
Murdering a tourism minister, an UNWTO Event and a witch hunt: Bizarre!

Chilling details have emerged targeting a long time international public servant, and one of the longest-serving tourism ministers to be murdered.  The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and a new UNWTO event planned in Zimbabwe under the leadership of  secretary general Zurab Pololikashvili,  is all part of a broader internal mess this southern African country Zimbabwe is currently in.

In addition, a witch hunt taking place in Zimbabwe that can be initiated by anyone who wanted to blow a whistle, and triggers the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission to get active and put people in handcuffs. It’s an ideal platform for settling scores on behalf of politicians having a conflict with other politicians.

One prominent person arrested last month was Dr. Walter Mzembi, former foreign minister and minister of tourism and hospitality industries, who is accused of a crime. The crime is a donation by his ministry after the World Cup 2010. The donation done without treasury concurrence were some public area viewing screens. They went to churches and a university to help promote religious tourism.

Yesterday Zimbabwe media headlines made this story even more bizarre and now it includes a murder for hire and the target was no other than Dr. Walter Mzembi.

The Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission works on tips and some say it’s abusing its questionable arresting powers before thorough investigations are made.

Its megaphone policy has recently come under severe criticism by the new Government itself, which accuses it of running public trials of its suspects using Zimbabwe’s public media and hyperactive social media. President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s spokesperson George Charamba has criticised the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC)’s way of tackling corruption. Speaking on ZiFM Stereo during an interview, Charamba criticised ZACC for not following due process and warned the anti-graft body that even criminals deserve justice.

Charamba said:” I don’t think newspapers and radio stations are the best media for delivering processes of justice. Yes, justice must be seen to be done but at times it is done before it is actually done and that creates a certain sense of victimization which does not in any way edify processes which must, in fact, inspire public confidence. So whoever is involved in investigations around errant behavior must always be mindful that the whole world is watching, two those people have rights, three there is due process which must be followed, four there’s nothing called a public trial.”

Global tourism events are important for a country like Zimbabwe. As the new Zimbabwe Tourism Minister Priscah Mupfumira told reporters at the recently concluded FITUR trade show in Madrid this month: “Tourism is a key contributor to the economy. So for me, the first thing is about brand Zimbabwe, marketing the brand, making sure that we attract as many tourists as possible and grow the sector’s contribution to Government revenue.” After meeting with UNWTO in Madrid the new Zimbabwe minister expressed gratitude for the opportunity to host another major event.

The UNWTO General Assembly in Zambia and Zimbabwe in 2013 was one of the most successful events in UNWTO history but did not start without problems. If it wasn’t for Zimbabwe’s former minister of tourism and hospitality Dr. Walter Mzembi, the event may not have gotten the standing it did.

Yesterdays news-coverage making headlines in the Zimbabwe news media about a failed assassination attempt against the popular former Minister Mzembi puts this attempt by the current administration to secure a new UNWTO conference in another view.

Last week a self-confessed hitman had testified to Zimbabwe police alleging a senior government official issued him an assassination order to take out former Foreign Affairs minister Dr. Walter Mzembi.

Curiously enough, Dr. Sylvester Maunganidze who the assassin accused to have hired him to eliminate Dr. Walter Mzembi is the same man who served as Dr. Mzembi’ s permanent secretary during the time when Mzembi was Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industries, and Maunganidze was fired by Mzembi’s ministry and reassigned a few months before the UNWTO General Assembly was held successfully in Victoria Falls in 2013.

The alleged hitman Munyaradzi Mupazviripo filed a report at Borrowdale Police Station in Harare on January 24, 2018 at 19:49 hours, providing granular details of how the government official allegedly gave him instructions in May 2015 to carry out the extra-judicial killing.

The 44-year-old assassin claimed Mzembi’s former permanent secretary told him he would receive a $50.000 cash payment for executing Mzembi. The docket was recorded by a constable J Mapfumo, force number 063184. The case is recorded in RRB number 0242860061 and CR 345/01/18.

