Dr. Walter Mzembi: A smile is the most universal expression of hospitality
World Tourism Day in Bangkok concluded yesterday. The last night was a night to remember for delegates to the UNWTO event.
One prominent delegate impressed with Thai Hospitality offered a toast during the Gala Night in Khon Kaen. He was Dr. Walter Mzembi who is running as a candidate to becoming the next UNWTO Secretary General.
Dr. Mzembi said:
-World Tourism Day was conceived 46 years ago, on the adoption of the WTO Statutes in 1970
– It was first celebrated in 1980
– I have participated and celebrated 8 WTDays, with various themes, culture, water, energy, Peace, etc
– I must confess this year’s theme is the most profound
-Tourism for all- Promoting Universal Accessibility
– Why because it celebrates love and humanity
-It is even more profound as it being celebrated through the most universal language
– A smile!
– Smiles are spoken more than any other language, Spanish, English, Arabic, Chinese, Indian, combined.
– A smile is the most universal expression of hospitality, without saying anything, or the spoken word, it exudes warmth and happiness!
– Don’t you think our generation has every reason to smile ?
– Yes we should smile for we are a very lucky people, lucky lot to be placed and raised at this moment in time, whose civilization and technological advancements has allowed this interaction , in peace and happiness
– Generations past were defined by conquest, each time different cultures interacted or met, they would establish supremacy first by fighting and eliminating each other
– At the Airport , several tens of cultures met and celebrated their diversity through song and dance, the smile leading the reception, bar language barriers, we understood that we were welcome through the smiles!
Keep it up Thailand and Hon Minister, my dear Sister once again Congratulations, on behalf of all International Delegates , we are taking very useful lessons with us to our various countries on the virtues of loving one another!
More Love !
I thank you!
God Bless You All!