
CTO helps to strengthen the business performance and overall competitiveness of tourism enterprises in its member countries with Hospitality Assured

BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (12 June, 2017) – As part of an on-going partnership with the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and its Hospitality Assured (HA) certification programme, the European Union under its Competitiveness of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME) programme last month hosted an HA Business Advisor Training Workshop at the Curaçao Chamber of Commerce in Punda, Williemstaad, Curaçao. Participants came from the Curaçao Tourist Board, the Curacao Innovation & Technology Institute; and Creating Milestones, a management solutions company.

The main objectives of the workshop were:

• To provide participants with an overview of the HA standards and processes and awareness of the Business Excellence framework;
• To enable participants to manage and advise on the HA processes for client organisations which will enable these organisations to progress on their journey to excellence and to obtain HA certification;
• To provide participants with a knowledge and understanding of the evidence requirements of Hospitality Assured; and
• To provide participants with an opportunity to develop gender sensitive advisory approaches through the employment of case studies and role-play.

CTO began its journey with HA in 2007, seeking to strengthen the business performance and overall competitiveness of tourism enterprises in the Caribbean. CTO is in the process of building a network of advisors and assessors in member countries which are already involved in the HA programme – including Antigua & Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago, St. Kitts & Nevis, and St. Vincent & the Grenadines — and is also seeking to extend the scheme to countries which have not yet started to roll out the programme but have indicated an interest in doing so this year. These include Anguilla, British Virgin Islands, Curaçao, Guyana, Montserrat, Saint Lucia and The Turks & Caicos Islands.

The HA programme endeavours to promote a culture of quality, service excellence and continuous improvement, through the use of a business improvement tool and framework that is internationally recognized, as a means to support customer service delivery in tourism enterprises.

The first task of the HA Programme for Curaçao was to train Business Advisors and to equip them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to work effectively with organisations and lead them through the detailed HA self-assessment process towards certification.

A series of introductory presentations delivered by the facilitators, Norma Shorey-Bryan and Sharon Banfield-Bovell, provided participants with a background to the HA programme, perspectives on the issues and challenges faced in the tourism sector in the Caribbean, and detailed information on what was required on the HA Journey to Excellence. Focus was also placed on helping participants to understand issues related to gender and gender sensitive advisory approaches in dealing with the HA clients. These discussions on gender came to the forefront in the case studies discussions and role plays that were part of the learning and feedback sessions.

The interactive approach used throughout the workshop was designed to encourage participants to share their experiences, perspectives and concerns, and to learn from each other. Presentations stimulated lively group discussions, which helped participants consider how to apply the concepts taught when working with client organisations in Curaçao. The workshop sessions included: presentations on fundamental topics like What is Excellence, Vision & Values, Business Planning Processes and Sharing Good Practices; introduction to each of the nine steps of the HA Model; role plays on case studies mirroring the operations in various types of tourism businesses; and other learning exercises linked to each of the nine steps.

By the end of the workshop, the participants had gained a deeper understanding of the structure of the HA framework and were aware of the key themes of Hospitality Assured. The detailed knowledge and understanding will be further taken in as they apply the model to real life situations as they work with small, medium and large sized businesses in Curaçao’s tourism and hospitality sector.

About Hospitality Assured

Hospitality Assured is an internationally recognized certification, owned by the Institute of Hospitality in the U.K., managed and operated by the Hospitality Limited U.K. trading as Hospitality Assured and licensed by the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) for use in the Caribbean as “The Standard for Service and Business Excellence in Caribbean Tourism.”

About the Caribbean Tourism Organization
The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), with headquarters in Barbados and offices in New York and London, is the Caribbean’s tourism development agency comprising membership of the region’s finest countries and territories including Dutch, English, French and Spanish, as well as a myriad of private sector allied members. The CTO’s vision is to position the Caribbean as the most desirable, year round, warm weather destination, and its purpose is Leading Sustainable Tourism – One Sea, One Voice, One Caribbean.

