The mandate of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics renewed until 2021
With a leading role in the recent approval of the Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics by the UNWTO General Assembly held in Chengdu, China, the composition of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics has been renewed.
In order to continue advancing the important work of this subsidiary organ of the UNWTO General Assembly, the mandate of the outgoing members of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics was renewed until 2021, with Pascal Lamy continuing to chair the Committee.
Joining the four Members whose mandate was set to end in 2019 – Yoshiaki Hompo (Japan), Fiona Jeffery (UK), Tanja Mihalic (Slovenia) and Eugenio Yunis (Chile) – will be Gede Ardika (Indonesia), Jean Marc Mignon (International Social Tourism Organization) and Ron Oswald (The International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations) as Committee Members, and Hiran Cooray (Sri Lanka), Suzy Hatough (Jordan) and Günnur Diker (Turkey) as Alternates.
The only new member joining the World Committee on Tourism Ethics four a four-year term starting 17 September 2017 is Rosette Chantal Rugamba, Founder and Managing Director of Songa Africa and Amakoro Lodge (Rwanda).

World Travel & Tourism Council looks at how tourism Transforms our World to celebrate World Tourism Day
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) joins UNWTO in the celebration of World Tourism Day in Qatar to highlight the economic, social and environmental contribution of Travel & Tourism to sustainable development around the world.
Gloria Guevara, President & CEO, WTTC, said: “Travel & Tourism is a remarkable sector, it brings people from different backgrounds, culture and beliefs closer together, driving peace, in addition to the significant socioeconomic benefits to a country’s welfare and local livelihoods.
Travel & Tourism has a huge role to play in sustainable development, whilst on average global level the sector generates over 10% of the world’s GDP and supports 1 in 10 jobs, these figures can be, and often are, a lot higher and denser on local level. When done well, which means growing Travel & Tourism in a sustainable and inclusive fashion, tourism is a catalyst for job creation, community development, environmental protection and economic growth.”
The strength and beauty of how Travel & Tourism can impact and change people’s lives in a positive way are encompassed in the stories in WTTC’s new campaign ‘Transforming our World’.
Transforming our World provides an insight into the stories of people that operate in Travel & Tourism and show how the sector has transformed their world or how they use tourism to transform other people’s worlds.
Guevara added: “I believe there is a real value in storytelling and as a sector this is something we can do better. Sharing a story is powerful, inspirational, and educational. Through our campaign I encourage other people and organisations within Travel & Tourism to share their story too.”
The current campaign stories, which come from WTTC’s Tourism for Tomorrow programme, cover the transformational stories of people in all corners of the world – including Botswana, China, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico, and USA – and cut across education, community, nature, and wildlife.
WTTC would love to hear how tourism has transformed your life, please share your story on: http://www.transformingour.world/awards/whats-your-story/
Visit the Transforming our World website here.
For more information on Tourism for Tomorrow, click here.

UNWTO launches a travellers’ competition to promote sustainability
With the aim of promoting responsible travel, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has launched a travellers’ competition ahead of World Tourism Day. The initiative is part of the ‘Travel.Enjoy.Respect’ campaign taking place within the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017. A one-month trip across the world visiting sustainable tourism initiatives is the prize that will be awarded to the winner of the competition.
“Every action counts and travellers have a strong role to play in building a more sustainable tourism sector. Imagine the impact of one small action multiplied by millions”, said Taleb Rifai, Secretary-General of UNWTO. “We want to inspire all travellers to be the change they want to see in the world.”
Competition entrants are invited to share their travel experiences at www.travelenjoyrespect.org and explain why they should be selected to represent the global “responsible traveller”.
This journey will start at the UNWTO Headquarters in Madrid, with an official ‘designation’ ceremony with the Secretary-General, and will end at the closing ceremony of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development 2017 in Geneva, Switzerland, where stakeholders from the tourism community and the UN family will unite.
The winner’s across the world journey will be supported by Explore WorldWide, an adventure travel group offering a wide range of activities and experiences with a commitment to responsible travel and a pinch of Explore spirit. Destinations including Colombia, Germany, Mexico, the United Arab Emirate of Ras al-Khaimah and the Léman region in Switzerland have offered to host the winner and help them discover responsible and sustainable tourism practices.
The competition is one of the main activities of the ‘Travel.Enjoy.Respect’ campaign that UNWTO launched to raise awareness of the value and contribution that sustainable tourism can make towards development, and to engage tourists in making the sector a catalyst for positive change.

