
UNWTO leads discussion on “Tourism Financing for the 2030 Agenda” in Geneva

Tourism’s unique potential as a tool for driving the global sustainable development agenda has taken center stage at a special event hosted by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in Geneva, Switzerland.

The session, entitled “Tourism Financing for the 2030 Agenda” was held during the 2019 Global Review of Aid for Trade at the headquarters of the World Trade Organization (WTO). UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili began the discussions by highlighting the key role that the global tourism sector plays in economic growth and job creation.

Ministers, development partners and financing institutions need to better understand and recognize how tourism can contribute to the 2030 Sustainable Agenda. Tourism is explicitly mentioned as a target in three of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (8, 12 and 14), though, as speakers at the Geneva session noted, for the sector to really realize its enormous potential, the amount of aid and development financing directed towards tourism needs to be increased significantly. Unlocking Tourism’s potential for realizing the 2030 Agenda requires a combination of effective and robust policy frameworks, enhanced private sector action, and an innovative approach to partnerships for development cooperation.

“This is an important time for both the tourism and the international development sectors,” said Mr. Pololikashvili.
“Strengthening and unlocking aid flows for tourism will help the sector be a driver of job creation, as well as of social and economic development and economic diversity. UNWTO welcomes the opportunity to join ministers, tourism leaders and our partners for these important talks here in Geneva. Working together we can harness the power of the new aid architecture and ensure that nobody gets left behind as tourism transforms lives around the world.”

Also joining Mr Pololikashvili for the session were Ms. Arancha González, Executive Director, International Trade Centre (ITC), H.E Dr. Rania Al- Mashat, Minister of Tourism, The Arab Republic of Egypt, Mr. Toshiyuki Nakamura, Director General, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and Ms. Caroline Freund, Director of Trade, Regional Integration and Investment Climate, World Bank.


African Tourism Board: The Need for Greater Industry Synergy in West Africa

The 2019 IATA’s Regional Aviation Forum is being held at the Marriott Hotel in Accra, Ghana. On Tuesday Alain St.Ange, President of the African Tourism Board and the former Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports & Marine Minister of Seychelles will be moderating a session titled “West and Central Africa as Preferred Tourism Destination: The Need for Greater Industry Synergy”. Participants at the  African Tourism Board session include the Hon. Barbara Oteng Gyasi, Minister of Tourism and Creative Arts, Ghana; Hon. M. Siandou Fofana, Minister of Tourism, Cote D’Ivoire  ; Ms. Gloria Yirenkyi, Country Manager, South African Airways; Bankole Bernard, President, National Association of Nigerian Travel Agents; Mr. Ikechi Uko, Publisher, Africa Travel Quarterly; Mr. Sean Mendis, Chief Operations Officer, Africa World Airline.

, African Tourism Board: The Need for Greater Industry Synergy in West Africa, Buzz travel | eTurboNews |Travel News

Under the theme “Aviation: Business for Regional Prosperity”, this high-caliber IATA event is bringing together distinguished aviation decision makers and influencers, representing Governments, regulatory agencies, airlines, airports, air navigation service providers, tourism organizations, international and regional organizations, aviation suppliers and aircraft manufacturers from Africa, the Middle East and globally.

Ghana Minister of Aviation, Honourable Joseph Kofi Adda and IATA’s Regional Vice President for Africa & Middle East, Muhammad Ali Albakri, together with other senior IATA executives and aviation industry experts are hosting the event in this West African Country.

The African Tourism Board currently is taking lead as the fastest growing travel and tourism organization on the continent. Founded in 2018, the African Tourism Board an association that is internationally acclaimed for acting as a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to the African region.

ATB President St. Ange told Africa on Africa day on May 25, that  African Tourism Board is ready to unite Africa through tourism.

