
ETOA To Tell Migration Advisory Committee: Brexit Will Damage Productivity

This morning there is a meeting between the Migration Advisory Committee, the Home Office-sponsored public body that advises the government on migration issues, and the travel industry. ETOA, the European tourism association will present evidence that Brexit, unless carefully handled, will damage productivity. ETOA is asking for assurances that hiring non-UK EU workers remains free from bureaucratic burdens.

ETOA conducted a survey of all the major inbound tour operators and their suppliers, to establish the impact of any restriction on the employment of non-UK EU nationals among those based in the UK.

Over 100 companies, collectively employing more than 35,000 people completed the questionnaire. One third of their employees would be classified as “non-UK EU nationals”. 80% of the companies said it would be “difficult to impossible” to replace these workers with UK nationals.

As nearly all jobs are currently filled by EU nationals, it is hardly surprising that only 16% of the companies have used the “Tier 2 visa mechanism” which is required to recruit workers from outside the EU. Of those that have, 85% found the process “difficult to impossible”. If this system were to be extended to EU workers, (a possible option post-Brexit), then nearly 80% of companies predicted a substantial detrimental impact on productivity.

Language skills are particularly important if you are buying from or selling to people in Continental Europe. ETOA members, broadly, need to recruit poly-lingual graduates who are happy to work in the UK. They may only represent 30% of their workforce, but the jobs of the remaining 70% are dependent on them.

Not only are the skills of non-UK EU workers difficult to obtain within the UK, but these workers have proved that they are willing to travel long distances to work, and they are prepared to adapt. This manifest motivation and flexibility mean that non-UK EU nationals make up the most productive part of the workforce. It is hardly surprising that any curtailment of the supply of these people will be detrimental, particularly to productivity.

“It is particularly unhelpful, said Tom Jenkins, CEO of ETOA, that the definition of “skills”, for the purposes of immigration, does not include languages. The strongest part of our economy is services: inbound tourism is a vital export. You must deliver excellence in the language of the customer if overseas money is to be spent in the UK. Foreign workers are a vital component in our product and our productivity.”

Ahead of today’s meeting, the Tourism Alliance, which is the established voice of the UK tourism industry, submitted a paper proposing that the Government develop a Tourism Employment Strategy to tackle a current shortage of workers with the skills required by the sector. The Strategy proposes initiatives to encourage UK nationals to pursue careers in tourism and intelligent reforms to various existing UK immigration rules that would facilitate the employment of EU workers post Brexit.

The principal initiatives of the strategy include:

• Immediate clarification on the status of EU nationals
• Reviewing the TIER 2 Skilled Worker Criteria to pay less attention to salary (which is not a skill) and more attention to language ability (which is a skill)
• Introducing a quota scheme through TIER 3
• Expanding the TIER 5 Youth Mobility Scheme to EU nationals
• Revising the rules for students under TIER 4 to enable more of them to work
• Establishing a national ten-year campaign to attract and retain a significantly higher number of UK workers

Tom Jenkins concluded: “People are the most important asset of any organisation. We must not reduce the available talent pool from 500 million to 60 million, particularly when non-UK EU workers have skills that cannot be replicated domestically. Introducing TIER 2 controls on these people will involve a huge increase in expense and bureaucracy. Post Brexit, we need the government to implement a new tourism employment strategy that will enable the industry to hire non-UK EU nationals almost as easily as it can at present. That strategy, to prevent an increase in red tape, has already been drawn up by the industry. It is on the table. We need the government to adopt it.”


PATA will highlight the issue of gender equality in 2018

BANGKOK, December 12, 2017 – In line with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) will advocate for increased gender equality in the travel and tourism industry in 2018. As noted in the SDGs, gender equality is the primary focus of Sustainable Development Goal 5 – Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

The announcement was first made by PATA Chairperson Sarah Mathews during the PATA Aligned Advocacy Dinner on Monday, November 6 in London, where guests included a group of approximately 150 leading individuals representing the major players in travel and tourism.

According to the UN, while the world has achieved progress towards gender equality and women’s empowerment under the Millennium Development Goals (including equal access to primary education between girls and boys), women and girls continue to suffer discrimination and violence in every part of the world. Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.

“Travel and tourism provides the perfect opportunity for people from various backgrounds to share their stories with each other in the hope that we can better understand each other as humans, regardless of our gender, race, faith or beliefs,” said PATA CEO Dr. Mario Hardy. “The Association holds the fundamental belief that all travel and tourism stakeholders have an equal voice that should be heard. It is through a shared voice that change can be attained. It is our policy to ensure there is equal opportunity without discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law.”