Among the benefits to its members the organization provides specialized support and technical assistance in sustainable tourism development, marketing, communications, advocacy, human resource development, event planning & execution and research & information technology.

In addition the CTO, in partnership with the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association, jointly and equally owns the Caribbean Tourism Development Company, a marketing and business development entity dedicated to promoting the Caribbean brand worldwide.


Global tourism supports twice as many jobs as the financial sector, new WTTC research shows

According to a new report by the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the global Travel & Tourism sector directly sustains twice as many jobs as the financial sector, and five times as many jobs as the chemicals manufacturing sector.
The WTTC Benchmarking Report 2017 compares Travel & Tourism to eight other sectors, which are considered to have similar breadth and global presence, across 27 countries and six regions.

In 2016, Travel & Tourism supported 108 million jobs directly, and 292 million in total, taking the direct, indirect, and induced impact into account. The report shows that both on direct and total level, Travel & Tourism employs more people than the automotive manufacturing, banking, mining, chemicals manufacturing, and financial services sectors.
It also shows that the power of Travel & Tourism to create jobs is significantly higher than that of financial services when you compare their contribution to GDP. Financial services generates 19.4% of the world’s GDP compared to 10.2% by Travel & Tourism, but the latter supports twice as many jobs worldwide.

Travel & Tourism generated a total of USD$7.6 trillion in GDP in 2016, which makes the sector’s GDP contribution larger than that of banking (USD$4.8 trillion), mining (USD$5.0 trillion), agriculture (USD$5.8 trillion), automotive manufacturing (USD$6.1 trillion), and chemicals manufacturing (USD$6.5 trillion).

Global Travel & Tourism is forecast to grow by 4.0% per year over the next decade, which is significantly faster than the global economy at 2.7% and all other sectors covered in the study apart from the financial sector and banking.
On regional level when we look at total Travel & Tourism GDP and employment generated in 2016 benchmarks as following to the other eight sectors researched in this report:

• Africa: USD$166 billion in GDP and 20.7 million jobs in 2016, making the sector larger than chemicals manufacturing, automotive manufacturing and banking in terms of GDP contribution, and all of these sectors as well as financial services in terms of jobs.

• Americas: USD$2.2 trillion in GDP exceeds that of every sector included in this study except for the construction, financial services, and retail sectors in the Americas. The 42.7 million jobs makes the sector larger than banking, chemicals manufacturing, automotive manufacturing and mining in terms of job creation.

• Asia Pacific: USD$2.3 trillion in GDP makes the sector larger than that of Asia’s mining sector. The 159.2 million supported jobs exceeds the impacts of banking, mining, automotive manufacturing and financial services.

• USD$2.0 trillion in GDP makes the sector larger than mining, agriculture, banking, chemicals manufacturing, and automotive manufacturing in Europe. The 36 million jobs exceeds that of automotive manufacturing, mining, chemicals manufacturing, banking and financial services.

• Middle East: USD$227 billion in GDP exceeds that of the Middle East’s automotive manufacturing, agriculture, banking, and chemicals manufacturing sectors. The 5.7 million supported jobs are larger than that of the automotive manufacturing, banking, financial services, chemicals manufacturing and mining.

David Scowsill, President & CEO, WTTC, said: “It is easy to applaud the efforts or even to criticise the failings of Travel & Tourism in isolation without looking at the picture of our industry separate from the overall industrial context. Our sector contributes 10.2% of global GDP and supports 1 in 10 jobs when you look at the total impact and this research helps to put these achievements in context, and gives a clear picture as to the strength of Travel & Tourism.

Business and leisure travel creates opportunities, empowers communities and enhances local livelihoods. There are still challenges to sustainable growth, and WTTC will continue to urge public and private sector to invest into our sector and implement policies that are favorable for growth while safeguarding the world’s assets.”


