UNWTO wants Executive Council to respond to Mzembi’s agenda item request
The days are counting down to the UNWTO General Assembly in Chengdu. The games in implementing procedural bureaucracy to an essential issue, the alleged flaws in the election of a new Secretary General is in full swing. Zurab Pololikashvili is avoiding a response to media requests or any request to get his side of the story into the open.
WorldTourismWire asked UNWTO: The Hon. Walter Mzembi asked for agenda points to be added to the General Assembly program in regards to the SG Election. Was this approved?
UNWTO responded: In accordance with UNWTO rules and regulations, the request by the Government of Zimbabwe to add new items to the Agenda of the upcoming UNWTO GA has been communicated to all UNWTO Members States by Note Verbal. The decision on whether or not to include new items in the Agenda is the sole responsibility of the General Assembly which will decide upon this request when the item “Adoption of the agenda” is discussed.
In a bizarre move, it appears UNWTO is trying to push the concern by Zimbabwe on “flaws” in the election process back to the “defendant” the Executive Council
The same Executive Council accused of irregularities by the Hon. Mzembi is meeting before the start of the UNWTO General Assembly on September 12.
The intention by Zimbabwe was to have the full assembly review the issue, but it appears the secretariat is throwing the ball first to the Executive Council. http://lmd.unwto.org/event/executive-council-106th-session-0
The UNWTO Secretariat did not add any agenda items but is asking the same Executive Council and informed:
Consequently, and since the statements and alleged irregularities mainly refer to the Executive Council, the Council is requested to report on this matter to the 22nd session of the General Assembly, in order to provide the Assembly with all the necessary information when considering the proposal submitted by Zimbabwe.
UNWTO issued the following document:
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