Information on membership in the African Tourism Board can be found at www.africantourismboard.com/join 


Seychelles participated in 110th Session of UNWTO Executive Council

The 110th Session of the UNWTO Executive Council met in Baku, Azerbaijan from June 16-18, 2019. More than 40 Member States joined by representatives from the public and private sectors attended the meeting. Seychelles was represented by Minister Didier Dogley, Minister for Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine and Mrs. Anne Lafortune, Principal Secretary for Tourism.

The objectives of the UNWTO Council meeting are to bring together Member States for high level discussions on the direction of the global tourism sector, provide overview of UNWTO’s activities and progress over the previous year, and make key recommendations on the way forward.

The key priorities of UNWTO were presented during the meeting by the Secretary-General, Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili. This includes closer alignment with the wider United Nations system, financial sustainability and a focus on the role innovation, digital transformation and entrepreneurship can play in the global tourism sector. Another of UNWTO’s priorities is to make tourism a leading source of more and better jobs and a top provider of education and training.

In his intervention Minister Dogley welcomed the progress made in the newly launched ‘UNWTO Agenda for Africa’. “This four year plan will play a major role in realizing the potential of tourism for Africa if well implemented, focusing on tourism as a driver of poverty alleviation, job creation and professional development,” said Minister Dogley.

The Executive Council also endorsed the latest financial results and structural reforms implemented under the Secretary-General, which reflect the ongoing effort to guarantee the economic sustainability of the Organisation.

In the margin of the council meeting, the Minister and Principal Secretary for Tourism also met with Spain’s Secretary of State, Mrs. Isabel Maria Oliver Sagregas to discuss the possibility of a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of tourism between the Seychelles Ministry of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine and the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism of the Kingdom of Spain. Spain has a well-developed tourism industry and signing an MOU with their Ministry responsible for Tourism can assist Seychelles to learn and benefit from Spain’s experience in the areas of training and exchange programs, sharing of best practices in fields such the Tourism Satellite Account, Management of tourism risks, Product Diversification and Cruise Tourism.

The meeting in Baku will be followed by the 23rd Session of UNWTO General Assembly, due to take place in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, in September 2019. Held every two years, the General Assembly is the most important high-level meeting of global Tourism Ministers and the private sector in the world.


UNWTO Deputy Secretary General Sanclemente leaves: Gustavo Santo from Argentina next?

There will be a farewell cocktail tonight at UNWTO Madrid to say farewell to the UNWTO Deputy Secretary-General Mr. Jaime Alberto Cabal Sanclemente of Colombia. He was appointed Deputy Secretary–General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) in June 2018 and decided to leave the organization after just one year. The official version is, Mr. Sancelmente will go into the private tourism industry.

It’s not clear who will be his successor willing to work with UNWTO Secretary-General Zurab  Pololikashvili, but according to well-informed sources, the Hon. Gustavo  Santos, Minister of Tourism for Argentina is a good possibility.  Prior to becoming a minister in 2015 he was a professor of Literature at the National University of Córdoba

He began his work in public activity as Director of Youth in his province.

He was a member of the directory of Improtur, general secretary of the Federal Council of Tourism and member of the Scientific Committee of the UNWTO.

According to sources the Minister only speaks Spanish.

The Minister of Tourism of Argentina Gustavo Santos, last year was the Chair of the UNWTO Executive Council. He said that “innovation and tourism are allies in generating life opportunities for our people and creating employment. This reaffirms our commitment and responsibility towards this sector, which will lead human development in the years to come.”


UNWTO: Tourism is a global force for growth and development

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has met in Baku, Azerbaijan, for the 110th Session of its Executive Council (16-18 June). At the meeting, Member States endorsed the Organization’s progress and future plans, as outlined Secretary-General Zurab Pololikashvili, and warmly welcomed the participation of the United States as it explores the possibility of rejoining UNWTO.

With international tourist arrivals having grown by 4% over the first quarter of 2019, following on from 6% growth in 2018, the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism has met in Azerbaijan for the 110th Session of its Executive Council. The Council brings UNWTO Member States together for top-level talks on the direction of the global tourism sector.