Moldova hosts the 61st Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe

Over 30 countries and Affiliate Members of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) gathered last week in Chisinau, the capital city of the Republic of Moldova, for the 61st Meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe. Participants discussed the priority areas for the Organization as well as strategies to position the tourism sector as a key driver of sustainable development in Europe (6 June 2017).

The meeting dedicated special attention to the need to continue enhancing UNWTO’s work on the promotion of safe, secure and seamless travel. UNWTO has recently launched a High Level Tourism and Security Task Force to advance this issue. The Member States expressed their condemnation of the recent terrorist attacks in Europe, and a minute of silence was held in memory of the victims.

An authentic and unexplored gem in European tourism, whose wines are appreciated and renowned worldwide, the Republic of Moldova has demonstrated a strong commitment with sustainable tourism. “The Republic of Moldova is still an emerging tourist destination, but has all the potential to become a must-see destination; the demonstrated commitment to sustainable development of tourism will ensure that the country reaps all the rewards that tourism has to offer.” said UNWTO Secretary General, Taleb Rifai.

UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai met the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Pavel Filip, to discuss the role of tourism in the socio-economic development of the country. The meeting underlined the importance that Moldova is giving to the tourism sector in the country’s economy.

“We are convinced that tourism is a key tool for Moldova to achieve sustainable growth and job creation, and indeed to help us achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This meeting will undoubtedly help us to support our tourism sector in achieving its potential” said Stanislav Rusu, Director General of the Tourism Agency of the Republic of Moldova.

UNWTO’s Commission Meeting also reviewed the work of the Organization’s technical committees on Competitiveness, Sustainability and Statistics and Tourism Satellite Account (TSA), and the activities of Member States to celebrate the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017. Further items on the agenda included the transformation of the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics into an international convention, the creation of national committees on tourism ethics and the priorities of UNWTO’s Programme of Work for 2018-2019.

The Meeting was completed with an Official Event of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 showcasing initiatives developed in Italy and France – Ecobnb ( and Betterfly Tourism ( and a tree planting ceremony with the presence of UNWTO Secretary-General, the Director General of the Tourism Agency of the Republic of Moldova, the Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova, Pirkka Tapiola, and the diplomatic community of Moldova.

Hungary was nominated to host the official celebrations of World Tourism Day 2018 and the Member States welcomed the Czech Republic’s candidacy to hold the 2019 UNWTO Regional Commission meeting. Both decisions will be taken to the UNWTO General Assembly and the Regional Commission for Europe, respectively, in September in Chengdu, China.


Prime Minister of Samoa appointed Special Ambassador of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development by UNWTO during the Ocean Conference

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has appointed the Prime Minister of Samoa, Hon. Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi, as Special Ambassador of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism 2017. The ceremony took place in New York on 7 June on the side-lines of the UN Ocean Conference, where among other activities the Prime Minister addressed participants on the value of tourism to sustainably advance the blue economy.

“The designation of 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development was due to the recognition by the United Nations of the potential of the tourism sector to contribute to the fight against poverty, to help curb climate change, promote gender equality and foster mutual understanding and peace amongst diverse cultures” said the Prime Minister.

“Tourism is a sector that is vital to the livelihoods of our people and touches all the three dimensions of sustainable development, the social, economic and environmental aspects. As a people-to-people activity, it has helped and continues to contribute to the revitalization of our culture, customs and traditional crafts, and plays a pivotal role in the preservation of our cultural heritage and is a force that promotes peace and understanding” he added.
“The International Year is a unique opportunity to promote common action and enhance the power of tourism to build a better world. We thank Samoa for leading the initiative for the adoption of the UN resolution declaring the International Year and for its sustained, exemplary contribution in promoting the value of our sector towards the achievement of the 2030 Development Agenda, particularly for the Small Islands Developing States (SIDS)” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai.

The Special Ambassadors of the Year are leaders and prominent personalities committed to promote the role and contribution of tourism in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda.
While tourism is included in three of the SDGs – SDG 8: ‘Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all’; SDG 12: ‘Sustainable Consumption and Production’ and SDG 14: ‘Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development’, it can advance all 17 SDGs.

