustainable development. In recent years, China has been actively advancing structural reform on the supply side of its tourism sector and giving great impetus to all-for-one tourism development and the ‘tourism+’ concept. As a result, tourism has become integrated into China’s whole social landscape and is a strategic pillar of the national economy.
Q. One of the initiatives in focus at this General Assembly is the Belt and Road Initiative. Can you briefly describe its relevance and impact?
A. Four years ago, President Xi Jinping proposed to build the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Road, collectively named the Belt and Road Initiative. This has since been supported and signed up to by over 100 countries and international organizations. The initiative complies with the interests of the development community and has a promising future. Important resolutions of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly and the UN Security Council have been included in the creation of the Belt and Road Initiative. Now, the proposal has moved from concept to reality, delivering fruitful outcomes. Policy communication, interconnectivity, trade, investment, and increased contact between people have been promoted between China and Belt and Road countries and organizations.
Q. In your opinion, how tourism can enhance higher cooperation?
A. Tourism plays a leading role in increasing communication. Many of the cooperation agreements signed between China and over 60 countries and international organizations emphasize the active role of tourism in promoting communication – including in connecting people, which is the social foundation of the Belt and Road Initiative. The tourism sector’s cross-cutting nature and strong promotional potential make it an important channel for promoting contact between people, as well as economic development, industrial transformation, employment and improved livelihoods along the Belt and Road. China is willing to strengthen tourism cooperation and exchange views on development concepts with Belt and Road countries to promote intercultural communication, achieve balanced, diversified and sustainable development, and make tourism an effective for people in countries along this route to bond.
Q. China has positioned tourism as a pillar of its development. What is your vision of tourism’s capacity to contribute to a better world and ensure the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?
A. Whilst UN Sustainable Development Goals 8, 12 and 14 directly refer to tourism, the sector has a bearing on the entire sustainable development agenda. Tourism can encourage growth, employment, investment, creation of startups, independent and inclusive development of communities, and environment, biodiversity and cultural heritage preservation. To illustrate this, the UN General Assembly has designated the year 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. In 2016, the First World Conference on Tourism for Development was successfully held in Beijing and adopted the Beijing Declaration, a global consensus to promote sustainable tourism development. In this regard China is willing to join hands with other countries, on the principles of openness and innovation, to promote inclusive and sustainable development of tourism, establish a new international relationship centered around cooperation and mutual benefits, and make its due contribution to attaining a more peaceful and prosperous world.

The tourism community, more united than ever
With the conviction of this headline, Dr. Taleb Rifai, current UNWTO Secretary General, shared his thoughts at the opening of the UN World Tourism Organization General Assembly.
Despite the challenges that our sector has been facing in recent years, we are more committed than ever to work closer together to make it a pillar of a better future for people and planet.
The International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development that we are celebrating globally throughout 2017 has provided us with the platform to reinforce this consensus, which is so important for us to position the tourism sector in the global agenda.
We know that it has not been an easy path. Safety and security challenges and issues arising from the impact of technology and transformative business models add to the pressing need to make our sector more competitive and sustainable. But in the face of those, a stronger, more responsible and more united tourism community has emerged.
We are more determined than ever to maximize the benefits that tourism brings to our societies,
not only as a driver of economic development and peace, but also for its impact on the environment and on cultural preservation. We also see that, more and more, governments and administrations across the world are prioritizing tourism to transform their countries for the better. In the days to come we will be discussing the priorities and work plan of our Organization to ensure that tourism can effectively be a force for good amidst the challenges ahead.
We wish you a fruitful and intense week!

Message from United Nations SG on 22nd Session of World Tourism Organization General Assembly
As the UNWTO General Assembly welcomes more than 1,300 delegates to Chengdu, China, for its General Assembly, António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General, delivered the following welcome.
It is a pleasure to greet the global tourism community at the 22nd General Assembly session of the World Tourism Organization.
I thank Secretary General Taleb Rifai for his leadership.
You gather during the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, as designated by the United Nations General Assembly. This observance aims to raise the profile of travel and tourism – one of the most impactful socio-economic sectors – within the international development community.
Your Assembly is also an opportunity to chart the sector’s course in helping to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Tourism is connected to the entire agenda, yet we still have to fully harness its power to be a transformative force for economies, societies and planet.
In this landmark year for tourism, I encourage you to do your utmost towards making tourism a pillar in every nation’s agenda for sustainable, inclusive, equitable and prosperous development.