“It is an immense pleasure to be in the dynamic city of Baku for the 110th Session of our Executive Council,” Mr. Pololikashvili said. “The Executive Council gives UNWTO Member States a thorough overview of UNWTO’s activities and progress over the preceding year, and makes key recommendations on the path ahead. Our time in Baku offered us the perfect opportunity to discuss the challenges presented by the ongoing rise in tourism numbers, including through the creation of more and better jobs and through driving gender equality. I thank all Member States for their commitment to UNWTO’s mandate and I thank the United States for their presence and openness to the possibility of rejoining and working with us to make tourism a driver of growth and equality.”

Mr. Fuad Nagiyev, Head of the State Tourism Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan, expressed his support for UNWTO’s mission, noting that it was “an honour” for the country to have been chosen to host the 110th Session of the Executive Council.

“UNWTO events, including this Executive Council, are great platforms for promoting the potential of tourism and for forming and developing good working relations with both UNWTO and its Member States,” Mr Nagiyev added.

Fulfilling UNWTO’s vision of tourism as a force for good

Member States warmly welcomed the progress made as UNWTO works to fulfill the current management vision. More specifically, the Five Priorities underpinning Secretary-General Pololikashvili’s mandate include making tourism smarter through embracing innovation and digital transformation and growing competition and entrepreneurship within the sector. At the same time, making tourism a leading source of more and better jobs, and a top provider of education and training is another of UNWTO’s priorities.

Member States meeting in Baku were informed of progress achieved to make tourism more inclusive, seamless and a means of safeguarding and promoting social and cultural heritage and environmental sustainability. Additionally, the progress made in newly launched ‘UNWTO Agenda for Africa 2030’ was welcomed. The bold four-year plan is aimed at realizing the potential of tourism for Africa, with a special focus on tourism as a driver of poverty alleviation, job creation and professional development.

Institutional streamlining and financial sustainability

The Executive Council also endorsed the latest positive financial results and structural reforms implemented under the Secretary-General, which reflect the ongoing drive to guarantee the economic sustainability of the Organization.
At the institutional level, UNWTO reiterated its commitment to diversity and transparency. The Organization is moving ahead in the creation of a new Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics. This Convention brings UNWTO in line with most other UN agencies, and will specifically provide Member States with clear guidelines for making their national tourism sectors drivers of growth and inclusivity.

The meeting in Baku was celebrated as UNWTO prepares for the 23rd Session of its General Assembly, due to be held in Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation, in September. Held every two years, the General Assembly is the most important high-level meeting of global Tourism Ministers and the private sector in the world.

Ministers & CEO

Jamaica Tourism Minister attends UNWTO Executive Council Welcome Reception

Jamaica Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, seen left in the main photo, is keeping the Hon. Didier Dogley, Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports and Marine for the Seychelles and Dr. the Hon. Charles Banda, Chairman, United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Executive Council, amused during the welcome reception for delegates to the 110th UNWTO Executive Council Meeting.

The event took place on Sunday, June 16, at the Mugham Club Restaurant in Baku, Azerbaijan. The UNWTO Executive Council meeting is taking place June 16-18 in Baku.

, Jamaica Tourism Minister attends UNWTO Executive Council Welcome Reception, Buzz travel | eTurboNews |Travel News

Above, the Jamaica Minister of Tourism Bartlett, seen on the left, poses for a photograph with Mr. Zurab Pololikashvili, United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Secretary General, and Mr. Fuad Naghiyev, Chairman of Azerbaijan’s State Tourism Agency. The three gentlemen met at the welcome reception for delegates.

