
UNWTO Aug 25 meeting in Madrid will have surprise guests

As reported by WorldTourismWire the UNWTO Secretary General called for a meeting of Madrid based ambassadors on August 25  to discuss the General Assembly. Most certainly Zimbabwe’s concern about flaws in the election process of the nominated Secretary General Zurab Pololikashvili should be a major issue for debate.

It appears WorldTourismWire reports encouraged Ambassador Rudo Chitiga from Zimbabwe to travel to Madrid as well. She is Zimbabwe’s ambassador based in Paris, France. Spain and UNWTO is also part of her responsibility. Most likely she will be facing Ambassador from Georgia and nominee Zurab  Pololikashvili.

Ambassador Chitiga was the spokesperson of the Zimbabwe campaign team and said  in May the country and the continent was devastated by the election outcome.

At the same time, reliable sources told WorldTourismWire Ambassador Dho Young-shim is on a plane traveling from Seoul to Madrid planning to attend this meeting as well. Dho was a candidate in the election and walked away third place. So far she has been quiet about the election issue and the concerns raised by her fellow candidate HE Dr. Walter Mzembi, Minister of Tourism and Hospitality for Zimbabwe.

Georgia, Zimbabwe, South Korea and the Madrid based diplomatic community is in for an exciting meeting tomorrow, hopefully opening the floor for a solution to this election crisis the organization is facing at the upcoming assembly in Chengdu, China.

UNWTO meeting to discuss General Assembly with Zurab but without Mzembi



The UNWTO Election Fiasco Continues

Is the UNWTO blocking Walter Mzembi’s proposal for agenda items on widespread Secretary-General election irregularities to be presented to the full General Assembly next month in Chengdu, China?

It appears that may well be the very unfortunate case.

In recent days, the UNWTO disingenuously proposed to put Zimbabwe’s agenda items to the Executive Council, instead of the General Assembly.

The fiasco continues. The Executive Council of the UNWTO, who appear to have some culpability with election irregularities, are being asked to review and report if there were irregularities related to Georgia candidate, Zurib Polokashvili, being nominated by the Executive Council as Secretary General elect.

Despite urging global tourism leaders from backing Zimbabwe’s Walter Mzembi proposal to have the General Assembly review and address the agenda items, the UNWTO continues to bring the organization into disrepute.  Transparency, vigilance and authentic efforts to review documented instances of election misconduct is vital for the future of our UNWTO.  This should not be turned over individuals who may have a vested interest in concealing miscreant election activity. This starts with the decision of whether to table the Mzembi agenda items to the General Assembly.

The Mzembi agenda items absolutely must be put forth to the General Assembly, too much is at stake to conceal the election misconduct. Enough of the backroom meetings, the deals, the secret handshakes.

By shining light on election wrong-doings, the UNWTO will be taking a very important step forward to rehabilitating what has become in recent months, a rather tarnished reputation.

Pololikashvili’s nomination requires two-thirds of all member countries attending the September General Assembly to vote for the Georgia candidate before he is ratified to lead our UNWTO.  This is not a foregone conclusion. This should not be a done deal.  With access to Mzembi agenda items that fully detail election irregularities related to the Pololikashvili’s candidacy, campaign and subsequent nomination to Secretary General Elect, the General Assembly can only then vote intelligently. The Mzembi agenda items must not be dismissed or marginalized.  The Mzembi agenda items must be made available to all voting members so the sham nomination of Zurab Pololikashvili, elect can possibly be corrected in Chengdu, China by the General Assembly.

This is global tourism’s top post. Perhaps not surprisingly, the election process has shown us we are not immune to misconduct at the highest levels of what has been globally known as an unimpeachable organization with integrity and dignity.  This is our UNWTO, we expect better, we demand better, we deserve better.

by Mel Webster


UNWTO wants Executive Council to respond to Mzembi’s agenda item request

The days are counting down to the UNWTO General Assembly in Chengdu.  The games in implementing procedural bureaucracy to an essential issue, the alleged flaws in the election of a new Secretary General is in full swing.  Zurab Pololikashvili is avoiding a response to media requests or any request to get his side of the story into the open.