The assassin by the name of Mupazviripo, who was in hiding said he has now (years later) been targeted for disobeying the order and was living in fear of being murdered. In his raw account in the docket, he said his refusal to carry out the assignment means he was as good as dead.

“In November 2017 Dr. Sylvester Maunganidze phoned me and started insulting me, threatening that I was going to jail and I am a G40 cabal,” Mupazviripo said in his police report. “Dr. Sylvester Maunganidze is always calling me on the phone threatening that I will go to jail this year without fail.”

After yesterdays media coverage on eTurboNews and other publications yesterday Mupazviripo was arrested on some unrelated charges today.

Mzembi declined to comment on the plot, referring questions to his lawyer Job Sikhala, who said Mupazviripo approached his client at the Harare Magistrates’ Courts last week where the former Foreign minister Mzembi is being charged with “criminal abuse of office”. Mzembi denies any wrongdoing.

Sikhala said: “I didn’t wait to hear what he was telling him. Mzembi caught up with me by the car park and briefed me about what he was told by the hired assassin who pulled him aside that he was hired some time ago to kill him by one man named Dr. Sylvester Maunganidze whom I don’t even know.”

“I digressed over the issue and requested to meet with Mupazviripo and hear his story. We met him and he gave us the narration of how, where and when he was hired and the purpose of the mission and many other stories.

In a statement, police spokesperson senior assistant commissioner Charity Charamba said the content of the report “is false”.

In an interview with the Zimbabwe Daily News, the assassin said he had conducted many covert operations, notably in the areas of propaganda and psychological warfare.

He said in his last mission, he was assigned as an agent to infiltrate and monitor the State broadcaster, Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation.

This assassin accused Dr. Sylvester Maunganidze who was the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry before the UNWTO General Assembly in 2013 , that he wanted Dr. Walter Mzembi dead.

On October 6, 2009 eTurboNews reported about former Zimbabwe President Mugabe had appointed Dr. Sylvester Maunganidze as the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Tourism and Hospitality Industry.

On August 1, 2012 the African review reported: Dr. Sylvester Maunganidze has paid the price for revealing that the country was ill prepared to host next year’s world tourism summit, as he was relieved of his duties and moved to a less fashionable post.

Dr. Sylvester Maunganidze however, denies involvement in the alleged murder-for-hire plot against Mzembi.

Many think Maunganidze is accused of being responsible for Mzembi’s incarceration in a web of conspiracy with the new administration and some of its officials, a typical vengeance and retribution mission. Perhaps, Maunganidze is pulling the strings from behind the scenes as a whistleblower on the old administration which he hated for demoting him. This is a high probability. All the cases against Mzembi have Maunganidze at the center as the then Permanent Secretary.

When Maunganidze was permanent secretary to Dr. Mzembi, Maunganidze was accused of making disparaging remarks about Zambia just before Zambia was to co-host the summit with Zimbabwe, triggering a diplomatic row between the two countries.

Zambia Reports published this article on Augst 3, 2012: A top government official in African dictator Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe leadership is fired for comments on Zambia as both countries prepare to host the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) 20th general assembly next year.

At that time Karikoga Kaseke, who was heading the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority, told a press conference back in 2012, “There is nothing fictitious in that bid and the Permanent Secretary thinks by lying it can turn against Dr. Mzembi, our minister,”

The new Zimbabwe Government by its own admission has criticised the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission (ZACC) for its public trials of suspects but the damage for high profile international figures like Mzembi has been done with impunity.

Quoting Shakespeare as he had famously said: “He who steals my good name steals all I have”, Mzembi ‘s good name built on years of dedicated work for his country including a run on behalf of Africa for the world ‘s top tourism job has been “stolen” by his own Government in a reckless retribution mission.


WTTC: Travel & Tourism to generate 2.4 million new jobs in Indonesia

The Travel & Tourism sector is set to generate 2.4 million new jobs in Indonesia. This is according to new data from the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC). Travel & Tourism contributed 6.2% of Indonesia’s GDP, a total of 770 trillion rupiah. Jakarta itself contributes 41% of Indonesia’s Travel & Tourism.