The Executive Council, in consultation with ‎the Secretary-General, works to implement its own decisions and ‎recommendations of the Assembly.‎ The Council meets at least twice a year.‎


The United States of America is intending to join UNWTO

U.S. Tourism and UNWTO is making history in Baku, Azerbaijan. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is currently holding its Executive Council Meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan. Today the United States voiced its intend to re-join UNWTO.  UNWTO had been trying to convince the United States to become a member for many years, and this can be considered a turn for the UN Affiliated organization. The U.S. was a founding member of the UN Affiliated agency World Tourism Organization

According to informed sources talking to eTN from the venue of a meeting at the  Hilton Hotel in Baku in Azerbaijan this announcement minutes ago at the Executive Council meeting.

Insiders believe this will be a game changer not only for UNWTO but also for the United States and the involvement of the U.S. within the global travel and tourism industry. For decades the U.S. was never officially on the table, and this move may not only bring the U.S. in the picture but allow a fairer and more balanced approach between the influence  China and Russia established in this global industry.


Minister Bartlett Meets With Top Tourism Resilience Partners in Azerbaijan

Minister of Tourism of Jamaica, the Hon. Edmund Bartlett yesterday (June 16) met with some of the leading partners in the Global Tourism Resilience and Crisis Management Centre (GTRCM) to discuss projects and deliverables the Centre will commence following the opening of its new physical facility on Mona campus of the University of the West Indies (UWI) in October this year.

The special dinner meeting was held at the Hilton Baku in Azerbaijan in the margins of the 110th United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Executive Council Meeting, taking place June 16 – 18, 2019 in Baku. 

Minister Bartlett gave an overview of four critical projects, including the establishment of a barometer to measure resilience and set the standards for certification/accreditation of countries across the world; setting up an International Journal of Tourism Resilience and Crisis Management; building a  compendium of best practices based on the experience of countries that  have managed disruptions well and those that  have not; and establishing an academic Chair at the UWI with responsibility for studies in innovation, resilience and crisis management.

The issue of Corporate Social Responsibility was also raised at Sunday’s meeting. “Corporate Social responsibility is central to the sustainable development of tourism as it is for most industries but particularly tourism because of its extractive nature,” said the Tourism Minister.

“Tourism pulls a lot from communities so we need to have them involved. We need also to have inclusiveness for people with special needs and lifestyle differences in providing the world with the best opportunity to access the rich resources that exist within the people of these communities,” he added.

Minister Bartlett said the meeting brought a fresh energy to the discussion while bringing a new commitment to resource development. “So after the Centre’s official opening in October  we can get into action so  that it fulfils its role of not being just a centre for academic research but an action centre where results are realized and implemented,” said Minister Bartlett. 

In attendance were Ms. Jennifer Griffith, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Tourism, Jamaica; Ambassador Dho Young-Shim, a member of the GTRCM Board of Governors; Ms. Elena Kountoura, a member of the European Union for Greece; Mr. Spiros Pantos, Special Advisor to Elena Kountoura; Hon. Didier Dogley, Minister of Tourism, Civil Aviation, Ports & Marine for the Seychelles; and Ms. Isabel Hill, Director, National Travel and Tourism Office, US Department of Commerce

The GTRCM is dedicated to helping vulnerable states across the world to recover quickly from disruptions and crisis that threaten economies and livelihoods globally, using real time data and effective communication. It recently took on a new global perspective with the announcement of regional Centres to be established over the next eight weeks in Nepal, Japan, Malta and Hong Kong.

Minister of Tourism, Honorable Edmund Bartlett ((2nd R), speaking on the 2019 World Travel and Tourism Council Panel, “From Doing CSR to Being CSR,” on June 11, 2019 in New York City.

Bartlett Addresses Global Tourism Leaders at 2019 World Travel and Tourism Council

As a part of a panel of the 2019 World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC), held on Tuesday, June 11 in New York City, Minister of Tourism, Honorable Minister Edmund Bartlett spoke about the importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR), and how private-public partnerships serve as catalysts for economic growth and the transformation of local communities in tangible ways. 

