
WTTC: Seamless biometric technology will transform traveler experience

Passengers will be able to move more efficiently, faster and securely through every part of the travel experience after the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the body which represents the global private sector for Travel & Tourism announced a series of pilot schemes to test the use of biometric technology throughout the end-to-end passenger journey.

In first half of 2019, passengers will be able to trial the application of biometric technology at every stage of the travel process – from the point of booking, check-in, through airports, airline boarding, border management, car hire, hotel, cruise and during the journey.

In a series of pilot schemes being facilitated by WTTC, under its Seamless Traveler Journey initiative, representatives from several industries within the Travel & Tourism sector, such as airlines, airports, hospitality, cruise, car rental, and tour operators, will be able to jointly test different technologies that interconnect and work to improve the experience of the traveler.

The first pilot will see travelers on round-trips between Dallas Fort Worth International Airport or London using biometric technology to conduct all airline security, airport and border processes before accessing car rental and hotel check-in using the same biometric information.

WTTC is working with American Airlines, Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, Hilton, and MSC Cruises on plans for this first step towards the immense task of changing how people will travel which will have profound benefits for the traveler and the future of the industry. All of these corporations and the members of WTTC share a commitment to making the travel process safer and more efficient through the use of biometric technology.

WTTC has also invited the United States Customs and Border Protection and UK Border Agency to collaborate on the first pilot.

Consulting firm Oliver Wyman is supporting WTTC with the overall Seamless Traveler Journey program.

Gloria Guevara, President & CEO, WTTC, said: “In 2019 travelers between Dallas Fort Worth International Airport and London will be able to experience the future of travel. Our vision is that the traveler won’t need to provide the same information or passport multiple times. Instead, their experience will be seamless, faster and more enjoyable throughout their entire journey. Biometrics will work at every touchpoint of the journey to make travelling easier for the passenger while providing border services with greater security.

“99.9% of travelers are considered low risk. By using technology to minimize queues, we can give low-risk travelers more time to enjoy the travel experience. These travelers, by using technology, will be able to spend their time enjoying the experience, shopping at airports or more time at destinations rather than worrying about long queues.

“Travel & Tourism employs one in ten people on the planet today and over the course of the next 20 years we will witness a doubling of the number of travelers and the creation of as many as 100 million jobs around the world. We have a responsibility to prepare for the future by transforming the traveler experience while increasing security by working together and with governments.”

Chris Nassetta, Chairman of WTTC, and President & CEO of Hilton, added, “In our industry, our customers are at the heart of everything we do – we are always looking for new ways to offer them exceptional experiences. In the near future, travelers will begin to see biometric technologies that will enhance many elements of their journey from start to finish. Thanks to the support of our partners around the world, WTTC is helping create seamless experiences for travelers, encouraging the sustainable growth of travel and tourism.”

Sean Donohue, CEO of Dallas Fort Worth International Airport, said “As we look ahead to transforming the customer experience through technology and personal touchpoints, we’re pleased that DFW is part of this industry-leading effort. International airports are uniquely positioned in the customer journey, providing a key connection between air and ground transportation, hotels, and government agencies. We’re confident the WTTC pilot program will lead to an even better customer experience and more efficiencies for businesses and agencies across the travel and tourism industry.”


The 12th UNWTO/PATA forum looks into the future of tourism

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and the People’s Government of Guilin, China held the 12th UNWTO/PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook on 25-27 October 2018. This year’s edition – ‘The Future of Tourism: Road to 2030´, aligns with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“Digital advances provide opportunities to tourism in order to enhance inclusiveness, community empowerment and efficient resource management to achieve the SDGs. Yet to do so, we need to better understand where tourism is heading so we can adopt the adequate policies and business strategies.” said UNWTO Executive Director Shanzhong Zhu at the event.

International tourist arrivals in Asia and the Pacific grew 6% in 2017 to reach a total of 323 million. Rapid economic growth in emerging economy markets, rising air connectivity, more affordable travel and enhanced visa facilitation continue to fuel tourism from within and outside the region. Asian destinations earned USD 390 billion in international tourism receipts in 2017, 29% of the global figure, a share that has steadily increased from 17% in 2000. China, the world´s top spender in international tourism and fourth largest destination, has been one of the main drivers behind this growth.