Bartlett to Promote Jamaica at World Tourism Day Celebrations in Qatar
KINGSTON, Jamaica; September 26, 2017: Hon. Edmund Bartlett departed the island yesterday (September 25, 2017) to participate in the official celebration of World Tourism Day being hosted in Doha, Qatar, on September 27, 2017.
The invitation was extended by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the Qatar Tourism Authority, which also asked the Minister to participate in a high-level think tank focusing on: Tourism as a Means for Enhancing Cultural Preservation and Mutual Understanding.
“It is quite an honour for Jamaica to have been invited to participate in the official celebration for World Tourism Day (WTD) 2017. I am excited to use this prestigious platform to highlight all the wonderful things we are doing to leverage our tourism product to benefit the people of Jamaica. Naturally, I will also promote our upcoming UNWTO, Government of Jamaica and World Bank Group Global Conference on Jobs and Inclusive Growth: Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism’, which is scheduled for November of this year,” explained the Minister.
The Minister will share the stage with over 20 other influential speakers from across the globe during the event, which will be held at the Sheraton Grand Doha Resort & Convention Hotel.
The impressive line-up includes Secretary-General of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Taleb Rifai; State Secretary of the Ministry of Tourism in Croatia, Frano Matušić; Director of the UNESCO Office in Doha, Anna Paolini; and Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism of Liberia, Eugene Lenn Nagbe. He think tank will be moderated by CNN International’s anchor Max Foster.
During his visit, which was fully paid for by the UNWTO and the Qatar Tourism Authority, the Minister will also have a special meeting with the country’s Prime Minister, His Excellency Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani.
He will then travel to London to attend the second staging of Jamaica Travel Market (JTM), which is being hosted by the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) on September 29 and 30. While there, he will meet with tour operators in the UK to share the many new tourism offerings and developments happening locally.
Jamaica Travel Market is a business-to-business tradeshow which is a platform for British, Irish and Nordic tour operators to meet with authentic Jamaican suppliers directly. It includes a day and a half of business appointments, destination updates and ends with a grand Gala Awards Dinner.
Minister Bartlett is scheduled to return to the island on October 1, 2017.

UNWTO Secretary General endorses Hostelling International USA’s Sleep for Peace
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Secretary General Taleb Rafai has released a video endorsing Sleep for Peace, an annual celebration of the peace-building benefits of travel hosted by Hostelling International USA. Sleep for Peace is held the week of September 21 to coincide with the United Nations’ International Day of Peace, and this year HI USA hostels around the country will host a variety of events and activities aimed at creating a more peaceful world through travel.
In the video, Rafai talks about tourism as the world’s first global peace industry, and how travel can help achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2017. “My dear friends, every traveler holds the potential to build peace in this light, and to celebrate the International Day of Peace…. The UNWTO is supporting, very strongly, the Sleep for Peace initiative, which Hostelling International has promoted since 2013,” Rafai said during his message.
Each year, more than 50 HI USA hostels host thousands of travelers from all over the world, bringing them together in conversation and friendship and facilitating new perspectives on global issues and world cultures. During Sleep for Peace week, hostel activities highlight this year-round mission that’s critically important in the current global climate.
Examples of 2017 Sleep for Peace events include:
HI New York City: One of the many activities during the week is a facilitated dialogue with visitors from North and South Korea, who will teach visitors how to make bibimbap and discuss its cultural relevance.
HI San Francisco Fisherman’s Wharf: The hostel will be hosting an interactive art event where guests are invited to participate in making peace flags and screen documentary film “Before the Flood”, featuring UN Messenger of Peace Leonardo DiCaprio.
HI Boston: Non-profit organizations around Boston will gather at the hostel for a Peace Panel discussion moderated by President and CEO of World Boston.
HI Point Reyes: The coastside hostel will be hosting Yoga for Peace on the beach and a Solace Meditative Music hour, where participants will share in chants, hymns, and songs from various spiritual traditions.
“HI USA is proud to have this program, which not only highlights the work we strive to do on a daily basis, but also fits in with the UNWTO’s goals to build a better future for people around the world,” said HI USA CEO Russ Hedge.
“Our hostels have always aimed to spark conversations among diverse travelers and help build friendships across borders, and we are excited to help this message reach a global audience.”
In addition to the special programming, HI USA hostels will also be shining blue lights in honor of the international color of peace.

UNWTO deeply saddened by the devastating earthquake in Mexico
The World Tourism Organization expresses its heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of all those affected by the earthquake in Mexico.
“Today the whole tourism community is with Mexico and its people. We stand ready to support Mexico and its people in this difficult moment” said UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai.
“A top world tourism destination, Mexico City, will surely continue to welcome all of us as always” added Rifai.

