
Durban loves African Tourism Board and Africa wins

Durban loves African Tourism Board, and the African Tourism Board loves Durban.

Durban is the official host of the largest travel industry trade show in Africa,  Indaba, that opened yesterday. Sibusiso Mngoma, Senior Manager, Information & Tourism Sevices at Durban Tourism wants African Tourism Board to hold its first conference in this multi-cultural showpiece of a global destination.

This was discussed in a meeting with African Tourism Board Vice President Cuthbert Ncube and CEO Doris Woerfel yesterday.

The Zulu Kingdom, or the Province of KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) in South Africa has a devout following throughout continental Africa. Nowhere else in the world will one find such a unique fusion of raw natural beauty, modern sophistication, cultural diversity and pulsating energy – all in the most breathtaking natural setting.

Durban has become the hub of Tourism with its diverse cultural products, a Province that has a rich cultural history.

African Tourism Board interim chairman Juergen Steinmetz commented from the U.S: “This South African multi cultural city is the ideal place for all of Africa to come together and celebrate the beauty of the African continent as one destination. Thank you to our CEO and VP to open the doors for our young organization to get to know Sibusiso Mngoma and his team in KwaZula-Natal. We will certainly consider this generous offer.”

Cuthbert Ncube added: “Durban Tourism suggested to host us during the Month of September 2020 if we are ready, being the month of Tourism.”

Opening Indaba in Durban

Founded in 2018, the African Tourism Board is an association that is internationally acclaimed for acting as a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to, from, and within the African region. For more information and how to join, visit africantourismboard.com.


Zimbabwe Tourism invites African Tourism Board leaders to a fact-finding mission

African Tourism Board leaders were invited to Zimbabwe for a fact-finding mission and were afforded the opportunity to participate in a discussion with the Zimbabwe Minister of Tourism, Priscah Mupfumira.

This was discussed yesterday with Ms. Likukuma Rita, acting Chief Executive of Zimbabwe Tourism Authority; African Tourism Board VP Cuthbert Ncube; and ATB CEO Doris Woerfel at the Indaba travel industry show in Durban, South Africa.

Zimbabwe has a rich history of untapped tourism products like the Great Zimbabwe National Monument, and the ruins of Great Zimbabwe – the capital of the Queen of Sheba, according to an age-old legend. They are a unique testimony to the Bantu civilization of the Shona between the 11th and 15th centuries.

Likukuma Rita was passionate to work with the African Tourism Board on the Transfrontier Conservation Projects and other important developments close to Zimbabwe Tourism development.

The African Tourism Board VP voiced his excitement to closely work with Zimbabwe. He said, “The African Tourism Board is looking forward to Zimbabwe officially joining our board.”

Founded in 2018, the African Tourism Board is an association that is internationally acclaimed for acting as a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to, from, and within the African region. For more information and how to join, visit africantourismboard.com.


African Tourism Board met Mozambique to assist after double cyclone

African Tourism Board Vice President Cuthbert Ncube and CEO Doris Woerfel yesterday met with Marta Lucas in charge of PR, marketing, and communication for the Mozambique Tourism Board. The meeting took place at the ongoing Indaba travel show in Durban, South Africa.

Mozambique recently suffered major losses after it was hit by a double cyclone. Marta Lucas said, “The African Tourism Board is seen as a voice in the region, and we’re pleased to soon join this important initiative.”

The African Tourism Board is working with Mozambique on options to assist the country during this difficult time and the rebuilding of their travel and tourism industry.

Founded in 2018, the African Tourism Board is an association that is internationally acclaimed for acting as a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to, from, and within the African region. For more information and how to join, visit africantourismboard.com.

Ministers & CEO

Zambia wants African Tourism Board to implement inclusiveness approach

African Tourism Board (ATB) CEO Doris Woerfel and Cuthbert Ncube, the new Vice President of ATB, met with Mwabashike Nkulukus, the Marketing Director of the Zambia Tourism Agency, today at Indaba, the largest travel industry trade show in South Africa, currently taking place in Durban.

Cuthbert Ncube told eTurboNews: “We had a very successful meeting and agreed on a need to a more synergized approach in the Southern African region.”

Zambia is calling for the African Tourism Board to implement and drive the inclusiveness approach. Priding Zambia with its geographic advantage location linking with 6 African nations, it is ideally situated to cooperate in the field of travel and tourism and every region’s exclusive products.

Mr. Mwabashike emphasized the need to have a brotherhood approach to help Africa to understand its full potential. The Zambia Tourism director was in full support of this great initiative and was looking forward to being part of the African Tourism Board.