The Global Report on Women in Tourism 2010 published by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and UN Women found that:
1. Women make up a large proportion of the formal tourism workforce
2. Women are well represented in service and clerical level jobs but poorly represented at professional levels
3. Women in tourism are typically earning 10% to 15% less than their male counterparts
4. The tourism sector has almost twice as many women employers as other sectors
5. One in five tourism ministers worldwide are women
6. Women make up a much higher proportion of own-account workers in tourism than in other sectors
7. A large amount of unpaid work is being carried out by women in family tourism businesses

“In line with the SDGs, PATA will continue to drive forward its mission of empowering its members to leave a positive impact on countries, destinations, local communities and the surrounding environment. Gender equality requires a strong commitment from both the public and private sectors to work together in reinforcing policies, adapting laws, and investing in education, vocational training and skills development to provide women in the industry with opportunities to make empowered choices for their future. Equality is and will continue to be a cornerstone of the Association’s mission in acting as a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to, from and within the Asia Pacific region,” he added.

During 2018, PATA will further its commitment to the issue of gender equality and examine opportunities to highlight this issue through its research and publications, events and training programmes. The Association will also look to its partners and members for advice and suggestions.


Europe partners with China Outbound Travel & Tourism Market

The European Commission-funded Partnerships in European Tourism project will arrive in Beijing at the China Outbound Travel & Tourism Market in April 2018 – marking the first of a series of B2B tourism events taking place in China as part of the 2018 EU-China Tourism Year.

The 2018 EU-China Tourism Year was announced in 2016 by the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Junker and the Chinese Prime Minister, Li Keqiang. Partnerships in European Tourism is an initiative as part of this this year aimed at supporting EU tourism businesses and operators wishing to expand their businesses into China. This is achieved through tutoring activities, facilitating new collaborations and partnerships around trans-European tourist products and the organisation of B2B matchmaking and other promotional events alongside international fairs.

Now in its 14th year, COTTM is the longest running and most well respected platform for the outbound tourism market. It is the only business to business event that focusses on the expanding outbound tourism market. In 2017 COTTM attracted over 4300 Chinese trade buyers and more than 450 exhibitors from 70 countries and is the only exhibition that is 100% business to business and 100% outbound.

COTTM was selected as the first venue to host a China-based event in the 2018 programme – a B2B matchmaking between European businesses and Chinese operators will take place, as well as a thematic conference on EU-China cooperation on tourism with a focus on the particular draw of family travel to Europe.

The European delegation is working closely with the China Tourism Academy (CTA) to deliver a conference programme within the COTTM programme to demonstrate the very best of Europe’s offer to the outbound Chinese market.

Dai Bing, President of China Tourism Academy – said, “COTTM aims to promote the development of China outbound tourism and the partnerships between China and overseas destinations since it was launched, and builds a bridge for the communication between China and the global tourism industry. China Tourism Academy (CTA) is willing to support the cooperation between COTTM and the European Travel Commission (ETC) and European Tourism Association (ETOA).”

“We are delighted to be hosting a delegation from Europe at the 2018 event in collaboration with the ETOA – the European tourism association. This is an important development for the show, and we know from visitor feedback that Europe is a very important destination for the Chinese outbound tourism market. We look forward to a continued partnership and to see the business opportunities develop at the show.” Said Matt Thompson, Project Director, Tarsus Group Ltd.

Tom Jenkins, CEO of ETOA – European tourism association, head of the consortium delivering the Partnerships in European Tourism programme – said: “Following the official opening of the 2018 EU-China Tourism Year in Venice in January, it makes complete sense that we bring the first in-market Partnerships in European Tourism event to the Chinese capital. Bringing a matchmaking, conference and exhibition at the only dedicated B2B outbound event in China will ensure the best business development opportunities for all involved.“


UNWTO appoints First Lady of Iceland as Special Ambassador for Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals

H.E. Ms. Eliza Jean Reid, First Lady of Iceland has been nominated as Special Ambassador for Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The appointment took place at the second UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture, an official event of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017, being held in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman on 11 and 12 December.

UNWTO launched the Special Ambassadors for Tourism and the SDGs program as a legacy of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017. The program aims at advocating for the contribution of sustainable tourism´s to the 17 SDGs and encouraging the full integration of tourism and the SDGs in national, regional and global agendas.

In her intervention at the Conference H.E. Ms. Eliza Jean Reid underlined the relevance of sustainable tourism as a means to build peace and social cohesion “A strong, positive correlation exists between tourism and peace. The very existence of tourism depends on peace and security. Tourism represents a vital force for peace and a factor of friendship and understanding among the peoples of the world, because of the direct contacts it engenders between people of different cultures and lifestyles.” she said.