WorldTourismWire asked UNWTO: The Hon. Walter Mzembi asked for agenda points to be added to the General Assembly program in regards to the SG Election. Was this approved?

UNWTO responded: In accordance with UNWTO rules and regulations, the request by the Government of Zimbabwe to add new items to the Agenda of the upcoming UNWTO GA has been communicated to all UNWTO Members States by Note Verbal. The decision on whether or not to include new items in the Agenda is the sole responsibility of the General Assembly which will decide upon this request when the item “Adoption of the agenda” is discussed.

In a bizarre move, it appears UNWTO is trying to push the concern by Zimbabwe on “flaws” in the election process back to the “defendant” the Executive Council

The same Executive Council accused of irregularities by the Hon. Mzembi is meeting before the start of the UNWTO General Assembly on September 12.

The intention by Zimbabwe was to have the full assembly review the issue, but it appears the secretariat is throwing the ball first to the Executive Council.

The UNWTO Secretariat did not add any agenda items but is asking the same Executive Council  and informed:

Consequently, and since the statements and alleged irregularities mainly refer to the Executive Council, the Council is requested to report on this matter to the 22nd session of the General Assembly, in order to provide the Assembly with all the necessary information when considering the proposal submitted by Zimbabwe.

UNWTO issued the following document:
Click here to read 

Ministers & CEO

World Travel and Tourism Council to Collaborate With Jamaica for Global Conference

KINGSTON, Jamaica; August 22, 2017: Minister of Tourism, Hon. Edmund Bartlett says, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is to collaborate with the Government of Jamaica in the staging United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO), Government of Jamaica and World Bank Group Conference on Jobs & Inclusive Growth: Partnerships for Sustainable Tourism, being held in November at the Montego Bay Convention Centre, St. James.

During his recent trip to London, Bartlett met with the WTTC’s Senior Vice-President of Government and Industry Affairs, Helen Marano, who expressed strong collaborative support for the historic conference. This is in tandem with widening global support for the conference from major international institutions such as the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.

According to Minister Bartlett, one of key expected outcomes from this global conference is the Montego Bay Declaration. “At the end of the conference, there will be the compilation of the Draft Montego Bay Declaration. From this will flow an action plan for tourism destinations to follow, as well as the publication of the second volume of the UNWTO Global Report on Public Private Partnerships,” explained the Minister.

The Conference will also incorporate a presentation of the Caribbean Legends Awards, the first of its kind, which will be a collaborative effort involving Jamaica’s Ministry of Tourism, the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) and the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA), supported by UNWTO. These awards, in the categories of Land, Sea and Air, will be given to individuals that have made an indelible mark on the tourism industry, not just regionally, but globally, enhancing the Caribbean brand.

November’s global conference will also seek to identify successful models and future partnership initiatives that will contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the publication of the second UNWTO Affiliate Members Global Report on Public-Private-Partnerships.

“I am proud of the strong partnership we have had with the WTTC, in particular, over the years. They are the movers and shakers in the travel and tourism industry and I am positive that when the details of this collaboration are finalized it will strengthen Jamaica’s presence as a tourism powerhouse on the global stage,” said Minister Bartlett.

The WTTC is an international organization that brings together all major Travel & Tourism stakeholders, including presidents, chairs and CEOs of over 150 of the world’s foremost companies spanning hotels, airlines, airports, tour operators, cruise, car rental, travel agents, rail and the emergent sharing economy.


UNWTO Launches ‘Travel.Enjoy.Respect’ Campaign

In the framework of the International Year on Sustainable Tourism for Development, 2017, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) is launching a consumer-oriented campaign aimed at raising awareness of the value and contribution that sustainable tourism can make towards development. The ‘Travel.Enjoy.Respect’ campaign wants to engage tourists in making the sector a catalyst for positive change.

The main message of the campaign is summarized by the UNWTO Secretary-General, Taleb Rifai: “Whenever you travel, wherever you travel, remember to: respect nature, respect culture, and respect your host. You can be the change you want to see in the world. You can be an ambassador for a better future. TRAVEL, ENJOY AND RESPECT.”