Speaking at the Panorama Mega Conference in Jakarta, Gloria Guevara, President & CEO of WTTC said, “Travel & Tourism is an important contributor to Indonesia’s economy, accounting for over 6% of GDP. In addition, with foreign visitor spend contributing 220 trillion rupiah to the economy, Travel & Tourism accounted for over 55% of Indonesia’s service sector exports. I congratulate the government of President Widodo, in particular Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya, on their prioritisation of and commitment to our industry. Thanks to their support for the Travel & Tourism sector, 2.4m new jobs will be created.”

President Widodo has set an ambitious target to attract 20 million visitors in 2019, nearly double that of 2016. He also called for $20 billion in investment in the sector to support this rapid growth. In 2016 Indonesia granted visa free access to nationals of 169 countries, opening up the country to more foreign visitors.

Ms Guevara continued, “Indonesia is a prime example of a government which is taking the right approach to tourism development with strategic investment to support sustainable growth and policies which facilitate travel. There is work still to be done, and partnership between the public-sector authorities and private sector enterprises is vital for the ambitious target. WTTC is delighted to support Indonesia’s travel sector in this endeavour.”

Prior to the Conference, Ms Guevara held a private meeting with Minister Yahya, to discuss opportunities and priorities for Indonesia’s Travel & Tourism sector. She also commended the Minister on the government’s handling of the recent volcanic eruptions from Mount Agung in Bali.

Pemuteran Bay Coral Protection Foundation in Bali has been shortlisted for the WTTC Tourism for Tomorrow Innovation Award, which will be presented at the upcoming 18th WTTC Global Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 18-19 April 2018.

Child Protection

New initiative to enhance Child Protection within the Bali tourism industry

Jakarta, Thursday 1st February 2018 – The ChildSafe Movement, an award-winning
global movement protecting children from all forms of abuse, launches in Bali with the
support of renowned travel organization Buffalo Tours Indonesia. Together they seek to
improve child protection and sustainable tourism on the “Island of the Gods”.

Travel Bali, Be ChildSafe. Follow the 7 Tips & protect children on your journey.

With the support of Buffalo Tours, acclaimed social enterprise Friends-International are
delighted to announce the launch of the ChildSafe Movement in Bali. Together with Yayasan
Teman Baik, their local Indonesian program helping marginalized children, youth and their
families, the ChildSafe Movement raises awareness of child protection among all tourism
industry stakeholders, including promoting tourist behaviors and actions that will prevent risk
to children and effectively protect them. ChildSafe activities will include international media
and grassroots campaigning, educating tourists, as well as training and certifying businesses.

The result is a unique local and international network empowered to stand up against the
exploitation of vulnerable children in the tourism industry.

ChildSafe’s Traveler Tips and campaigns provide practical advice to tourists on better ways
to help protect children. Large-scale awareness raising campaigns and initiatives increase the
global response to child rights violations and further protect children from harm. These
campaigns, including “Children Are Not Tourist Attractions”, aimed at addressing the
alarming growth of orphanage and school tourism, have already reached millions of
individuals across the world and are supported and promoted by UNICEF and the United
Nations World Tourism Organization.

Through following ChildSafe Certification process, Buffalo Tours are at the forefront of the
growing international recognition of the importance of implementing child protection within the
tourism industry. Buffalo Tours have offered their assistance in the form of facilities and logistic
support, to help ChildSafe implement their campaign in Bali. They have also mobilized their
staff, Destination Ambassadors and suppliers to further enhance their commitment to child

Buffalo Tours now join the hundreds of other ChildSafe Alliance Partners, Supporters and
Certified Businesses around the world, all easily identified by their use of the characteristic
‘thumbs up’ logo! They are also listed on the ChildSafe website, a comprehensive resource
and source of information for all to ensure a global approach to child protection which
includes the important ‘7 Tips for Travelers’.