Sustainable tourism development in Africa: UN General Assembly discusses issue
The technical body of the African Union known as NEPAD is active at the ongoing UN General Assembly in New York.
In 2016, 1235 million international tourists traveled around the world. Travel and tourism represent nine percent of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and one out of every 11 jobs.
Africa’s aviation industry alone supports 6.9-million jobs and contributes $80bn to GDP on the continent. Tourism has the potential to achieve the African Union Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) if well managed, given its linkages with other sectors of the economy.
In the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development along with the 17 SDG’s, three goals (8, 12 and 14) are directly linked to tourism, including economic growth; job creation, environmental preservation and effective resource management; the promotion and protection of cultural values and heritage. In addition, as tourism is a cross-cutting industry, it has the potential to contribute directly and indirectly to all the goals.
Africa remains one of the fastest-growing regions for the travel and tourism sector globally and in 2016 international tourist arrivals grew by 8% with a total of 58 million international tourists. In 2016, Africa and South –East Asia are the leading tourist destinations; experienced about 8% growth rate, according to the UN World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) report of 2017.
Despite the progress made in the tourism industry, most African countries have yet to reach their full potential. Myriad challenges face the tourism sector: the urbanization of the continent is faster than anywhere else in the world and by 2025 half of the African population will live in cities. The issue of urbanization will bring serious challenges of integrated waste management, transport and pollution, which will impact touristic activities. Additionally, slow visa facilitation; low investment levels; the capacity gap in the hospitality service industry; poor connectivity and infrastructure are major impediments to tourism growth and sustainability.
The NEPAD Agency’s contribution to sustainable tourism in Africa is guided by the NEPAD Tourism Action Plan (TAP). TAP is the continental framework for the implementation of sustainable tourism in Africa. It also supports the domestication of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and AU 2063 Agenda. At the margins of the 72nd United Nations General Assembly, the NEPAD Agency and partners are organizing a High-Level Forum entitled “Sustainable tourism development in Africa: a transforming opportunity for inclusive growth”.
This High Level forum will be part of the Global Tourism Week, in celebration of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, 2017.
It will focus on information sharing on how best to contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals 8 (to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all).
It also provides opportunity to engage, discuss and exchange the experiences from various players and stakeholders on how issues of policies and investments can create opportunities for job creation, employment and sustainable tourism in Africa.
Expected panelists and participants The Side Event will bring together a cross section of high profile leaders, champions and practitioners from both public and private institutions across the globe. Side Event Structure and Outline The Side Event on September 21 will be a high profile panel session and interactive moderated plenary discussions for two hours.

22nd UNWTO General Assembly in China: a week of important achievements
The approval of the Chengdu Declaration on Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals, the adoption of the Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics and the appointment by consensus of Zurab Pololikashvili as Secretary-General for 2018-2021 were only some of the achievements of the 22nd session of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), held in Chengdu, China last week.
An intense week of meetings, decisions and agreements marked the 22nd session of the UNWTO General Assembly in Chengdu, China on 13-16 September. The biennial event convened more than 1300 participants from Member States and Affiliate Members of UNWTO representing over 130 countries.
“Chengdu will always remain in UNWTO history as host of the Assembly that approved the Organization’s first international convention – the Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics,” said UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai.
The Convention of Tourism Ethics converts the Global Code of Ethics into a binding document to advance the ethical components of tourism. The document covers the responsibilities of all stakeholders in the development of sustainable tourism, providing a framework that recommends an ethical and sustainable modus operandi including the right to tourism, freedom of movement for tourists and the rights of employees and professionals. A major milestone of the 22nd UNWTO General Assembly was the approval of two key documents: the Chengdu Declaration on Tourism and the SDGs and the Framework Convention on Tourism Ethics.
“In an interconnected world where the business volume of tourism equals or even surpasses that of oil exports, food products or automobiles, it is important to set out a legal framework to ensure that growth is dealt with responsibly and that it can be sustained over time. Tourism is a power that must be harnessed for the benefit of all,” said Chairman of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics (WCTE) Pascal Lamy.
“The approval of the Convention is a strong legacy of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development that we celebrate this year” UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai “This is an historic moment for UNWTO”, said Rifai. “The approval of the Convention is a strong legacy of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development that we celebrate this year. It is also a strong sign that countries are committed to make tourism a force for a better future for all. It reinforces UNWTO’s institutional outreach in the UN system,” he added.
Another important milestone was the approval of the Chengdu Declaration on Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals. The document underlines the potential of the tourism sector in economic, social and environmental terms, and includes 21 articles that, among others, recommend to governments “to develop an integrated and holistic approach to tourism policy in order to leverage the sector’s positive impact on planet and prosperity (Article 1).” In addition, it proposes “to undertake national assessments on tourism’s contribution and commitment to the SDGs and ensure the inclusion of tourism in interministerial SDG commissions and/or working groups, as well as to enhance the contribution of tourism in SDGs national strategies through the set-up of institutional frameworks and mechanisms that allow participation of all stakeholders”.
A united tourism community
Unity and cohesion were expressed throughout the 22nd UNWTO General Assembly. One of the largest displays of these sentiments was in a special meeting organized to discuss how to support those destinations affected by Hurricane Irma and the earthquake in the southern coast of Mexico.
The meeting identified three lines of action: (i) supporting the recovery of the affected destinations through the private sector and aid agencies, with special attention given to SMEs due to their lack of means to rebuild and recover; (ii) sharing experiences on resilience and crisis management and (iii) developing strong and coordinated communication.
The group of countries attending the special meeting also agreed to propose that the General Assembly adopt a special resolution expressing solidarity and support to the affected destinations and calling for the support of the international community.
The General Assembly also appointed the Secretary-General for the period 2018-2022. Zurab Pololikashvili, current Ambassador of Georgia to Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Andorra, was proposed by the UNWTO Executive Council last May and appointed by consensus by all Member States convened at the 22nd General Assembly.

