
Dubai Tourism reopens: Exact Information for Dubai visitors and residents

Dubai Tourism reopens: Exact Information for Dubai visitors and residents

We will see you soon is the message on the official Dubai Tourism information website visitdubai.com Soon is now defined to July 7, 2020, and Emirates Airlines, as well as Fly Dubai, are in full implementation for this big day. COVID-19 isolation is about to be history for Dubai, when it will welcome visitors again […]

– eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News


Coronavirus? Spain decides to save EU Tourism and reopens

Coronavirus? Spain decides to save EU Tourism and reopens

Forget Coronavirus, let’s save tourism and the economy, maybe the incentive behind Spanish officials reopening their country to tourists from elsewhere in Europe Sunday after a three-month lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. Or is the message, we did it. COVID-19 was really bad, but we worked hard and had become a safe place to […]

– eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News


Earthquake in Northern Iceland

Earthquake in Northern Iceland

A remote region in Northern Iceland was surprised by a strong 6.0 Earthquake on Sunday night. The quake was measured at 19.07 local time . The quake epic center was measured 51 km from Siglufjörður. Siglufjörður is a small fishing town in a narrow fjord with the same name on the northern coast of Iceland. […]

– eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News


New Tourism: A charter flight to Rwanda to party with Mountain Gorillas

New Tourism: A charter flight to Rwanda to party with Mountain Gorillas

Rwanda has opened its tourism after few months of closure, targeting mountain gorilla tracking tourists with a cut in the price of permits for tracking endangered mountain gorillas. Economic desperation or a justified or mistaken sense of safety could be behind this initiative, but the healthy  truth hopefully won’t show until at least 2 weeks […]

– eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News


Terror in Reading UK prompted Dusseldorf in Germany to react

Terror in Reading UK prompted Dusseldorf in Germany to react

It’s now official. The stabbing attack in Reading, UK has now officially declared a terror attack.  In Dusseldorf, Germany the mayor of this German City, Mr. Geisel voiced his sympathy and shock to his colleague,  mayor councilor David Stevens. Reading in southeast England has 230,000 residents and since 1988 an official sister city for Duesseldorf. […]

– eTurboNews | Trends | Travel News