The campaign, which will run in various languages and outlets around the world, includes a manual of ‘Tips for a Responsible Traveller’, developed by the World Committee on Tourism Ethics in line with the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. The manual provides travellers with a set of recommendations to help them make responsible choices when travelling and have a positive impact on the destinations they visit.

“Today more than ever, ensuring that tourism is an enriching experience for visitors and hosts alike demands strong, sustainable tourism policies and practices and the engagement of national, as well as local, governments and administrations, private sector companies, local communities and tourists themselves,” added Mr. Rifai.

The message will reach consumers through campaign supporters including among others CNN International, the Government of Andorra, the Madrid City Council, Iberia, the Spanish National Railways System (Renfe), Minube, PR MEDIACO, Cleverdis and Air Mauritius.

Destinations and companies from around the world are invited to join the campaign and celebrate the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development with a commitment from the sector to ‘Travel.Enjoy.Respect’.

Ministers & CEO

CTO calls for United States/Caribbean strategic alliance

Mechanism Incorporating Caribbean’s Tourism Working Group with Entities Tasked with Implementing the Act Will Be A Winning Formula, Says CTO Secretary General

NEW YORK, NY (Aug. 18, 2017) – The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) has called for a formal partnership between the region’s tourism sector and those responsible for implementing the United States-Caribbean Strategic Engagement Act, known as H.R. 2939.

The Act, which was passed in the United States Congress on Dec. 13, 2016 and signed into law by then U.S. President Barack Obama three days later, mandates a new long-term strategy to strengthen ties between Washington, D.C. and the Caribbean region. It is designed to increase the security, prosperity and well-being of the people of the United States and the Caribbean.

Addressing the importance of the Act to Caribbean tourism at a recent meeting in Washington, D.C., CTO Secretary General Hugh Riley referenced a tourism working group established by Caribbean Community (CARICOM) heads of government at their meeting in Guyana in February, to guide the development and marketing of Caribbean tourism.

This, Riley said, appears to align with the U.S. government’s strategy for the Caribbean on many areas related to sustainable development, and a mechanism that incorporates the Caribbean’s tourism working group with the entities tasked with implementing H.R.4939 would be a winning formula for both the U.S. and the Caribbean.

“What an accomplishment it would be for all of us and for the architects of H.R. 4939 if we could report back to our region’s prime ministers and presidents when we meet with them in February, that there is now a working partnership between the region’s tourism working group and the U.S. Caribbean Strategic Alliance. Our recommendation is that together, we waste no time in making that partnership a reality. Without doubt, shoring up the Caribbean’s main economic driver is the surest way to protect the third border of the United States,” Riley said.
His remarks were delivered during a panel focused on “building sustainable economies” as part of an event staged by the Caribbean-Central American Action (CCAA) titled: “Caribbean 2020 Implementing H.R. 4939 from Vision to Engagement.”

Select members of the U.S. Congress addressed the audience of Caribbean Diaspora, diplomats and public sector policy makers including the co-author of the legislation, Congressman Eliot Engel (D-NY), Ranking Member, The House Foreign Affairs Committee; Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-SC), Chairman, The Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere; Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Ranking Member, The Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations; and Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett (D-VI), Ranking Member, The Subcommittee on the Interior, Energy, and Environment.

The Caribbean region is considered the United States’ “third border,” characterized by common interests and societal ties that yield daily, tangible benefits for U.S. citizens. The U.S. is the Caribbean’s primary trading partner, representing a vibrant economic partnership that, in 2016, saw a $4.6 billion trade surplus for the United States, 14 million U.S. tourist visits, and 11,042 Caribbean students studying in the U.S.

CCAA organized the half-day event to move discussions along between the U.S. and key stakeholders involved with the Caribbean region. The meeting began with a discussion of the Act followed by a panel about “The Security Agenda” featuring discussions on the need for stronger regional cooperation and public-private partnerships to advance citizen security. The second panel, “The Prosperity Agenda” focused on the outlook for regional investment, building sustainable economies, and finance and trade options. The final panel “The Well-Being Agenda,” dedicated its discussions to the health, education and future of the Caribbean.”

