
Geoffrey Lipman: “Yes” or “No” scenario on UNWTO Secretary General confirmation

Professor Geoffrey Lipman is former Assistant Secretary General of UNWTO, first President of WTTC and Executive Director at IATA He has known and worked with at least 5 Secretary Generals, served as Assistant Secretary-General of the UNWTO

He contacted WorldTourismWire in regards to the upcoming confirmation hearing for Secretary General at the UNWTO General Assembly in Chengdu later this month.

Lipman said: “Let’s agree the campaign to challenge the Executive Council’s Secretary General recommendation has stirred the pot…whatever the motive.

I have always sought in my comments to add an objective “amicus curiae” viewpoint.but now we are getting close to the decision-making in Chengdu I want to take one last shot.

A) If the Assembly gives the requisite votes to Zurab, the naysayers should back off and help him to get the most out of UNWTO to deal with the big external and internal challenges the world and our sector face. And that includes journalists and lobbyists.

B) If the Assembly does not give the requisite votes, the Executive Council should take the process back and relaunch the search. And for what my view is worth…they should act thoughtfully not hastily. They should set out the process publicly and invite NEW proposals, with a level nomination playing field. They would also be smart to create a small responsible group to shepherd this through the election and ideally use professional search support.

Finally, with the big challenges ahead – especially existential climate change and smart responses – they should ask whether the selected nominee has the capacity to unite and lead our sector through the geopolitical morass. We need the Anglo-Saxon free-riders in the game for this.”

Prof Geoffrey Lipman …….UNWTO supporter.