In 2014  Mr. Nkulukusa joins the Zambia Tourism Board with over 10 years of industrial experience predominantly in the global tertiary education and tourism markets. His recent roles included that of Marketing Manager at the Australian Institute of Business and Technology (AIBT), Business Development Manager at the Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies (ZCAS) and Tourism and Investment Marketing Lecturer at the Zambia Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies (ZIDIS). Among other qualifications, Mr. Nkulukusa holds a Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of marketing (CIM) and an MBA in Global Corporate Strategies from Cyprus. He is also a fellow and member of the Zambia Institute of Marketing (ZIM) and CIM respectively. ATM is confident that Mr. Nkulukusa brings to the Zambian tourism industry and its stakeholders elaborate experience, dedication, and passion as he has demonstrated throughout his career.

Founded in 2018, the African Tourism Board is an association that is internationally acclaimed for acting as a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to, from, and within the African region. For more information and how to join, visit africantourismboard.com.


WISeKey, WISeCoin AG and SUNx – Strong Universal Network – sign partnership

WISeKey International Holding Ltd (“WISeKey “) (SIX: WIHN), a leading global cybersecurity, Blockchain and IoT company, WISeCoin AG and the SUNx – Strong Universal Network,announced today a partnership to jointly develop a special purpose Blockchain Center of Excellence in Brussels focusing on the development of standards and technologies to accelerate Climate Friendly Travel.

WISeKey Blockchain technology developed by WISeCoin creates a trusted decentralized and highly efficient way to record carbon emissions using digital identities on the blockchain. Recording all CO2emissions that occur globally and requiring emissions contributors to offset them by purchasing and revoking the corresponding amount of tokenized digital certificates eliminates the need for taxation. Furthermore, companies that have developed technologies that remove CO2 from the atmosphere will be able to register their impact on the blockchain and trigger the new emission of digital certificate tokens that will allow them to further invest in the technology. With this model it will be possible to generate new emission certificates, called WISeTravel Carbon Offset Tokens. In the case of shortfalls, the travel industry will invest into WISeTravel Carbon Offset Tokens in order to fulfill their requirements.

Professor Geoffrey Lipman co-founder of SUNand President of the International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP), a travel and tourism coalition of global destinations committed to quality service and green growth, said: “We are delighted to cooperate with WISeKey by using state-of-the-art technology to bring a new Blockchain and Identity capacity to the world’s largest challenge, Climate Change Resilience, and one of the world’s largest industries, – travel and tourism. The SUNx ‘Plan for our Kids’ climate friendly travel program calls for 100,000 STRONG Climate Champions by 2030 in all UN States. Through this collaboration we will be in a better position to deliver Climate Friendly Travel – measured, green, 2050 proofed, and meet the Paris Agreement Carbon targets.”

These technologies will help galvanize regional, national, and local stakeholders to develop their own climate change programs using blockchain technologies – for air, oceans, land, cities, industries, rural communities, indigenous people etc.  Each with their own vision of priorities and goals. The partnership ultimately aims at transforming overall production, consumption, and investment and better align them with the 2030 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2050 Climate transformation.

Carlos Moreira, Founder and CEO of WISeKey said: “One of SDGs goals that stands out from the rest and is fundamentally existential, is climate change. Simply put, life on our planet is threatened, and without immediate, concrete actions the consequences will be irreversible – future generations will either freeze or fry and the intensifying consequences of extreme climate will continue to severely aggravate many of the other SDG challenges. Our special purpose Travel & Tourism Industry Blockchain Center of Excellence in Brussels will not only develop and deploy groundbreaking products and solutions for the industry and consumers but also harness the power of technologies to act as a catalyst of change and climate transformation.”

The Paris Agreement, with its 2050 national carbon reduction targets must be fully implemented and intensified every 5 years. In 2017, the world’s largest industrial activity, Travel & Tourism, formally embraced the SDGs, engaging public, private and civil society stakeholders in an International Year of Sustainable Development. Rightly so, to become a real force for good, we must be up with the mainstream curve on building sustainability into all growth and development aspirations. The main challenge remains how to keep Climate Resilience front and center when travel and tourism continues to massively grow.

The Blockchain Center of Excellence in Brussels will be fully interoperable with WISeKey’s network of Blockchain Centers of Excellence in India, Canada, China, Buenos Aires, Malaysia, Mauritius and Rwanda with new centers planned in the MEA region, including two in Saudi Arabia. All these centers will be interconnected with its 3 main hubs: Geneva, Toronto and Beijing, a Trust Triangle operating under a Common Trust Protocol, using WISeKey’s PKI hardened Blockchain technology, bringing trust and security, while maintaining the core Blockchain values of transparency, auditability, and traceability.  WISeKey’s implemented and integrated PKI solution is complementary to any Blockchain platform, where it can assist with developing a better trust model for use within a distributed system and create a universal Trust Protocol for the Web 2.0.

Like all other Blockchain Centers of Excellence, the new center in Brussels will assist local Blockchain startups to promote their technologies internationally, facilitate the rapid adaptation and on-boarding of Blockchain-based solutions, foster stronger collaboration between the public, private and academic sectors and cooperate to ensure that the latest technological standards are made available in a safe and trusted manner.