During his presentation, Riley called for a balanced approach to the development of strategies and policies that are designed to spur tourism growth while protecting the resource base on which tourism depends.

He advocated for a sector-specific tourism approach that would provide the greatest effectiveness and long-term sustainability which would be carried out with partnerships between the CTO and the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA).


UNWTO meeting to discuss General Assembly with Zurab but without Mzembi

The UNWTO Secretariat confirmed to WorldTourismWire the organization was holding a routine meeting on for all  Embassies and UNWTO Permanent Representatives based in Madrid to update them on a series of issues related to the Organization, including the upcoming UNWTO General Assembly. The meeting is scheduled for August 25, 2017.

The Secretary-General will brief participants on the activities of UNWTO and the agenda of the General Assembly.

This meeting may be everything else but routine. It is sensitive and would most likely include a discussion on Zimbabwe’s request to add two agenda items to the General Assembly program. The two items deal with alleged “flaws” in the election process and procedure resulting in an appointment of the Georgian Ambassador in Madrid Zurab Pololikashvili to become the next UNWTO Secretary General.

Insiders told WorldTourismWire they were concerned that none of the original candidates for Secretary General, including the Hon. Walter Mzembi who requested the agenda items to be added were invited. Zimbabwe does not have an embassy in Madrid.

UNWTO Secretary General nominee Zurab Pololikashvili will be one of the ambassadors attending the Augst 25 meeting in Madrid and naturally will be allowed to speak.

The same Madrid based embassies were among selected diplomatic missions Ambassador Zurab’s Georgian embassy provided football tickets to. The tickets were for a sold out half final game during the UNWTO  Executive Council Meeting in May. Tickets were given to ministers and voting delegates through their embassies after the Embassy of Georgia sponsored the tickets.

When WorldTourismWire asked readers 92% responded attending the football game as a voting delegate constitutes bribery.

Walter Mzembi’s comments: “They are trying to frustrate me ahead of the General Assembly.”


Ministers & CEO

Alain St. Ange appointed as Deputy Secretary General

The former minister of tourism for the Seychelles Alain St. Ange was one of the candidates for Secretary General of the UNWTO until his name was withdrawn by the Seychelles Government.

After all Mr. St. Ange was now appointed Deputy Secretary General of ‘Forum of Small Medium Economic AFRICA ASEAN’ (FORSEAA). FORSEAA is an intergovernmental forum founded by Seychelles and Indonesia with members from Africa and ASEAN countries, with its permanent secretariat in Jakarta, Indonesia.

FORSEAA will assist the SME of AFRICA and ASEAN to attain a new economy, by introduction of new markets, new partners, new technology, new innovation, new design and new approach of delivering the businesses directly to the consumer or in cooperation with FORSEAA affiliation partners.

FORSEAA will play an exciting role in harnessing the SME of AFRICA and ASEAN to wide range market from various parts of the world and to build alliances outside the region by expanding the market, enhancing design and branding, improving competitiveness, access to capital and advocacy of sovereign policy.

FORSEAA offers a one door networking of government, academic, business, finance, design, research and community all integrated thru an interactive database which become the power of social economy to create new market and its requirements.

One of the FORSEAA programs is to achieve small medium enterprises (SME) in Culture & Tourism by playing an active role in encouraging the host community to develop a compassionate destination based on the diversity of cultures within Indonesia. Specifically for small islands’ eco-tourism,  FORSEAA will accelerate the cooperation between Africa and ASEAN countries, especially Seychelles and Indonesia, by pairing the brand image of Seychelles in the eco-marine tourism. I am working to see how we can assist the many small pristine islands in Indonesia to contribute economically to Seychelles.

St.Ange explained: “Specifically for small islands’ eco-tourism,  FORSEAA will accelerate the cooperation between Africa and ASEAN countries, especially Seychelles and Indonesia, by pairing the brand image of Seychelles in the eco-marine tourism. I am working to see how we can assist the many small pristine islands in Indonesia to contribute economically to Seychelles.”