Dr. Ian Yeoman, travel and tourism futurologist, delivered the keynote speech on the future of tourism, highlighting the importance of societal behaviours towards a sustainable future and the distribution of wealth generated by tourism, as main drivers of change.

Furthermore, topics covered at the Forum included how digital advances and data can be used to support sustainable tourism for development. Presentations were made by Google, TripAdvisor, Vynn Capital, STR, the European Travel Commission as well as research and policymakers from across different countries in Asia and the Pacific. The Forum concluded by emphasising the need for transformation and seize the opportunities brought by innovation and technology to move sustainability to the next level.

The 12th UNWTO/PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook drew more than 220 experts from 22 countries, among which representatives from National Tourism Administrations, National Tourism Organizations, tourism businesses and academics. With the longstanding collaboration of the Hong-Kong Polytechnic University, the Forum has become over the last 12 years a reference platform on global and regional tourism trends.


Reshaping African Tourism at World Travel Market in London

The African Tourism Board soft launch at the upcoming World Travel Market (WTM) in London wants to bring Africa together and take tourism leadership home with one goal in mind: “Where Africa becomes one tourist destination.”

African travel and tourism leaders are expected to meet at WTM on Monday, November 5, 2018 at 1400 hours at North Gallery Room 4 at the Excel Exhibition Center to participate in the soft launch of the African Tourism Board (ATB).

The soft launch is sponsored by Carol Weaving, managing director of Reed Exhibitions, who is one of the new board members of ATB. The event is co-sponsored by a prominent figure who doesn’t yet want to be named.

African Tourism Board

Attending Ministers of Tourism from across Africa, CEOs of tourism boards, and leaders of the private travel and tourism industry in Africa and around the globe are expected to share their stories. Global tourism celebrities, including Dr. Taleb Rifai, former UNWTO Secretary-General, confirmed attendance. It’s expected Dr. Rifai will share information on the outcome of the  International Tourism Investment Launch in London.  Rifai is the Chairman, and their launch event is scheduled for November 2 in London. ATB will be an observer at the International Tourism Investment Launch event.

ITIC is designed to serve as a unique global investment platform that will bring together investors, private equity firms, bankers, family offices, law firms, and technology experts alongside tourism policy-makers and ministers, experts, CEOs from the public and private sectors, and tourism entities as one tourism-focused business community to unlock opportunities for tourism countries strongly reliant on tourism as a foundation for national growth and development.

Where Africa becomes one destination is the theme for the African Tourism Board. Topics at the soft launch will include global tourism outreach, travel, tourism security, investments, Internet access in Africa, aviation connectivity, sustainability, marketing, and building a “friends of the media” platform.

The full agenda will be announced Wednesday. A sneak preview:

Former Seychelles Minister of Tourism, Alain St. Ange, will speak about “Africa rewriting its narrative to re-position itself as a relevant tourism destination.”

Professor Geoffrey Lipman, co-founder of SUNx and President of ICTP (International Coalition of Tourism Partners), will introduce a never-announced concept, “Climate-friendly Travel for Africa,” and a scholarship opportunity for African youth.

Graham Cooke, head of World Travel Awards, will be explaining the upcoming partnership between World Travel Awards and the African Tourism Board.

Carol Weaving, Managing Director of Reed Expo, will deliver her views on why forming the African Tourism Board is timely.

ICTP Chairman Juergen Steinmetz will shed light on why the Hawaii, Brussels, Seychelles, and Bali-based International Coalition of Tourism Partners started the African Tourism Board. He will share his vision on where ATB could go, and when ATB will be officially launched. He will introduce an initial steering committee and board ready to take the African Tourism Board home to Africa and to the next step on its path to help the continent to become one powerful and sustainable travel and tourism destination.

Registration for the ATB soft launch event is open. Space is limited.

Click here to register.

Founded in 2018, the African Tourism Board is an association that is internationally acclaimed for acting as a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to and from the African region.

The  African Tourism Board is part of the International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP)

The Association provides aligned advocacy, insightful research, and innovative events to its members.

  • In partnership with private and public sector members, the African Tourism Board enhances the sustainable growth, value, and quality of travel and tourism to, from, and within Africa.
  • The Association provides leadership and counsel on an individual and collective basis to its member organizations.
  • The Association is expanding on opportunities for marketing, public relations, investments, branding, promoting, and establishing niche markets.

More information and how to join the African Tourism Board can be found at