“With my strong belief in the power of sustainable tourism to help reduce inequality and increase tolerance, it is a tremendous honour for me to have been asked to be a Special Ambassador for Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals.” she added.

“By becoming a Special Ambassador on Tourism and SDGs the First Lady who personify Iceland’s wholehearted commitment to sustainable tourism development will surely provide an invaluable support to our efforts to make tourism more sustainable and increase our contribution to all 17 SDGs” said UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai.


Restarting Somali Tourism: UNWTO discussion at World Conference on Tourism and Culture Oman

HE Abdirahman Omar Osman (Eng. Yarisow), the Minister of Information, Culture & Tourism of the Federal Republic of Somalia attends the Second UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism & Culture which is taking place in Muscat, the Sultanate of Oman 11 – 12 December 2017. Minister Eng. Yarisow today met the Secretary-General of thw World Tourism Organization, Talib Rifai.

Minister Eng. Yarisow is accompanied with Mr Yasir Baffo, Advisor on Tourism. Somali Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman HE Abdirizak Farah Ali Taano welcomed the delegation at Muscat.

The issues discussed included the conference on tourism and culture and the plans to revive Somali tourism.

Minister Eng. Yarisow stated that “Somalia is strategically located in the Horn of Africa and its people are born natural hospitable. Somalis are resilient and entrepreauners which are all assets that can quickly revive the tourism industry in the country. There are over 150 travel agencies in Somalia as well as a number of locally owned airliners that attract a number of travelers each day as the country is getting peace and stability. International flights and regional carriers flights regularly travel to Somalia such as Turkish Airline, Fly Dubai, Al-Arabia, Air Djibouti and Ethiopian Airline are all international airliners that go to Somalia.

Somalis in the Diaspora also visit the country with their families and the Ministry of Information, Culture & Tourism encourages the Diaspora to attract their friends to visit Somalia in order to experience the huge progress that the country is making every day.

Minister Eng. Yarisow concluded “Somalia has a number attractive tourism places throughout the country and the weather of Somalia is perfect for tourists throughout the year. We are here to share our plans and strategies to revive tourism in Somalia as well as learning from other countries on how they overcome the challenges that we face in Somalia.”


More surprises at Etihad Airways: VP Vijay Poonoosamy calls it quit

Vijay Poonoosamy has been the voice of Abu Dhabi based Etihad Airways as Vice President International Affairs. Vijay has been seen on panels, as a speaker at major travel and tourism-related events. He has been regarded as a reliable expert and was seen as the link between the aviation industry and the rest of travel and tourism.

Etihad Airways, the national carrier of the United Arab Emirates has been going through some very tough times when their substantial Alitalia and airberlin investments turned sour and contributed to enormous losses for the carrier. This happened under the leadership of Australian CEO James Hogan who was forced to resign in 2017 and now lives in Switzerland. Vijay was part of the inner team with Hogan.

Surprisingly today Mr Poonoosamy announced he was leaving the airline. Mr. Poonoosamy would not comment why and what pushed him to resign.

He issued this letter today to friends, colleagues, and supporters:

Dear Friends,

It is with mixed feelings but an excited heart that I will leave Etihad at the end of the year.

I have found my just over 12 years with Etihad most challenging and gratifying. You have made them very memorable too.

I am told that I should be particularly proud of my work for Etihad, Abu Dhabi and the UAE including helping secure valuable traffic rights for Etihad to grow its network, contain the attacks by the three biggest US carriers, successfully challenge the rejection of most of our air berlin code shares by the German authorities, secure regulatory approvals for our investment in Jet Airways and resolve various issues with Governments worldwide. Same for my highest level engagements with ICAO, UNWTO, IATA, ACI, WEF, EU, WTTC and USTA as well as being elected President of the Montreal-based Hermes Air Transport Organization, whose members are recognized global aviation leaders, and being the only non-US airline executive on the Board of the Washington-based International Aviation Club.

I will be on leave as from 10 December.

I take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a Wonderful Festive Season and a Happy and Healthy 2018.

With best wishes, as always.

Vijay Poonoosamy
Vice President International Affairs

Vijay Poonoosamy, a national of Mauritius, is a barrister (Middle Temple) with a law degree from the University of Nottingham, a Masters degree in International Law from the London School of Economics and Political Science, a Post Graduate Diploma in Air & Space Law from the London Institute of World Affairs and a Certificate in Company Direction from the Institute of Directors in New Zealand.

