
WTTC congratulates the EU on the adoption of the new European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS)

EU on the adoption of the new European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS), a pre-authorization system which allows the EU to know who is entering the EU, from where and if they pose a risk to EU security.

When ETIAS comes into operation, all visa-exempt third-country nationals who plan to travel to the Schengen area will have to apply for pre-travel authorization. The aim of this is to ease travel to the EU and simplify border checks.

During negotiations, WTTC stressed the importance of the process to be made as easy as possible for legitimate travelers.

In addition to the ease of process, WTTC also advocated for the fees to remain at a reasonable level, one that did not discourage travelers from coming to Europe. The final fee of seven euros meets this balance.

“We see this as an important first step in the digitalization of travel. The ultimate aim will be the use of biometric technology to ensure seamless, more efficient and more secure travel. WTTC is committed to enhancing security and improving the entire passenger journey. This will essentially maximize the potential of the Travel & Tourism to create jobs and drive economic growth,’ stated Gloria Guevara, President & CEO World Travel & Tourism Council.

ETIAS will be free for under 18s and over 70s.

Applying for ETIAS aims to be quick and simple, requiring no more than a travel document, credit card and access to internet. A vast majority of applicants will receive a positive reply within minutes. If additional information, documentation or an interview would be needed, different possibilities will be offered taking into account the situation of the traveler.

WTTC welcomes the fact that the needs of the travel and tourism community were taken into account whilst ensuring enhanced EU security.

The new system was adopted today (Thursday, 5th July) at the European Parliament Plenary in Strasbourg and is expected to come into operation in 2021.


Fiona Jeffrey OBE new Chair of ATTA

Fiona Jeffery OBE has been appointed new Chair of the African Travel & Tourism Association (Atta), succeeding former chair Julian Edmunds.

Fiona has served on the Atta board for four years as Industry Relations Director, and has had a long and accomplished career in the travel and tourism industry. Responsible for World Travel Market (WTM) from 1986-2013, both as Managing Director and ultimately as Chairman, Fiona brings a wide breadth of knowledge to the role across all aspects of the industry, from government, national tourist boards and destinations to private sector and international trade bodies and organisations.

Founder of international water development charity Just a Drop, Fiona’s work has taken her to destinations across Africa undertaking projects to provide clean water and sanitation to remote communities. She also created and launched World Responsible Tourism Day, a responsible tourism drive across the industry globally, in association with the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

In 2012, Fiona was awarded an OBE by Her Majesty the Queen for services to travel and tourism, and in 2013 received the TTG Contribution to Industry Award.

Commenting on her appointment, Fiona Jeffery OBE said; “Being selected as the new chair of Atta is an unexpected honour I do not take lightly. My predecessors have all done amazing jobs, and my role is to build on their success. With new opportunities emerging all the time, Atta will seek to embrace these, putting the interests of our membership at its heart.

“My love of Africa began on honeymoon with my husband Nigel, exploring Kenya by four-wheel drive vehicle, and I am keen to tackle the issues and opportunities of the industry across the continent. These include sustainability, the dangers of overtourism, wildlife conservation and wider issues around poaching, gender equality and the opportunities of tourism to support socio-economic empowerment and development. It will be important to play our part supporting and furthering the agenda in many of these areas to ensure joined up thinking and increased impact across our industry.”