
CTO helps Dominica prepare to cope with the impact of climate change

~ A two-day climate sensitisation and disaster risk management workshop was part of a series of training programmes being conducted by the organisation in that member country ~

The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), the region’s tourism development agency, has been working closely with its member country, Dominica, to be better able to plan for, withstand and recover from the negative impacts of climate change and natural disasters.

The CTO has completed a two-day climate sensitisation and disaster risk management workshop in Roseau, aimed at facilitating the sharing of knowledge and best practices on strategies related to climate mitigation and adaptation, as well as identifying sound disaster risk management approaches.

Dominica suffered a direct hit by category five Hurricane Maria last September, which wiped out 226 per cent of its gross domestic product, two years after Tropical Storm Erika passed over the island, destroying an entire village, killing 20 people and leaving behind damage to 90 per cent of the country’s GDP.

“The topics of climate change and disaster preparedness are very pertinent to us in Dominica and in the wider Caribbean. We live in a region that is prone to the effects of climate change and disasters especially hurricanes. Of course, we have first-hand knowledge and recent experience with hurricanes,” Colin Piper, the chief executive officer of Discover Dominica Authority (DDA), the island’s tourist board, said at the opening of the workshop
“Anecdotal data indicates that tourism arrivals after natural disasters reduce by up to 30 per cent for up to three years. We are in fact experiencing a reduction in promotable visitor arrivals. For some properties, their occupancy levels may be up due to aid and agency short stays, but we must address this issue which threatens our livelihood within the hospitality industry and as nation,” he added.

Thirty tourism practitioners and decision makers from the public and private sectors participated in the event, which formed part of the “Supporting a Climate Smart and Sustainable Caribbean Tourism Industry” project currently implemented by the CTO, with funding and technical assistance from the Caribbean Development Bank, through the joint Natural Disaster Risk Management (NDRM) programme for Caribbean Forum states, undertaken in conjunction with the African Caribbean and Pacific Group and the European Union.

The 26-27 July workshop, facilitated by strategic planning expert Dr. Jennifer Edwards, was the latest in a series of training programmes being conducted by the CTO for Dominica.

Earlier this month a “Delivering Quality Service” workshop was held for 55 craft and souvenir vendors, hair braiders and tourism taxi service providers to help them better appreciate the importance of their roles in visitor satisfaction; improve people relations through effective communication and understand how positive visitor interactions result in satisfied visitors.

That workshop, facilitated by the CTO’s regional human resources development consultant Sharon Banfield- Bovell, covered areas such as understanding the customer, the importance of delivering quality customer service and the ten principles of customer service, all areas which Dominica said were critical in ensuring the service providers are equipped with the necessary skill set to deliver the highest level of customer service.

In addition, 25 participants each are to be trained in the management of sites and attractions at a workshop which targets forestry park wardens and the Waitukubuli National Trail Project among others, and a management of service quality workshop for senior executives and general managers in private and public sector tourism enterprises.

The CTO’s resource mobilisation and development division offers several training and development programmes, for member countries and the tourism sector, in keeping with its mandate to assist in developing and strengthening human capital in the region’s tourism sector so as to offer high levels of professional service.

Ministers & CEO

eTurboNews joined the Caribbean Tourism Organization

eTN Corporation, the owner of eTurboNews officially joined the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) as a member this week.

The Caribbean Tourism Organization is a tourism development agency with 24 Dutch, English, Spanish, and French country members along with a myriad of private-sector allied members. The CTO’s vision is to position the Caribbean as the most desirable, year-round, warm-weather destination for a holiday. Its purpose is guided by the concept of Leading Sustainable Tourism. CTO is based in Barbados with offices in New York and London.

eTN Corporation owns eTurboNews in addition to a myriad of other publications that reach out to travel professionals, consumers, and the media all over the world. In addition to, there is (Global Travel Industry),  (German language editions), (wire service for journalists), (for travel agents),  (meetings/MICE industry), (aviation news), (LGBT travelers), (news about top travel and tourism organizations, such as UNWTO, WTTC, ETOA, ICTP), (tourism news sources, mainstream readers), (wines and food news), and (Hawaii specific).

eTN is headquartered in Hawaii, USA with offices or representations in California, Florida, New York, Texas, Australia, Czech Republic, HongKong, Jamaica, Jordan, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Peru, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Tanzania, Uganda, UAE, Seychelles, Zimbabwe. eTurboNews Germany is located in Duesseldorf and Hamburg. In addition, eTurboNews has ambassadors in more than 100 countries.

The corporation also owns TravelMarketingNetwork, a group of specialized marketing gurus from various sectors of the travel industry. The network is a public relations consultancy geared specifically to the needs of the travel and tourism industry providing tailor-made PR solutions and advice on marketing and branding for companies engaged in travel, transport, and tourism-related businesses.

eTN is a founding member and major force behind ICTP (The International Coalition of Tourism Partners) and the newly established African Tourism Board.

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz
Juergen Steinmetz, president eTN Corporation

eTN Publisher and President Juergen Steinmetz said: “For many years, eTN has covered breaking news about the Caribbean as well as issues relevant to the region in detail. eTN had partnered with numerous events in the Caribbean, including the UNWTO Global Conference on Jobs and Inclusive Growth in Jamaica.

“It’s time to partner with the Caribbean Tourism Organization and work with their members so they may have even better access to our extensive network, and to make a difference in the development of tourism in the Caribbean.

“We’re proud to join the best of the best representing the Caribbean Travel and Tourism industry through the Caribbean Tourism Organization.”

eTurboNews was founded in 1999 and has been a trusted resource for the global travel and tourism industry for 19 years, and the only publication in the world providing world-wide travel and tourism news by the hour,  24/7. Through its readership, partnerships, and searchability, positioning, and an extensive social media network eTurboNews combined reach includes 230,000 travel industry professionals email subscribers, 17,000 journalists, and 1.3 million average consumers.

eTurboNews has never been known for lip-service, but for fair, spicy coverage readers love to see.

eTN is different from most online media. eTN Publisher Juergen Steinmetz said:  “We do not believe in free “earned media” as a method to have our hard-working editorial team provide free coverage for commercial or promotional purposes.

“In joining the Caribbean Tourism Organization we hope to establish new win/win partnerships, bring some of our events to the region,  and learn more about the true issues relevant to the Caribbean, and integrate best practices into our global way of thinking. “I am looking forward to attending the upcoming SOTIC (State of the Tourism Industry Conference) in the Bahamas, September 1-5.”