UNWTO and StudentMarketing join forces to underline relevance of student travel
Travel for study reasons is one of the segments that have resulted from the profound diversification of the tourism sector in the last years. With the aim of enforcing the uniqueness of this segment, the World Tourism Organization and StudentMarketing have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) agreement in the framework of the 22nd session of the UNWTO General Assembly.
According to StudentMarketing, a UNWTO Affiliate Member, the student travel segment amounts to US$ 120 billion in annual spending (including tuition, accommodation and living costs). Research data from 2016 affirms that 1,000 international students generate €14.6 million in revenues and create 220 new jobs in a destination. This generates tax revenue, enhances talent pools and attracts further investment. By 2020, China is targeting 500,000 international students. By 2025, Australia targets 750,000 international students, France 470,000 and Germany 350,000.
“Travelling for purposes related to education and capacity building, consistent areas of work of UNWTO, has become an interesting market niche within the tourism sector. Through this MoU we trust that this unique segment will gain the consideration that it deserves,” said Taleb Rifai, UNWTO Secretary General, at the signing of the agreement.
“We are proud to be continuing our close relationship with UNWTO, not only as an Affiliate Member but also through our expertise in market intelligence and data, which will only further enhance how market participants such as destinations can adapt to the growing and economically important student travel segment,” added Igor Skibickij, COO of StudentMarketing.
The MoU undersigned by UNWTO and StudentMarketing recognizes the growing importance of this niche. The agreement acknowledges not only the relevance of further research and more in-depth knowledge of the sector, but also the importance of educating and assisting stakeholders. The partnership reached builds upon earlier collaboration, including the ITB Youth Travel Summit, ICEF Destinations Meet Student Travel and a number of other industry seminars and workshops for UNWTO members. It also includes the elaboration of the paper “Education Tourism Student Travel”, produced in 2018.

Hurricane Irma and Caribbean tourism: A Special Meeting at the UNWTO GA
Initiated by Jamaica’s minister of Tourism Edward Bartlett, a Special Meeting was organized on the occasion of the UNWTO’s 22nd General Assembly in to discuss how to support the destinations affected by Hurricane Irma and the earthquake that struck the southern coast of Mexico.
Combining a press conference discussing the upcoming sustainable tourism conference in Jamaica and expanding the subject to address the recent Hurricane Disaster in many Caribbean countries, representatives from all over the Caribbean including the U.S., Netherlands, France, and Spain met to discuss a next step.
The impact of these natural disasters on infrastructure and natural resources has been significant. Tourism is the main pillar of the economies and lifeline of Caribbean destinations. The meeting identified three lines of action:
• Supporting the recovery of the affected destinations through the private sector and aid agencies. IT was noted that special attention should be given to SMEs due to their lack of means to rebuild and recover.
• Sharing experiences on resilience and crisis management.
• Developing strong and coordinated communication.
The group also agreed to propose that the General Assembly to adopt a special resolution expressing solidarity and support to the affected destinations and calling for the support of the international community.
The UNWTO Secretary-General will convey the concerns and needs of the tourism sector in the region to the coming meeting of the UN Chief Executive Board which gathers the heads of the UN system.
A working group was created to follow up on the meeting’s discussions in close coordination with the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), and the recovery of affected destinations will take center stage at the UNWTO/Government of Jamaica/ World Bank Conference taking place in Jamaica later this year.