Minister Bartlett, who participated in a panel discussion titled “From Doing CSR to Being CSR,” said, “CSR must seek to create the balance between the idea of ‘me,’ and the definition of ‘we,’.” The Minister added, “In Jamaica we are working closely with our private sector partners to ensure that the ‘we,’ – meaning the residents of Jamaica – will experience the benefits of social and economic resilience. From our point of view, CSR is about enhancing and improving the quality of our lives locally.” 

Minister Bartlett has been an ardent supporter of engaging the private sector to advance the sustainable development of tourism in Jamaica and globally. Under his leadership, Jamaica’s Ministry of Tourism has formed private-public partnerships and alliances that span a range of sectors, including transportation, agriculture, health and wellness, manufacturing, and small business. Some of these partnerships have taken the form of foreign direct investment, particularly in the area of accommodation. 

In Jamaica and across the Caribbean, several international resorts are engaging in CSR practices in areas such as community outreach, housing renovations and donations to local schools. In Jamaica, Sandals Resorts is an example of how the private sector can take CSR one step further – beyond corporate philanthropy – by developing sustainable projects with direct linkages to local communities. 

For example, Sandals Resorts has been working with local Jamaican farmers by donating seeds, and then offering a direct market for the reaped produce. In fact, 90 percent of all produce used in Jamaica is procured locally. Sandals Resorts is also investing in climate-related agricultural training at trade schools and in university programs across the country.

“The people of Jamaica are seeing the benefits of these CSR models, and so we are committed to expanding these social enterprise initiatives with our private sector partners to enhance Jamaica’s capacity to derive more from the growth of tourism in our country,” said Minister Bartlett.

The WTTC represents the travel and tourism private sector globally. Its members include more than 170 CEOs, Chairmen and Presidents of the world’s leading Travel & Tourism companies from all geographies, covering all industries.


Ghana Remains Safe: African Tourism Board Rapid Response Team offers assistance

Ghana remains sage, security remains vigilant according to a statement issued by Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, the Minister of Information for the Republic of Ghana. This was in response to a shocking attack on two young Canadian women grabbed as they stepped from a taxi outside a golf club in Ghana. The Canadians cannot be considered tourists, but volunteers on a project in Ghana, and are still missing one week later and Canada embassy officers with local police are doing everything to find them.

Officials of Ghana Tourism Authority(GTA) backed by armed police officers have stormed and closed down a hotel in Kumasi (about 200km from Ghana) where the two kidnapped Canadian volunteers stayed before their abduction.

According to the GTA officials, the hotel which has no name situated at Ahodwo near the Golf Park operated without a license and lacked standard security system including CCTV cameras a situation that exposed clients to all forms of attacks.

Abusua FM’s Journalist Akwasi Bodua who covered the exercise reported that the said hotel has no name written on the building nor erected signboard and had been totally deserted at the time the team arrived.

A search for the owner of the hotel is underway.

In the meantime, Canada increased the travel advisory level for this West African Country. Ghana has a booming travel and tourism industry.

The minister in his statement continues to state: “The abduction raised fears of copycat Nigeria-style abductions and sparked warnings of a rising crime if security forces don’t crack down on the gangs responsible.

National Security Officials held a meeting on Monday at the Jubilee House in Accra. The meeting was to examine recent travel advisories about Ghana and intelligence reports on Ghana’s security situation

The meeting concluded that there is no actionable intelligence nor an imminent threat to Ghana. Ghana’s safety and risk profiles remain largely unchanged despite recent events in the sub-region.

The security apparatus of the nation continues to be retooled and vigilant to tackle any major security threat within the jurisdiction. Ghanaians, foreign residents, and visitors are advised to continue to go about their normal ways of life without feat but also encouraged to be security conscious as always. Potential visitors are equally advised that just like other western jurisdictions, the isolated incidents of crime should not and indeed does not undermine the general safety and hospitality for which Ghana is so well known for.”

The African Tourism Board offered assistance through their rapid response team under the leadership of Dr. Peter Tarlow, who was appointed by ATB as their tourism safety and security expert.