World Tourism Wire Investigation: A Cease and Desist Notice from UNWTO

WorldTourismWire (WTW) is an independent publication based in the United States with the official domain .  As stated on the “About” page of WorldTourismWire, this publication concentrates on reporting about issues close to leading travel and tourism organizations including UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization), WTTC (World Travel and Tourism Council), ETOA (European Tourism Association), PATA (Pacific Asia Travel Association), ICTP (International Coalition of Tourism Partners), IIPT (International Institute for Peace through Tourism), and others. Our readers are top executives and government leaders in the private and public sector of the world tourism world.

Besides  the WorldTourismWire publication also uses other domains, including There is, of course, no affiliation with the United Nations World Tourism Organization – and this is clearly stated. Domain names usually mean to be descriptive of the linked or domain content. The official domain for UNWTO is , a secondary domain owned by WorldTourismWire is . There is a clear difference between .org and .com

It came to our attention that one of our investigative reporters sent a personal email for feedback for a follow up article on  the recent UNWTO Secretary General Election  to a handful of addresses.  This email was meant to get a more detailed perspective from a small group of stakeholders on articles published by this wire in regards to alleged flaws in the Secretary General election process.

It is common practice that investigative work sometimes involves more creative thinking, but the intention by our reporter was not to mislead any recipient to think this was an official communication from UNWTO. She actually stated in the last sentence of this email.

One of the recipients our reporter contacted was H.E. Mohamed Sajid, Minister of Tourism for the Kingdom of Morocco. He in return alerted the UNWTO Secretariat in Madrid and Alicia Gomez, legal counsel for UNWTO, who issued a “Cease and Desist” letter to WorldTourismWire and sent it to our reporter.

In addition, Ms. Gomez emailed  a “Note Verbale” to UNWTO member states, of which most of them had no idea about the personal communication between our reporter and the Minister of Tourism from Morocco. The email sent by our reporter to the Moroccan minister was attached to the “Note Verbale” UNWTO forwarded to their entire tourism minister database.

The bottom part of our email to the Maroccon Minister  UNWTO attached and sent to everyone by UNWTO did not show the sentence “We understand your response is NOT an official indication” This part was left out of Ms. Gomez communication. She also left out the part our reporter signed on behalf of WorldTourismWire (WTW ) and mentioned UNWTO survey.

WorldTourismWire is committed to reporting on issues close to UNWTO and will continue to do so. We will also continue to prominently state that there is no affiliation with UNWTO or any organization we report about.

In addition, WorldTourismWire believes in fairness and transparency, and reporting about the election process has not only been an important subject to write about, but an eye-opening experience of favoritism, intrigue, and corruption when it comes to replacing one of the most respected and capable Secretary Generals the UNWTO organization has ever had. It appears to be a cesspool of backroom deals and shady handshakes, but we like to be proven wrong.

WorldTourismWire doesn’t believe in just copying and pasting press-releases and generate lip-service. The World Tourism World is too important for this.

We, therefore, invite readers to send us comments. We work hard and always love to learn from you, understand different views allowing us to report balanced.  Please email [email protected] 


ETOA reacts to attacks in Spain

ETOA offers its heartfelt sympathy to Spain following yesterday’s shocking and senseless attacks, to the people of Barcelona and Cambrils, and to our members and partners throughout Catalonia.

Regional and national authorities have acted promptly and efficiently. Daily life has quickly been resumed. Only the immediately affected areas have been cordoned off. Public transport systems are largely unaffected.

Visitors will see substantial additional police presence. Some temporary restrictions are in place: Las Ramblas is open with visitors subject to police controls; Plaza Cataluña in Barcelona may only be accessed on foot, and without large luggage; Paseo Marítimo in Cambrils is open. There is no wider disruption of any significance. ETOA will continue to monitor the situation.

Mario Bodini, Chairman of ETOA – the European tourism association, commented: “Spain reacted with impressive resilience to the terrible train attacks on Madrid in 2004; her admirable reaction to yesterday’s events in Catalonia underlines the determination for life to carry on as normal. Europe in general, and Spain in particular, remains a very safe destination.”