The Ocean Conference was an opportunity to highlight how tourism can effectively contribute to Goal 14. UNWTO joined the World Bank and the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) to discuss and launch the report ‘The Potential of the Blue Economy: Increasing Long-term Benefits of the Sustainable Use of Marine Resources for Small Island Developing States and Coastal Least Developed Countries’.

UNWTO was also co-organizing a Side Event on the “European Union tourism committed to Blue Growth” on the 8 June with DG MARE and NECstour. Coastal and Maritime Tourism is one of the key sectors of the European Union Blue Growth Strategy with a high potential for sustainable jobs and growth. Tourism employs over 3.2 million people and generates a total of 183 billion Euros in gross value added, representing over one third of the maritime economy. The universal dimension of the SDGs provides the EU regions with the opportunity to show leadership and share best practices to extend and scale up their Blue Growth strategy in other parts of the world, and in particular through their island territories in SIDS regions.

Ministers & CEO

Regional tourism industry set to take centerstage during UNWTO Global Conference in Montego Bay, Jamaica

NEW YORK, NY – June 6, 2017 – The regional tourism industry is set to take centerstage during the UNWTO, Government of Jamaica and World Bank Group Conference on Jobs & Inclusive Growth: Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism, at the Montego Bay Convention Centre, St. James, November 27-29, 2017. Speaking at a press conference on June 6 at the Consulate General of Jamaica during Caribbean Week in New York, Minister of Tourism, the Honourable Edmund Bartlett noted that given the region’s dependency on tourism, it was important that such a conference provide solutions on how the Caribbean can better leverage this industry.

“The conference programme, though global in nature, is highly significant to the Caribbean. And therefore, we felt that we should incorporate a programme specific to the Caribbean and some of the issues we grapple with. This programme will take place on the first day of the conference on November 27,” noted Minister Bartlett.

With the regional focus on opening day, the Ministry of Tourism received the endorsement of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) from Secretary General Hugh Riley and the Caribbean Hotel and Tourist Association (CHTA) by way of Chief Marketing Officer Matt Cooper.

Minister Bartlett stated that tourism is the single largest generator of foreign exchange in 16 of the 28 countries in the Caribbean and the sector receiving the most foreign direct investment (FDI), adding that the region has a higher proportion of total employment and percentage of GDP derived from tourism than any other region in the world.

According to the Tourism Minister, “It is estimated that 1 in every 4 persons is employed by tourism-related activities and the sector accounts for 41% of all exports and services in the Caribbean and 31% of all gross domestic product”.

Additionally, Minister Bartlett indicated that similar to what was done with the global aspect of the conference, the organizers have included a number of Caribbean themes within the Call for Papers, which cover tourism and sustainability, where the threats, risks and challenges will be discussed; the strengthening of the human capital and human capital trends; the tourism value chain linkages and technology and innovation.

According to Minister Bartlett, one of key expected outcomes from this global conference is the Montego Bay Declaration. “At the end of the conference, there will be the compilation of the Draft Montego Bay Declaration. From this will flow an action plan for tourism destinations to follow, as well as the publication of the second volume of the UNWTO Global Report on Public Private Partnerships”.

The Tourism Minister also announced that the Conference will be used to pay tribute to the current UNWTO Secretary General Dr. Taleb Rifai whose tenure comes to an end. “Although he will have his formal send-off in December, the UNWTO has allowed us to utilize this opportunity for the more emotional and “irie” send-off,” noted Bartlett.

Another feature of the conference will be the presentation of the Caribbean Legends Awards, the first of its kind, which will be a collaborative effort involving the Ministry of Tourism of Jamaica, the CTO and the CHTA, supported by UNWTO. These awards, in the categories of Land, Sea and Air, will be given to individuals that have made an indelible mark on the tourism industry, not just regionally, but globally, enhancing the Caribbean brand.