Vijay is the Director International Affairs of the QI Group. He is the President of the Hermes Air Transport Club and a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Mobility, the World Travel &Tourism Council Advisors Circle, the World Routes Advisory Panel, the Board of Directors of US Travel Association, the Board of Governors of the International Aviation Club of Washington, DC, and the Advisory Board of the World Tourism Forum Lucerne.

Vijay was an Aviation Lawyer in London, the Managing Director of Air Mauritius, the Executive Chairman of Airports of Mauritius and the Vice President International Affairs of the Etihad Aviation Group (until 10 December 2017).

Vijay was Chairman of the 1994 ICAO World-wide Air Transport Conference, ICAO Rapporteur and Chairman of the 1999 ICAO Special Group on the Modernisation of the Warsaw Convention, Vice Chairman of the 2009 ICAO Special Committee on Aviation Security Conventions and Moderator at the April 2012 ICAO Air Transport Symposium, the March 2013 ICAO Pre-Air Transport Conference Symposium, the March 2015 ICAO Meeting on the sustainable development of Air transport in Africa and ICAO’s ICAN Symposia of 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2014.

Vijay was also Chairman of the Air Transport Committee of the African Civil Aviation Commission, Chair of IATA’s Industry Affairs Committee, Chair of the IATA Legal Advisory Council and Chair of the IATA Task Force on International Aviation Issues.


UNWTO promotes the role of media as advocates of wildlife tourism

Nearly 30 journalists have convened in Kasane, Botswana to debate the role of the media in advocating sustainable tourism and wildlife conservation as its major asset. The event is part of the UNWTO/Chimelong Program that promotes wildlife as key driver of tourism development.

International and local journalists from renowned media outlets have completed a media training workshop in Kasane, Botswana, to enhance their knowledge on sustainable tourism and wildlife and analyze the impact of their work and their contribution to the topic. The workshop is part of the activities of the UNWTO/Chimelong Program that commenced in early 2017 and that includes capacity building, training and advocacy actions on sustainable tourism and wildlife.

The training addressed the impact of wildlife tourism in the African continent, the different journalistic angles of the topic and the relevance of story-telling in reporting. Challenges such as access to information related to wildlife management, media capacities to cover technical aspects of this theme and the need to improve relations and exchanges with relevant authorities were mentioned by most of the participants.

Participants had the opportunity to propose solutions and recommendations to the difficulties they normally face to cover these topics. The creation of a network of African journalists specialized in sustainable tourism, capacity building-related activities addressing the media and regular exchanges with tourism stakeholders were some of the ideas shared by the participants.

The workshop held in Kasane is the second activity of this type in the framework of the UNWTO/Chimelong Program. The first took place in the Republic of Congo last July 2017, where nearly 20 African journalists enhanced their capacities on the multidimensional coverage of sustainable tourism.

The UNWTO/Chimelong Program results from the partnership between UNWTO and Chimelong Group to be implemented between 2017 and 2019 under the theme of sustainable tourism and wildlife protection. The initiative includes advocacy efforts to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through sustainable tourism with particular reference to wildlife conservation, to enhance capacities on sustainable tourism and wildlife conservation of both tourism authorities and the global media, to engage stakeholders from the private sector on the topic and to foster research.

Media outlets participating: BBC, Lonely Planet, Xinhua News Agency, EL PAIS, Radio France Internationale, Jeune Afrique, Radio Botswana, Botswana Gazette, Channel Africa, Africa Renewal, First Issues, The Telegraph, Botswana Guardian, Botswana Unplugged and Gabz FM.

Ministers & CEO

U.S. Travel Applauds Confirmation of Kirstjen Nielsen as Homeland Security Secretary

WASHINGTON (December 5, 2017)—U.S. Travel Association President and CEO Roger Dow issued the following statement upon Senate confirmation of Kirstjen Nielsen as Homeland Security Secretary.

“Sec. Nielsen is a highly qualified leader who understands the importance of blending enhanced security policies with the message that America is open for business. Her previous work on aviation security, international engagement and cybersecurity gives us confidence that she will advance smart travel policies that do not deter legitimate international visitors.

“The U.S. travel community looks forward to working with Sec. Nielsen to implement effective measures to protect our country’s citizens, while ensuring that our country remains as open and welcome as ever to travelers worldwide.”


The 2nd Conference on Tourism and Culture convenes global leaders in Oman

Global tourism and culture leaders and stakeholders will convene in Muscat, capital city of the Sultanate of Oman, next 11-12 December to discuss the relation between tourism and culture. The event co-organized by UNWTO and UNESCO is held in the framework of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 and follows up on the first World Conference on Tourism and Culture held in 2015, in Siem Reap, Cambodia. More than 20 Tourism and Culture Ministers have confirmed participation.