Minister Bartlett departed the island to attend CTO Caribbean Week on June 5, 2017 and will return on June 11, 2017. He is accompanied by his Senior Communications Strategist, Delano Seiveright.


PATA reaffirms support to Paris Accord on Climate Change

BANGKOK, June 5, 2017 – The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) is reasserting its commitment to sustainable development across the entire spectrum of travel and tourism with a renewed pledge to support the Paris Accord within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Embedded within this PATA advocacy theme is an acknowledgement and recognition that tourism must play an influential role in preserving the planet’s natural resources by adopting effective, sustainable practices.

“Our members, both public and private sector, are leading by example. They recognise that responsible business practices must embrace practical measures to offset the potentially irreversible damage to our planet caused by climate change,” said PATA CEO Dr. Mario Hardy.

Dr. Hardy has welcomed the responses and statement of leading business figures such as Apple CEO Tim Cook and Tesla Inc. co-founder Elon Musk as well as the Governors of several US states that, together, have also reaffirmed their commitment to combating climate change.

“Now is the time to reinforce our determination for the principles and objectives of the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.  This agreement has now been ratified by 147 nations and territories. We encourage more nations to sign and to support practically the efforts to reduce carbon emissions,” added Dr. Hardy.

“The decision of the US government to withdraw from the Paris Accord is highly regrettable but it will not deter us from campaigning vigorously for effective measures to preserve and protect our world. This is an opportunity for tourism to lead by example. Environmental protection and preservation is above politics and way beyond the beliefs of individual politicians. Whether natural or man-made our climate is changing – and not for the better. PATA will continue to advocate responsible tourism development that benefits, rather than destroys, our communities.”


UNWTO condemns the attack in Manila

UNWTO strongly condemns the attack perpetrated in Manila yesterday.

On behalf of the international tourism community, UNWTO conveys its heartfelt condolences and sympathy to the families and friends of the victims and to the Filipino people.

“The Philippines is one of the most consolidated tourism destinations in the world. We are fully confident that this will continue to be the case and we look forward to meet in Manila next 21 June for 6th International Conference on Tourism Statistics: Measuring Sustainable Tourism, one of UNWTO’s major events. This will be the best expression of support and union against these hideous acts.” said UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai.


International Coalition of Tourism Partners President on Trump’s Paris Climate announcement

The International Coalition of Tourism Partner (ICTP) President and SUNx Co-founder, Geoffrey Lipman, responded to US President Donald Trump’s announcement regarding the pull-out of America from the Paris Climate Agreement, by saying, “The Emperor has no clothes.”

He further stated:

“Donald Trump’s announcement on the Paris Climate Agreement is an attack on humanity. We spend too much time in the Travel and Tourism sector repeating the same mantras about our sector being a force for good.

“Today, we have a clarion call to put our money where our mouth is and use our strength to resist planetary bullying.

“It’s time to stand up to actions designed to benefit the rich few at the cost of everyone else.

“We should stand behind French President Macron’s clear call to stay the course on the Paris Climate Agreement.

“We created SUNx to help the sector respond to eXistential Climate Change. We intend to use our voice to resist Donald Trump’s self-serving policy approach to the future of humanity.

“If you agree please let me know. [email protected]

Ministers & CEO

Jamaica to Vie for UNWTO Executive Council Candidature

KINGSTON, Jamaica; May 31, 2017: Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett, says Jamaica has submitted its candidature to occupy one of five seats allocated to the Regional Commission of the Americas on the Executive Council of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) for the period 2018 – 2021.

“Jamaica is one of the four English-speaking Caribbean Member States of the UNWTO. So it is quite an honour for us to occupy a position that will have us at the helm of the decision making process of the tourism sector — not only in the region but for member states across the globe,” said Minister Bartlett.

The selection of regional representatives is scheduled to take place during the 61st Meeting of the UNWTO Regional Commission for the Americas in San Salvador, El Salvador, and Roatan, Honduras, May 29 – June 2, 2017.

“The confidence placed in Jamaica internationally puts us in a unique position to reap a number of benefits which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the people of Jamaica. As a result of this, we have been able to form a number of key partnerships, strengthen linkages with other sectors and witness an increase in investments. I am therefore very confident that if successful, this will undoubtedly be multiplied,” he said.

He noted that he will also use the opportunity to further promote the UNWTO, Government of Jamaica and World Bank Group Conference on Partnerships for Jobs & Inclusive Growth through Sustainable Tourism, which will see the country hosting overseas participants from some 157 countries at the Montego Bay Convention Centre in November of this year.

“The spotlight of the world will be directly on Jamaica and the publicity we will get from this conference is invaluable. More than 800 international and local participants are expected to attend the conference to discuss issues that we hope will result in partnerships for sustainable tourism for development and new investments,” he said.

The Minister left the island yesterday (May 30) and is being accompanied by the Ministry’s Permanent Secretary, Jennifer Griffith. The 61st Meeting of the UNWTO Regional Commission for the Americas meeting will also feature an international seminar on New Technologies Applied to Tourism on June 1 in Roatan, Honduras.

The Minister is expected to return to the island on Sunday, June 4, on the inaugural Southwest Airlines non-stop flight from Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport to Montego Bay.


UNWTO and WTTC present Open Letter to Malta Prime Minister

The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) presented the Open Letter on Travel and Tourism to the Prime Minister of Malta, Joseph Muscat. The Open Letter outlines tourism’s value as one of the world’s largest generators of jobs and a powerful driver of socio-economic growth and sustainable development. To date, the Open Letter has been received by 89 Heads of State and Government.

UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai congratulated Malta on its good tourism results and thanked the Prime Minister for placing tourism high in the agenda of the European Union during its current presidency. “Malta is playing a critical role in ensuring that tourism is recognized for the value it has for the economy and employment in the EU,” said Mr Rifai.

The Prime Minister expressed his full support to the sector as a key economic activity for Malta, one of the main drivers of economic growth, creation of quality jobs and overall improvement of Malta’s social fabrics. He said that the Maltese Government has for the last years adopted a new tourism strategy and that a firm commitment to sustainable development is currently high on the agenda. Dr. Muscat reaffirmed that tourism is much more than climate, cultural activities and historical sites, more even than new niches such as diving tourism, conferences and events, wedding tourism, cruise and luxury accommodation. “It is actually one of those areas through which we believe that wealth percolates to all sections of society in a direct manner,” said the Prime Minister.

David Scowsill, President and CEO of the World Travel & Tourism Council, said: “Travel and tourism contributed 2,425.5 million euros (2,706.1 million USD) to Malta’s GDP, which is 26.7% of the country’s total GDP, and supported 27.8% of total employment in the country. Our sector is a stimulator of economic growth and a creator of jobs. We commend the Maltese government for its commitment to travel and tourism, and its continuous efforts to drive growth while preserving the assets the beautiful island has to offer.”

Rifai also met the President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, who during the meeting reiterated her belief that the tourism sector has the ability to build peace to create prosperity.

Both meetings were held coinciding with a UNWTO Masterclass on ‘Attracting Chinese Tourism to the Mediterranean Countries’ and an event on ‘Enhancing Europe’s Tourism Competitiveness through New Products’ organized in the framework of the Maltese Presidency of the EU.

On the occasion, UNWTO welcomed six Maltese companies to sign the Private Sector Commitment to the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism: Air Malta, Federation of Associations of Travel and Tourism Agents (FATTA); Gozo Tourism Association; Malta Hotels and Restaurants Associations (MHRA); Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry; and Valletta Cruise Port. By adhering to the Code, signatories commit to implementing and promoting its principles in their business strategies and operations. To date, 514 companies and associations from 68 countries have joined this Commitment.