The Conference will explore ways to build and strengthen the partnerships between the Tourism and Culture sectors in the framework of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs).

“Cultural tourism is growing, in popularity, in importance and in diversity embracing innovation and change. Yet, with growth comes increased responsibility, responsibility to protect our cultural and natural assets, the very foundation of our societies and our civilizations” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai.

“Tourism is a key resource for local communities and for heritage preservation. Heritage, tangible and intangible, is a crucial to providing social stability and identity. Linking culture and tourism in the sustainable development process is vital if we are to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals” said UNESCO Assistant Director General for Culture, Francesco Bandarin.

Ahmed Bin Nasser Al Mahrizi, Minister of Tourism of the Sultanate of Oman highlighted that the host country will “ensure the success of the conference, convened for the purpose of exchanging experiences and ideas for achieving the sustainable tourism development.”

The first session of the Conference will be a Ministerial Dialogue on Tourism, Culture and Sustainable Development that will address the policy and governance frameworks necessary to foster sustainable development models. The promotion of cross-cultural exchanges and the safeguarding of tangible and intangible heritage will be also analyzed as a tool to enhance the contribution of Tourism and Culture to the 17 SDGs. A Special Dialogue will be dedicated to Cultural Tourism as a Factor of Peace and Prosperity.

The Conference is complemented with three round tables. The first one on ‘Tourism development and protection of cultural heritage and promoting responsible and sustainable tourism management at World Heritage sites’; the second on ‘Culture and tourism in urban development and creativity’ where encouraging innovation in cultural tourism products and services through creative industries will be tackled. The third session will explore the relevance of cultural landscapes in tourism and the integration of natural and cultural heritage philosophies and procedures for sustainable tourism development.

Some of the confirmed speakers include H.E. Ms. Eliza Jean Reid, First Lady of Iceland and H.E. Shaika Mai Bint Mohammed Al-Khalifa, President of Bahrain Authority for Culture, both Special Ambassadors for Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals and H.R.H. Princess Dana Firas, President of Petra National Trust (PNT), Jordan & UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador.


The Long March Started with a Small Step

4th December 2017, Hangzhou, China. Speaking at the International Hotel & Restaurant Association Annual Congress in Hangzhou, China, Professor Geoffrey Lipman, Co-founder SUNx, discussed the urgent need for the tourism industry to tackle climate change and work together to develop climate resilience strategy. Lipman said:

“One of our known challenges – climate change – is existential and that means if we don’t fix it, our grandchildren will freeze or fry. And it also means we have to keep the pressure on that through other mega-challenges such as poverty, hunger and terrorism dealt with in 17 SDGs (with 169 targets and 304 indicators). All are vitally important but secondary if we do not deal with global warming.”

SUNx – Strong Universal Network is a program of the EU based, not for profit Green Growth and Travelism Institute, and a legacy to the late Maurice Strong – sustainable development pioneer. Its goal is to promote Climate Resilient, Impact-Travel with good & bad effects measured and managed coherently: with Green Growth at the core and, 2050-proof in line with the Paris Accords and the W.E.F. 4th Industrial Revolution.

Addressing the Congress Professor Lipman charted the evolution of the tourism industry with its growth mindset focussed on bed nights and visitor numbers, coming to grips with the need to manage its growth sustainably. The triple bottom line focus on Economic, Social and Environmental sustainability must now address Climate Change first and foremost.

Impact-Travel is a template for sustainable Travel and Tourism that is Paris Climate & SDG linked – measured: green: 2050 proofed. SUNx has developed a system for Impact-Travel, Learning, Innovation and Resilience. It is based on a network of cloud connected, solar powered pre-fabricated Centres for local Community focus. Shipped in a single container, they can be set up rapidly, without extensive machinery. They will be operated by smart, next generation, climate change curators, with graduate trainee support through Maurice Strong Legacy Scholarships, provided by industry CSR support. This next generation of SUNx “Champions” will help to drive the behavioural change and influence the fundamental government and industry actions needed.

Professor Lipman urged the hotel and restaurant community to step up to the challenge of developing climate resilience strategy in line with the 2030/2050 SDG & Paris targets. SUNx wants to form partnerships in line with Goal 17 and the One Belt, One Road initiative. Quoting Chairman Mao Lipman said that “The long march started with a small step. By uniting together to take that first vital step it will be the beginning of a global movement that continues Maurice Strong’s sustainability vision for the Travel & Tourism sector.